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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @Someone here Thanks, it seemed like it was a miracle tbh.
  2. She hurted my feelz mkay!? ? Awee? Gotz ta keep up my social distancing! ?
  3. It took me yearssssssssssssssss before I could kick the addiction. So, trust me I understand. I quit 2 times before this for over a year each time and what got me re-addicted was in a stressful time I said, "I'll just have one cigarette". That's a lie.
  4. Noooooooooooooooooo!!! ❤??❤ " If someone gets hurt by me casually saying they’re not awake, then they’re clearly not awake - by my definition." ~Meta-man ??
  5. I've read you saying this to peeps on here before and I don't think it's fair. I've seen this when ppl try to stiffle others comments and put them on the defensive. Just my 2 cents.
  6. This ^^^ ...and completely abstaining! I smoked since I was 12 and then at 42 I "mostly" vaped heavily for roughly another 5 years. I quit cold turkey 3 years ago and haven't cheated. Trust me, abstaining is the only way to never do it again.
  7. Ohhhh, lol ??? Thanks for sharing that, because I was lost?‍♀️
  8. @remember Gotcha, he's not your cup of tea. No biggie. I have a fondness for him. He's the one teacher that if he was alive I would go see.❤ Not sure though why you mention quoting so much though in your post, is it because of me quoting Ramana in this thread? I don't consider that quoting often or too much. I think ppl usually post their quotes in the enlightenment quotes thread. I really can't think of a member that over does them like you see on some other forums. And as far as the smoking (smoking wasn't considered an issue back then) and meat eating- "Questioner: You smoke? Maharaj (Nisargadatta): My body kept a few habits which may as well continue till it dies. There is no harm in them. Q: You eat meat? M: I was born among meat-eating people and my children are eating meat. I eat very little – and make no fuss. Q: Meat-eating implies killing. M: Obviously. I make no claims of consistency. You think absolute consistency is possible; prove it by example. Don’t preach what you do not practise."
  9. @Elton Thank you? I enjoyed it a little. It's not really my style, but a appreciate you posting it. Tx
  10. I think this (long) quote about ego by Ramana Maharshi applies in this thread: "Presupposing the existence of a non-existent thing and then wanting to get salvation for that imaginary 'I', you have to start and try to do so through the above-said four paths of yoga. When your sadhanas themselves become a means of giving life to the non-existent ego, how can they destroy it? To do any sadhana except Self-enquiry (atmavichara), the existence of the mind (jiva) is indispensable. For, how to perform those sadhanas without the mind? To try to destroy the ego by sadhanas other than Self-enquiry is to be just like a thief turning himself into a policeman to catch the thief who is none but himself. Only Self-enquiry can reveal the truth that the ego (mind or jiva) has no existence whatsoever! So do not accept this ego, the truth of which you have not yet found out by scrutiny; deny it by giving no importance to its existence, root it out and burn it to extinction by attending to how or from what (whence) it rises! Instead of doing so, if you accept it as a real entity even before enquiring and finding out what it is (i.e. before finding out 'Who am I?'), it itself will be a fetter to you and will create many non-existent obstacles (such as lust, anger, etc.) for you, and will then involve you in the aforesaid unnecessary efforts to overcome them' ? thus says Sri Bhagavan."
  11. ? You read, "I AM that" in an hour? It's 464 pages long, so I doubt it. Also, it's the teachings/talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj translated into English and compiled into a book, it's not a book that was written by him. Anyways, the book is excellent for others who want to give it a go. I highly recommend it ?
  12. @Eren Eeager In the 2nd half of this newish vid Leo gets pretty emotional. It's really touching❤
  13. BTW, to be clear....I'm not saying this action figure Anna is enlightened, because there is still a "getting stuck", as the "apparent" person that happens. Sometimes for longer time points then others and these longer time points can cause some suffering, before the shift back to seeing from Self/awareness, instead of as the person. Although, regardless, the action figure will continue just knows, you aren't that.
  14. @Dutch guy Thanks, I'm at work, so I'll watch later?
  15. Depends on your definition of enlightenment. To get a direct hit of your true nature, what you really are and to see from this perspective, shift from "apparent" person perspective to pure Self seeing, at will, may or may not be rare (thats loosely my definition). I really never took a poll to see, as I don't care really, but to claim its rare may be fair ...or maybe many don't talk about it.
  16. Your true nature is absolute and perfect, but the action figure is not. Trying to make the action figure perfect is the error and can lead to endless frustration.
  17. Your welcome? Yes, I think it's a huge mistake to think that once one is enlightened that they are now perfect humans and always kind/loving with calm personalities. I love Nisargadatta Maharaj and he had a very colorful personality and smoked like a chimney.
  18. @Shibazz You can't drop the human-ness, even when you realize you aren't that...
  19. @lostmedstudent Maybe fear that they won't smile back or worse, fear they will say something shitty. Like, what are you smiling at?