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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. I often prefer complete silence, it's peaceful. It's not required, but given the option I would rather sit in silence. So, I'll listen to a song or two, then turn the car radio off or not turn it on at all. Occasionally, I'll listen to music with my headphones for awhile and it can be relaxing after a tough day at the office. If you find music distracting right now, then don't do it. Personally, I think it's fine in moderation.
  2. Do you want to talk about any them? I'm curious as to you saying you didn't realize them as such?
  3. Welp, got a creepy PM, so decided not to go with my real pic anymore on this
  4. Ok No longer seeking, for me, was when I realized/apprehended without a shadow of a doubt that "I AM awareness" and not the body/mind. So, from there, there's a deepening ... and an assimilation process that has continued... (Vedanta has really helped with this), but seeking has stopped. It took 8 years to get to this point.
  5. If you have a burning desire for liberation (freedom) it doesn't matter what anyone advises you to do. You will continue to seek, until you no longer need to. You decide when that is, not someone else.
  6. Sounds like you need a bit more balance. Whenever one becomes unbalanced it seems as if problems can potentially arise. If your good with it, then it's not problem.
  7. Maybe try meditating throughout the day, when your out and about. Where stuff really kicks up (emotions, thoughts, feelings). Other then tons of Self-inquiry, that's basically what I've done. I was not really one for formal meditation practice. Imo, 3-4 hours a day is too much.
  8. Sorry, let's broaden the perspective for a moment. You "are" awareness, every-thing IS you, awareness. You awareness have a power within you called Maya (as you are limitless) and it has caused the "appearance" of this universal intellegence called Isvara (god/creator) to be superimposed upon/within itself. Isvara has created the phenomenal manifestation out of awareness. It is but a "reflection" of pure awareness (like a hologram). Your body/mind is part of that manifestation, but the real you (awareness/consciousness) is completely free of this phenomenal manifestation. You are whole, complete, limitless and attributeless. You "witness" this creation. So, whether the the apparent person reincarnates or not, doesn't effect you, awareness. The problem at this moment is you think you "are" the body/mind, because you (awareness) are associated with it, but "you" are the "witness" OF the body/mind (jiva). Use discrimination, I'm not this, not that..until there is only "you" left... The answer is in "negating" all objects, including thoughts. What's left?? I hope I didn't lose you...if so, I'll clarify.
  9. Don't worry your memory would be wiped clean, just like you don't remember your last life, you won't remember this life, when the next comes.
  10. @john5170 I think it's more conditioning and/or personality that tends to make people too serious. I can be this way too. I had the type of childhood where I had to be the adult many times. It made me have to grow up too quick, take things seriously at a young age. Don't get me wrong I've got a good sense of humor, but takes a minute (or some wine) to get there sometimes. It's just how I'm programmed.
  11. Lol, could you imagine if I did that..8-9 years of "today I didn't dream". Lots of wasted paper..hahaha
  12. I tried different things to try to provoke dreams the first few years, but they didn't work. I'm actually use to it now, it's only strange when trying to remember what dreaming was like. For the most part I don't think about it, except to think it's one aspect of life that I don't have to deal Well, it's not drug abuse, I'm a nurse. So, wouldn't risk my career for a high.
  13. @Dodo Yeah, I noticed your avatar was a I love the yoga monkey. Anyways, I used to dream, the last partial dream I remember was about 8-9 years ago. It's very strange, because people will talk about dreams and I have to go on memory of what dreams were like, since I don't have them or dont recall them anymore. As a side note, I was in a coma for 5 days around the same time I stopped dreaming or recalling. Back on topic, there was no-experience experienced in the coma state.
  14. Ha, all of it, but I was referring to the phenomenal perspective of waking, dreaming, deep sleep for the apparent person.
  15. Which is what happens every night during deep sleep. You, had no experience, but you know when you wake up that you slept well. Actually, for me, I have two states. Waking and deep sleep. I probably dream (?), but I have absolutely no recall of dreaming.
  16. Actually, you "can" realize/apprehend that you literally "are" it.
  17. @Joseph Maynor said- "Is There A Distinction Between Awareness And The Field Of Perceptibles?" "All" is awareness/consciousness, one is real (satya) in the sense that it's the substrate of all, permeates everything, attributeless and unchanging. The other (universal field/manifestation) is an appearance (mithya-illusion) in the sense that it comes/goes and constantly changing. It exists, its experienced, it's just not "ultimately" real. The body of your post I didn't comment on because I don't understand what you're trying to say in the first 2 paragraphs. Perhaps it's the wordage used? Or it's just me. Example, what's your definition of "reality" in that first sentence (substratum or phenomenal?). What do you mean by, "Awareness is a kind of control-seeking". What do you mean by, "Natural awareness is very different from awareness as we often understand it." No need to expand if you don't want to. I was just letting you know what caused me to not be able to respond.
  18. Interesting, very interesting, I haven't heard of this guy until now. Watched both videos. I don't keep up with science or technology too much and I don't watch the news, so most of this was "news" to me. My impression of him is that he's completely driven. I don't think it's for money or power (could be wrong), perhaps status, but I suspect he's brilliant and thats what drives him, he probably has tons of ideas coming to his mind so quickly that he just doesn't have enough time in the day for them all. Reminds me of the movie, I think it was called Phenomenon with John Travolta. Where he had a brain tumor and he had all these genius problem solving ideas coming to him at lighting speed and didn't know what to do with them. So, I guess it's like any genius type, whether it's math, science, music, art, writing...they are "driven" by the universe. If he wasn't meant to be doing what he's doing, he wouldn't be doing it.
  19. @Edvard Of bringing high conscious people.
  20. I sympathize with your dilemma, but you won't get enough REM sleep. It takes 90 minutes to get into REM sleep. You cycle longer and longer the more hours you are asleep. For example the first cycle is only for 10 min., but the last REM cycle is about an hour.
  21. So, I would ask what are you referring to when you say "everything" is a waste of time (duties, responsibilities, social gatherings?) and what are the "things" you really want to do? And as, @Prabhaker said, why do you feel you need/want solutions?
  22. Why do you isolate? Is it because of anxiety or wanting to be alone or something else?
  23. Typically, you want to seek pleasure or avoid pain, which form your preferences, likes and dislikes. These over time, form mental tendencies and vasanas, then thoughts arise within the mind that are in accordance to the desire/fear patterns.
  24. "The self is often said to reside within the hridaya, the heart of one’s being, or to be recognizable within one’s heart. While the literal meaning of the word hridaya is “heart,” however, the term should be understood as referring to buddhi, the intellect. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad states, “The purusha [the self], which is identified with vijnanamaya (intellect) and is in the midst of the organs, is hridyantajyotihi, the [self-effulgent] light within the heart” (4.3.7). In his commentary on this mantra, Shankara clarifies the meaning of “heart” as follows: Heart is primarily the lotus-shaped lump of flesh; here it means the intellect, which has its seat in the heart." ~Ted Schmidt