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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Hehe. Me too, as a rarely talk of my suicide attempt anymore. It was in 2009, and I prefer to leave it behind me, usually. Guess I get triggered occasionally. Oh well.
  2. @Meta-Man BTW, did you miss the suicide survivor part, lol.... i wasn't afraid. The fact I survived wasn't by choice.
  3. @Meta-Man My fears revolve around pain, not death, but I won't argue with you.?
  4. @Meta-Man I wasnt trying to offend you.. did you take it that way? I was just being honest. I'm sorry ?
  5. @Meta-Man I didn't read anything amazing in that...maybe you can copy/paste something from it that you are referring to? However, I'm a suicide survivor and ever since I'm not attached to my ego in the same way some here are. I am not afraid of its death. I'm attached still to its desires/fears to an extent, but it actually distinguishing isn't a fear I have. That was lost after I woke up from a 5 day coma. I've never had a fear of death since.
  6. @Meta-Man I understand, but liberation as you imagine it, may not exist. Seriously.?
  7. Well, actually, this has been around for a very long time. There's a lot of literature and ancient scripture about it. There called Siddhis they are paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of yogic advancement through sādhanās such as meditation and yoga. They are cool ?, but can be a distraction to awakening and enlightenment. I was able to channel for a few was a distraction.
  8. It's probably because you haven't had a true Self-realization experience yet. Its a non-experience actually, until the mind comes back and says "what the fuck was that?" Then, the mind claims it was an experience "in time", of course. I love the saying, "what's looking, is what you're looking for"....and its so true! I find that neti-neti Self inquiry seems to work the best. However, years ago while watching a video I had a major awakening and no matter what ever happens I'll never forget it, ever. Then, more sporadic awakenings through the years. Doesn't mean I'm not still attached to the mind, unfortunately that waxes and wanes. Depends on what you mean by die? The body does not need to die...but when Self-realization happens the mind is gone. The mind doesn't stay gone though, not for anyone, as thinking needs to happen during life. You just realize there isn't really a "thinker", just thoughts occurring. ?
  9. The best way I can "see" this in real time is to think of every- "thing" (including time/space) as an enormous connected hologram, as its only made of awareness. Its the dharma field/God in form.
  10. Are you trying to tell me you can't Self-realize while the body is alive? Because, that's just complete nonsense.
  11. yes, I know ? And if you have reached the ultimate singularity you would have no issue with me saying awareness or God, because it's all one, but oneness doesn't mean sameness (form/formless) and that's what I was pointing to.
  12. I've been in the work since 2009...and you?
  13. I prefer to say I'm awareness, which encompasses the fact that I'm God, but this finite human is but an "aspect" of God. It will crest and fall, its a temporary expression of God. Just as the wave is an aspect of the ocean, but its all just really ...water.?
  14. ..and your point? God is awareness with attributes. I can not be what I perceive and I perceive the body/mind. It can be me, but I can't be it.
  15. Lol, you ARE infinite consciousness already that thinks that you are a human (which is also created from you, consciousness). The body/mind is "IN and permeated by", you and you are identified with it. That's what's happening. ?
  16. @Preety_India That's awesome?
  17. You can do it ❤ This is for you- ?
  18. @StudentOfLeove Sounds like a clairaudience siddhis. Attaining the Siddhis: Superhuman powers can be gained through practicing some yoga techniques and meditation, but they usually are more of a distraction or hinderence to Self- realization then anything. It's best to not pay them too much attention.