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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @Preety_India Thanks, very informative. The neuro symptoms, maybe at least partially, due to fever. There are symptoms of all systems that can happen, even with the flu. That's why it can cause death. Mostly for elderly and ppl with comorbidities, usually respiratory, obesity, cardiovascular. The main difference between Covid-19 and the flu or colds is that this effects lower respiratory, whereas flu and colds are upper respiratory usually. Think of pneumonia, when you think of lower respiratory and upper respiratory is like bronchitis (upper airway).
  2. Another version of "Imagine" from the singing doctors??
  3. New York applauds their essential workers ! ? ????❤
  4. Yes, he does and some aren't alive anymore?, but the song does have great "heart energy"...that's a good way of putting it❤❤❤❤. It's one of my favorite oldies.
  5. @MsNobody Love it!❤ I'll play, then bedtime for me!
  6. I agree, except this comment. Not "any" woman, because the shallow and/or money hungry woman may be impossible, but you don't want them anyways. Stop looking superficially at women and all will be well.
  7. Off the internet: "Coincidence and synchronicity are both defined as “striking occurrences of two or more events at one time”. The difference is that coincidence is perceived as chance or luck while synchronicity implies the presence of a deeper intelligence at work." In that regard, I'll just say, thanks universe❤
  8. I didn't read all the thread, sorry, but I just wanted to say. If you meet a good women, then a lot of what guys worry about can be over looked if they just find something they really like about you. Maybe you're funny, maybe sweet maybe quirky, maybe smart, etc..
  9. Right now it's the little things that make me a bit happy and I'm sure most feel the same. ? Especially, since there isn't much else. I have a friend I haven't spoken with for probably 6 months and for some reason I thought about them yesterday...then, I got an email today. Such a coincidence...I don't know what to make of coincidence's like that? Very weird, but nice.❤
  10. Suits you well, nice muscles, sexy..??
  11. That's an amazing song! I will share it with my fellow nurses. They will also appreciate it. ? The new "imagine" song is ? @Inliytened1 Awee, thank you!? We are in this together! ?
  12. @here-now OMG, that's so fabulous, great find...haha??? ?
  13. I think I might buy this shirt (available on FB). I really like it. So, I'm sad to say we have our first nurse at my company in full quarantine, she has been tested for coronavirus. We will await the results. I pray she tests negative. Especially since she was in my office on Friday ?