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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. ? I'm not very political first of all. Second, I follow advaita Vedanta (school of hindu) more then anything, which teaches karma. Even though the entire relative world is illusion, including karma. Lol
  2. @Elevated I probably downplayed it a bit. My son did use it, much too much, and I'm sure as a numbing agent. I was worried about him many times. Guess my only point was that it was a teenage thing and he outgrew it. He got into ripping apart cars instead and became a self made mechanic.?
  3. It can be good, if you can't forget how you were wronged, just know karma's a bitch, but if you're willing to take what karma will dish out, then have at it! ?
  4. ? I think I bought my son 3 xboxes/games in his childhood, lol. He'd cry he needed a break and needed to sell them, then cry he needed them again. He's a healthy/happy 28 year old now and his time spent xboxing did no harm. Thank goodness!
  5. @Flowerfaeiry Yes, I feel ya. Sometimes major changes are needed, but it take courage and analysis of the situation to see if this is the case or not.
  6. Love says 'I am everything.' Wisdom says 'I am nothing.' Between the two, my life flows. -Nis
  7. Last year, in November, I became a mod here and also took a promotion at work to nurse manager. What a crazy year. Many challenges as a mod and as a manager. I think I was in a outward movement. Then, this year I started the inward movement, recoiling and I requested to no longer be a mod here and I gave notice stepping down from my manager job. Good thing I stepped down as mod, because I apparently was a bad girl ? and got in trouble ?. Anyway, although I gave notice a month ago to my employer that I was stepping down from my manager position and going back in the field as RN they still are holding onto me to train my replacement who doesn't start for another week. Sigh. I'm sorta excited to get back out in the field and do patient care. We have many covid-19 patients and I want to care for them. I miss my old ppl. ❤ ? I want to get back to basics and back to simplicity. Sometimes only worrying about yourself is a good thing. Thanks for listening.
  8. First, ((hugs)) Second, If someone's house is burning you could tell them that their relative reality is just a story, but that won't help them at that moment, even if its the truth. They need a pail of water! Another words, they need to take action. Third, once one's fire is out and their relative reality is calm and peaceful again, then they can entertain the possibility that its all a story and that the underlying truth is that the screen is absolute and the movie upon the screen is just an appearance. ❤
  9. @ShardMare Hi, if you don't like dealing with ppl or are not social you will probably hate being a counselor. Not only will you be dealing with ppl, you'll be dealing with ppl with psychiatric issues or very whiny, self absorbed ppl that are highly annoying, but live and learn. If you do it and hate it, then you'll just do something else. I've had several careers, so I speak from experience.
  10. I received the moderna Covid-19 vaccine on Friday. The next day it felt like a man punched me in the arm and lasted until, well, it still hurts if touched. Some mild GI and fatigue issues the next day. Otherwise, I'm fine, ...except the floppy ears I'm growing.? My next covid-19 vaccine (it's a 2 step vaccine) is in 28 days. I'll probably grow a tail with that one.?
  11. @evgn I'm married, but back in the day would I have played hard to get after a first date? No, not if I liked him.
  12. Depends on the girl if they will reply and be honest. Everyone is different, so maybe she will and maybe she won't. If it were me I would, but thats just me.
  13. I haven't done it, but I'd say...bad breath, spitting constantly and mouth cancer, as well as getting addicted to nicotine.
  14. Hopefully, ppl would follow up. I got the Hepatitis B vaccine yrs ago because I'm in healthcare and its a 3 part series over a course of 6 months, but when my son was born I decided to get him vaccinated against it as well. Ppl just have to be responsible and get the second shot...or they might as well have not gotten the first shot
  15. Its horrible, really...bad! Very, very hard to quit. I'm very glad I was able to quit!
  16. I smoked for MANY yrs, vaped/smoked for several years more. Finally quit cold turkey 3 yrs ago and haven't touch it again.
  17. Nooooo, keeps you addicted. Tried it a million times. Cold turkey. Much better.
  18. Yes, quitting is hard, but worth it.
  19. Its not It is Its not No This all sounds like a big red pill fantasy. Typically, ppl date other ppl on their relatively same level. There are exceptions, but they are just that, exceptions.
  20. Most likely it won't be available to you right away, unless you fall into one of these categories below. Groups considered for early vaccination if supply is limited Before making an official recommendation, ACIP considered four groups to possibly recommend for early COVID-19 vaccination if supply is limited: 1) Healthcare personnel 2) Workers in essential and critical industries 3) People at high risk for severe COVID-19 illness due to underlying medical conditions 4) People 65 years and older
  21. Men that don't talk, don't leave the house and don't socialize, equal no dates/no GF. Its not rocket science. Its pretty simple. Work on yourself, instead of blaming the world.