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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. What he is referring to is the only thing (you) that isn't part of the imaginary construct within the dream. Not many will get this though.
  2. @Average Investor Good luck. My bio mother was very dysfunctional and although I knew she loved me she caused serious heartache and emotional abuse for me and my sister until the day she died. Peace to you?
  3. My bio mother drowned my sisters hamster in boiling water! Yeah, some parents are severely messed up. My bio mom died a few years ago. There was a peace in the air when she was finally gone.
  4. If you feel like it, PM me about it. I can probably relate!
  5. Mind you I have not read the thread, so I'm just answering from the OP's question. Younger (20-35), child bearing age women could care less about your problems attracting women. It is a survival of the fittest contest and you are either up for the challenge or not. They have to think if a potential partner would be a good provider, father and protector. They are suppose to be picky for survival of the human race (ok, a bit dramatic, but you get my point). If you aren't a good provider, protector, etc then the quality of women you can attract goes down. To be straight, if you're a loser then you aren't getting the hot chick, unless she's dumb as a box of rocks and you have something she wants. As women age, become more finicially independent and no longer want children, then some broaden their horizons and see worth in the incel types, that they may not have seen before. Many aren't reliant on men to provide for them anymore and many have gone the mucho guy route already. So, I guess I would say if your a younger guy you need to work on yourself first and foremost, don't expect anything from the women in regards in understanding. It's a game and everyone is playing it.
  6. Recruiting members to start local chat or meetup groups in your city is against forum guidelines.
  7. I considered answering this, then realized there would be no end to the questioning. Think what you want.
  8. On the presidential ballot, there is one pick for the republicans, one from the Democrat's, then misc independents. Voting for one of the independents is like throwing your vote away.
  9. I can only say in my corner of northeast Ohio most of the yard signs say Trump. Does it matter? The debates aren't over yet.
  10. Thats not true. I know many ppl voting for Trump that aren't making that kind of money and since they are mostly in Healthcare I'd assume they care about the common man. Tbh, the only ppl I know admittedly voting for Biden are on Facebook or this forum. Wait, ..and my in-laws.
  11. In the US each state has their own laws. In Ohio its perfectly legal to own knives and carry them. However, concealed carry can get you in trouble, if found. Just can't carry into schools, airports, government buildings. After this story I'm going to carry one. Plus with the world so crazy now its not a bad idea for self defense. Im not as strong and fast as I once was, so not as confident I could fight someone off without a weapon. Admittedly, I will conceal mine in my purse, but I'm willing to take the chance of getting in trouble for the concealed carry. Screw it. The knife I have has a window breaking feature and an area to rip a seat belt also. To the OP, so sorry about your ordeal. Thanks for sharing. You made me and probably others think of self protection that might save someone from being a victim. ❤
  12. I said I don't care who wins really. I didn't say I wasn't voting. So, I do have to pick one over the other, but neither candidate deserves to be president. So,.. both suck.
  13. @Lyubov and you said in the other thread an hour ago- "damn, hate is a powerful “factionizer” and motivator " Were you talking about yourself? As I said, if you allow yourself to get too emotional about politics, then someone who doesn't think like you is then the "enemy" and you feel justified to be rude...or even hate them.
  14. I don't see him as a monster. I'm not emotionally wrapped up in this like some are. I know a lot of ppl who like Trump (most of the ppl at my work) and are voting for him. So, not everyone thinks he's a monster. I don't care who wins really. As soon as you start to care too much, you pick sides and get all pissed off at the other side.
  15. @Preety_India Then their both shit, but I'm telling you Biden is no better from what I've seen. He seems to have issues with his cognitive function.
  16. If ppl remember (I don't expect them too), I'm not political...not really. But, my comment is that how is Biden going to beat Trump? The man can't even speak without being a complete, utter, mess. He reminds me of my early dementia patients. I just don't see him being the leader of the most powerful country in the world. Dems should've picked a better candidate.