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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. You may not have a choice. In my area the only vaccine available when I got mine was Moderna. It was that or nothing.
  2. Well, in my day, you worked a part-time job for money or you didn't have any. Unless you had parents with large pockets that dished out cash whenever you needed it. I didn't have parents like that. I held part-time jobs through high school and saved money for my first car. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  3. I'm sorry to hear he is not healthy. Hoping he will be able to overcome this illness. This is one of my absolute favorite laughing guru videos- Hoping for better times for him in the future.❤
  4. @Jon_Bundesen Your thread was started just 2 weeks ago. So, you got the amazon business up and running, and already decided the product failed? I think you really need to soul search and decide what you want to do. You're young and have the luxury of throwing it all away and starting from scratch, if you'd like.
  5. @Shanmugam I'll PM you, so not to derail your thread!
  6. @Shanmugam Nice to see you old friend ? You probably don't recognize this username. I was Anna1 on here before. Bravo ? on the video! Hope you are well.
  7. Stimulant medication is effective in 70-80% of ADD and ADHD patients. You can also go to talk therapy for the other issues. I doubt tripping will solve your problems. Maybe someone will say microdosing will help, but then you're still relying on a drug. That is if it even worked.
  8. I had my second dose of Moderna on February 5th and other then side effects the day after the injection I'm fine. I'm very glad I got it and it's over and done with.
  9. Yikes! I wouldn't recommend it.
  10. Hallucinogens can actually push someone with bipolar into having severe mania that could cause psychosis, not prevent it. Psychedelics are very risky for someone with bipolar and the risks out way the benefits for most. Maybe your friend is an exception.
  11. Oh come on. She's spreading misinformation? I could say the same of you! ..and can I remind you that psychedelics are illegal. So, the bias is warranted. Do you have a medical study that "proves" psychedelics can cure severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia? Please site the source here. If not, then you are just speculating, which isn't evidence.
  12. If the person with schizophrenia is on antipsychotics, then those medications already fill the serotonin receptors that psychedelics need to fill to produce their hallucinating effects or that's how I understand it. Therefore, someone taking antipsychotics would have to stop or reduce their medications and/or take a much larger (perhaps not safe?) dosage of psychedelics. I think it would be stupid, unless medically supervised.
  13. Here's some education on 2 major mental health disorders from the National Institute of Mental Health. Bipolar- Schizophrenia-
  14. @Someone here I quit my job and I refuse to work unless it's a remote job from home. Very tired of dealing with co-workers and patients. I have an interview for a remote job Monday.?