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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Oh, I'm getting it now, I am only what you say I am, unless I agree with you. Lol Yet, this is what you are continuing to do. Arguing your position that time is not an illusion.
  2. @Swagala And the good news? YOU are awareness! Ask yourself, are you aware? (Yes) How do you know? You know, because it's you. Awareness aware of itself.
  3. What anyone says about time, parallel realities, etc, doesn't mean it's real, since every-"thing" phenomenal is an illusion. The relative world may exist, is experienced, but is ultimately unreal (illusion). All things are created by, made of, permeated throughout and within, the only thing in existence ...awareness/consciousness (nonduality) So, time is illusion, in the most fundamental sense. I don't think there's anything wrong with believing in time for practical purposes. We all do it, but psychological time is extremely damaging.
  4. Show me the past? Show me the future? If I can not step into the past or into the future, then that tells me experience only ever happens in the eternal now, and that is all there is.
  5. Yes, because as I see it, all there is is now. You can think about a past "now" or think of a future "now" and they would both be illusion, because they are made up in the mind "now". Any time point that is different then another is still only ever "now". We create time in the mind with calendars, watches, clocks, etc., otherwise we would be living in the moment and time wouldn't exist other then perhaps the sun rising/setting, seasons changing. Memory is also used after the fact to build a timeline which seems like there was a thing called "time", but still all just moments happening "now". Psychological time is one of the greatest reasons ppl suffer, regrets of the past and worry for the future, both creations of the mind.
  6. @Preety_India
  7. It's been 3 weeks and I'm down 7 lbs. and a belt notch. The first week that I lost 5 lbs was 1/2 water weight I think, because that number bounced all around the second week and now has leveled out to solid 5 at the and of week 2 and then, I've lost 2 more this week. The way I look at it is like losing 2.3 lbs a week! I have stayed on the intermittent fast 16:8, except 1 night a had a snack. Anyways, have a nice Sunday everyone.❤
  8. I watched these today's. They are very good. I started with the first one I posted and worked my way down. I needed some motivation damn it. I've struggled up and down with the same 20lbs for years. Sweets are my enemy!
  9. Lol? Me either. I'd laugh, maybe get paranoid, eat anything in sight and sleep.
  10. Not if you are thirsty desperate or talking about yourself the whole time and I think he was being both and both aren't attractive, imo.
  11. How did I miss this! I had an alcoholic mother and a step mom and dad addicted to weed growing up. They all were covering up their issues with drugs. My step mom finally went to in-pt drug rehab, because she couldn't stop the weed and was going to her job in heart surgery every day high as a kite. The fact that she didn't kill someone was a miracle. My point was you are still an addict. You've just switched substances. You haven't worked through any issues. You've even said on here more then once that you are the biggest pothead on I'm the fool. Yeah, whatever buddy. Keep lying to yourself. Lol
  12. Thanks for all the replies, great songs everyone!❤ Let's keep it going!
  13. Um, no, it's not manipulation. Manipulation is deceptive or underhanded tactics.
  14. Omg, funny stuff??? @Arcangelo Maybe you should try bookstores? Since grocery stores aren't really working out.
  15. @JonasVE12 Hey, they're your eyes, not mine. Maybe you need glasses.
  16. Don't you think you should see an eye doctor?
  17. ? You can meet women while doing an interesting activity! They also have meetups for singles only!