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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @VeganAwake Nice vid. Especially for newbies. Cool blue shades? and green light in the corner ?
  2. Now he's shocking them with penis traction devices to stretch your wee-wee. The guys hilarious. I'll give him that. He reminds me of Ace Ventura.
  3. To me, it would not be the Atman, because the Atman is just that portion of Brahman (pure awareness)permeating/illuminating the gross and subtle bodies. So, in a Vedantic sense, I would say it's the subtle body, as it is the vital energies, prana, senses, mind/intellect,'s what transmigrates upon the death of the gross body.
  4. Thanks, I've seen it, but its been awhile now. I've also seen "A coal miners daughter" (many times) about Loretta Lynn. Patsy is in that movie also, since they were friends.
  5. Yep, awakening is "from" the ego/person, not "for" the ego/person. Any changes in the "apparent" person are side-effects, imo, thats all.
  6. "Awakenings" (Robin Williams and Robert De Niro)
  7. Ohh, thank you, I watched it 3 times. The movie I've watched several times. The whole movie builds up to the happiness of that one scene. ❤
  8. Oohh yess ?, I forgot to say this one. Love it.
  9. Life advice that is truly inspiring ? In a day an age of ppl giving up to easily.
  10. Movie- "Beaches" (Bette Midler) "Terms of Endearment " (Debra Winger) "Instinct" "Titanic" "Ghost" "steel magnolias"
  11. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but porn and links to porn are against forum guidelines.
  12. I don't think it's because we love it. It's because we are identified with/as it. Yes! ..and if you (awarenesss) stop identifying with the movie character, then you will only observe it's antics. Yesssssssss, it is! ? But, being able to dis-identify with the movie character is the issue at hand. Yep, ...and the story can get more ugly (suffering) to push you into awakening further. The action figure is going to get slapped upside the head most likely and it's going to hurt! But, it's for the best. ? Break down the little "me", realize it's an illusory self. Have you used Ramana Maharshi "who am I"? Peace?❤
  13. He's made a fan outta me with all the situational vids. ? Thanks ? ? If you watched his vid it's about peeps staring into each other's eyes. Lol
  14. I thought so, really good job! I love me some Denzel ❤✌