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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Hehe, they are "social distancing" by doing the last supper on Zoom (video/audio) from their homes. That's why he's sitting there alone. We have Zoom meetings at work. If you enlarge the tiny word at the very top it says "Zoom".
  2. Locked- This is a duplicate info post. You already made one on this topic.
  3. Hehe?, yeah, I guess a bunch of guys saying they love you with hearts ❤ and xoxo, would be a little strange, as a guy. Hope they don't start blowing kisses? .....haha
  4. "Together we will rise up" I just found this's a really beautiful, inspiring song and video. I almost cried.❤
  5. @SoonHei ? Hm, I think I'll put it on my facebook too. Great idea.
  6. Hi, I use to be an EMT myself if you have any questions. First, on an ambulance, then in an emergency department.
  7. Chris Mann "Thank you frontline"❤ This is really a good song and video!? This song really is in appreciation to all people contributing in many different ways. ?
  8. @Serotoninluv Agreed! Dr Luv ? is the bomb ?too.
  9. Hehe, I'm feeling the love lately? Love back to ya! Peace☮
  10. Hang in there❤ Life has changed for most of us, so you aren't alone. For me, I feel the most weird when I go to the store, especially a grocery store. People there just acting bizarre, then you have food shortages. I hate going. I was in an unfamiliar store today and asked a woman shopper if she new where something was and she acting like I was a leper. The facial expression and body language said it all. I refuse to act like that.? This too shall pass!
  11. ? He's hilarious!!! So, my company has been making non-surgical (fabric) face masks for the past week and putting a filter fabric between the outer pieces of fabric, then our administrator has been taking home the cut out pieces and sewing them together on her sewing machine and sewing on the elastic ties. I got mine yesterday, but haven't worn it...yet.
  12. No, I do get it. This may be ultimately true, but its not relatively true and honestly, both "apparent" perspectives are just that, perspectives. They are perspectives spoken by an "apparent person" within, awareness. Quite frankly, as awareness/consciousness one doesn't care about whether something matters or not. It's the human mind that cares. It's the you (person), you think you are, that cares that "nothing matters". As awareness, you are form and formlessness. You are the "one" formless awareness/consciousness, that forms the "many". This is love.
  13. @VeganAwake Nothing matters and everything matters, both are thought patterns within you, awareness. ?
  14. Awesome!❤? @ethanb121 I doubt you'll find better help on a forum then this. He has first hand experience and seems to have recovered from it. I have a question, does ruminating have anything to do with this?