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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. It's fine now, many months later. I go and do what I need/want, but I don't shop in stores too often. Mostly pick-up and on-line to avoid the crazy ppl when possible. We are all adjusting to the new normal. As weird as it is...
  2. ahh, its a mode of psychological manipulation called "gaslighting". Glad you got solid proof and have freed yourself. Congrats ? ❤
  3. I'm not a political person. I'm just not too interested. Some of you probably find that despicable and that's okay. It is what it is. I'm posting to say that If I had been in power I would've probably down played it a bit too. You have to remember that we didn't have enough masks or tests or ventilators... dang, we didn't even have enough toilet paper!! I almost got mauled by a crowd the day after the "downplayed" news hit when I stopped at the store to get chips and dip for a work event. I soon realized how stupid that was when ppl had carts fulls of lysol and toilet paper and almost ran me down. So, the downplayed version was still enough to cause panic in my neck of the woods. Several times I went to the store and there was no meat and little selection from a once huge grocery store..and this was many months ago when this news was downplayed. So, I'm not saying anything about Trump per se, but I don't disagree with downplaying sometimes when you know ppl are going to freak the hell out and lose their minds...which still happened. I have been more afraid of unpredictable people with this crisis then the actual Covid-19. You know the type, the person that will scream at you at wal-mart for not following the directional lines on the floor or god forbid they want to beat you up in the parking lot for your groceries. Anyways, just my 2 cents
  4. No, there is no "closer" to the true self, as all is already the true Self, but its only humans that can recognize it through discrimination. (Ie, I am not this or that, I'm not that which I perceive, including the body and the mind.)
  5. Here is my take on it... Humans have advanced ego's that are not only intellectual, but also can discriminate. Animals have a rudimentary ego, they are essentially "programs", in the sense that they run mainly by Instinct and can not discriminate. Plants have a life force, but no mind. Therefore, it is only humans that can discriminate and realize their true nature.
  6. @Zigzag Idiot ❤
  7. @Jennjenn Short of doing some kick boxing to release this pent-up anger energy and talk therapy which you are already doing, then you get to a point where you stop thinking about it. That means you allow your mind to forget. Remember, you don't forgive for the other person necessarily. You do it for you. So, you won't be tortured by it any longer. You let it go and it takes ppl usually a long time to get there after a serious trauma, but the sooner the better. On a side note, I had some trauma as a child. I've let it go. I rarely tell any of the stories anymore and usually only to help someone else, but I actually think of it as buried in the past now. It feels better then clinging on to the anger.
  8. Well, not good and it will most likely come with a punishment you will not like. However, it's not the end of the world. You can over come this, even if it changes the college degree you may have been going for. You'll be okay, if you stay level headed and apologize for your misconduct and hopefully you can carry on at that college. If not, move on. This too shall pass.? Good luck.
  9. I tend to be a realist and going full throttle, too fast, sometimes is too much for ppl and they give up. If that's you, then perhaps start cutting back vs totally cutting out and adding more fruits/veggies while going down on junk foods over time. Since you eat fast food currently 3-4x week, cut back to 1-2x week. As well as start counting your calories so you know how many cals you are approx taking in a day. There are free weight loss calculators online that you enter your activity level, height, weight and goal weight then they tell you how many cals per day you can consume to loss "x" about of weight per week. I personally hate regular water, but I was drinking diet soda all day. I now drink water with flavor drops sweetened with stevia extract and have a diet soda occasionally if I'm out. Another tip. I don't usually buy any junk food for around the house that I don't have self-control with... if I know I would want to binge on them, then I don't buy them or buy a small quantity. If you haven't exercised in a long time, then start with short, full body work outs to build endurance and tolerance. Then, increase the amount of time as you feel better. Another thing I've noticed, don't focus too heavily on the scale if you are also exercising. I can fit into clothes I haven't worn in a year, yet the scale isn't as impressive, but I look better! Good luck
  10. I started nursing school at 35. The oldest in our nursing class was 50. ...not. ?
  11. @Kross I would advise at least seeing a doctor. However, I know someone who is in his mid 30's that never got circumcised and has full phimosis and said he never had a problem.
  12. @Thought Art I'm sorry you don't feel well.? One foot in front of the other. I was having some very rough months in the beginning of the year that lasted forever it seemed, but things usually turn around if you persevere. ❤ Just hold on and don't give up.
  13. He needs to stop saying, "like" constantly. It's a bad nervous habit and can really be off putting during conversation. Also, he seems to have bad speaking skills in general from what I watched. Until he gets those things mastered, approaching girls probably won't have good results.
  14. I had an idea, let's post things like- music, poems, quotes, vids about coming together in times of crisis or working towards a cause that bring people closer.❤ I'll start- This video ^^ was in response to hunger and starvation in Africa. This video ^^ with these particular artist was going to be to fight AIDS, but then 9/11 happened and they tweaked some verses and got together to shoot this video.
  15. Talk about only yourself on a date...see if you get a second date, probably not. You will bore her to tears. You can talk about your passions, as long as it's not the only thing you talk about.
  16. Well, actually the best conversationalist will ask questions of the other person and have sincere interest. When a parallel can be drawn regarding their career, experience, family, whatever and your own you bring that up so that the other person isn't just endlessly talking about themselves. I can talk for hours with someone who is interested in having a conversation. They don't really need to be interesting, just interested in a back/forth convo, but If someone is too closed off and gives one word replies thats just super boring and rarely holds my (or anyone's) interest. Asking the right questions, at the right time, is a skill I think. Just my 2 cents
  17. @charlie cho When anger is concealing sadness/pain it's hard to recognize the sadness for what it is. Allowing the sadness to come through can shorten the lifespan of the anger. Some don't want to feel the pain in the form of sadness, so they moment to moment breathe new life into the anger with angry thoughts.
  18. A lot of the time anger is just covering up extreme sadness with a situation, person, etc
  19. I don't think it's written about enlightenment, but its spiritual in nature, it's about life energy and the cycle of life, death and reincarnation. Love this song ? ??