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Ananta replied to Shin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's because they've come full circle and know everything is "the Self"(awareness/consciousness). Therefore, all is one and there is nothing, but themselves. A movie created by them, starring them, that they are watching. -
Ananta replied to The White Belt's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Because we feel off balance, however all these emotions are part of the human existence. Accepting them and not resisting allows them to move on much quicker. That's ego talking. Meaning, ego wants to not feel these things and so will chase objects to feel happy. How many so called enlightened people do you know ..well? You can't count those under a microscope during a Satsang. Emotions come and go, they're not a problem unless the ego grabs a hold of them. Nisargadatta is a prime example, many people have accounted that he was quick to anger, even yell at people, but would turn around a few minutes later and be laughing with them. -
Ananta replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yep, this ^^^ ....lol. -
Ananta replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh, gotcha!... words can only be pointers when discussing spirituality, but I think the more specific one can be in a discussion the better, otherwise misunderstanding happens. -
Ananta replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To me it's the most appropriate wordage, to you, it's annoying. I find calling awareness/consciousness "nothing" annoying, as if some-thing can come out of "nothing", but so what? -
Ananta replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ok, I was at work earlier while posting..it's harder to think..lol. I'll assume you mean by limited perspective, the body/mind? If that's the case (?), think of all apparent objects as being a hologram. An analogy- A room is filled with light (pure awareness/Brahman), then a hologram appears, "made of" light (awareness). Its superimposed upon/within the "light" in the room. Therefore, the light in the room is also "permeating" (Atman) the hologram. The hologram thinks it's an individual volitional entity, because it doesn't recognize it is made from/out of light. It doesn't apprehend the light in the room. All analogies break down at some point, but my point was to say the "real you" is the light in the room, not the hologram. The hologram exists (as its also awareness), but its temporary, therefore, ultimately its an illusion and dependent on the light itself for its apparent existence. So, all phenomena is a temporary "appearance" (created out of Brahman/awareness) due to the power of Maya and Isvara. Objects are superimposed onto/within Brahman, therefore Brahman "permeates" every-thing. When Brahman permeates a jiva/object, it's then "associated" with it, then its called Atman. -
Ananta replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No one can know your subjective experience's except you and Isvara (God). Atman (awareness/Brahman) is what you "are", you realize this when you negate every-thing phenomenal, including..you..the apparent person, you think you are. -
Ananta replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Atman is the portion of pure awareness (Brahman) permeating, enlivening and illuminating the jiva. The body/mind/sense complex is "within" awareness, as well as composed "from/ out of", pure awareness. No, you'll have to expand your question. I don't know what you mean by anti-perspective. What does anti-perspective mean to you? I don't watch Leo's video's, so I can't comment on it. -
Ananta replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Atman=Brahman Atman is just the portion of Brahman that's associated with each individual "apparent" body/mind. Yes, it is. (The subtle body could be said to be a jivas soul. Depending how one is defining "soul".) -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I wrote this in reply to a Vedanta teacher- "So, here are my thoughts, it seems that since the mind is inert and the Self doesn’t have a mind (is not an entity), neither by themselves could be enlightened. Being that the Self is not ignorant of it’s nature and the mind can’t know anything on it’s own. So, it must be the "combination" of mind illumined by awareness, that then is ignorant or Self realized and it’s the mind that benefits from Self realization, however the “benefit” is to realize, it’s really the Self/awareness and it (the mind/body/sense complex) is only an “apparent” manifestation of awareness itself. So, without the combination (mind/awareness), there wouldn’t even be “Self realization” or Moksha at all, as there would be no need for either one." Teachers reply- "You got it" -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Joseph Maynor Don't forget that for all the many people spouting they don't exist. I'm saying, yes, you do exist, as you experience, it's just that it's not "ultimately" real. I've said this countless times on this forum. Also, in another thread I recently told you- The world is illusion Brahman alone is real The world IS Brahman ~Ramana Maharshi -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The key word in my sentence was that ...."ultimately"....it's illusion (Mithya). Reason being, Brahman only sees itself, from its perspective nothing is happening. From the "apparent" person's perspective there are indeed "others", objects and a world...they just aren't ultimately real. -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Shanmugam when peeps on here say it's "nothing", I find myself saying. No, it's not "nothing", it's no-thing. Drives me batty..lol. -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Good to know.... how many that use the term on this forum know this? ...Dunno? -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol, here I thought you were going to post some amazing pic of what you perceive as the .."void"...hehe. Seems many on here use Buddhist terms- nothing, void, emptiness. Where I'd say- whole, complete, full, non-dual, attribute-less awareness. Just an observation... -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To me it's fullness, but yeah, go for it! -
Ananta replied to Shanmugam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh, I wasn't being sarcastic. ..don't misunderstand, I was just agreeing really. Btw, thanks for summing up what you were saying. -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ah, thanks!! -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ya know, in the past, I've tried to tell my patients that before I stick them, but they just don't seem to agree...lol! Haha, I know longer do patient care (I'm in administration now), but still go into their rooms at the hospital to talk with them. Alot better then sticking them with needles. -
Ananta replied to Principium Nexus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's because the knowledge from the experience has not been fully assimilated into your life. This can take years. Basically, you take the knowledge of your true identity and meet every phenomenal moment with that Self-knowledge. It's called Nididhyāsanam. -
Ananta replied to Edvard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh, it's definitely all in the dream/illusion. I was just making the distinction that Brahman does not think, so can not be part of a self thats schizophrenic, other than to be aware OF it. -
Ananta replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Here an article of Ted Schmidt's (Vedanta teacher), it cleared up the free will topic for me- http://www.nevernotpresent.com/publications/cycle-life-illusion-free-will/ At the end of the article he says, in conclusion- "The conclusion to be drawn from this inquiry is that the apparent individual is definitely not the doer. To the apparent individual, however, the process heretofore described feels like free will, and thus from his or her point of view it amounts to the same thing. Hence, the apparent individual isn’t off the hook. He or she still must pay attention to his or her inner promptings and respond to them in the way that he or she deems most appropriate. Ironically, though determined by the vasanas, one’s destiny is revealed through the mechanism of one’s apparent free will. In other words, one’s apparent choices betray one’s causal program. Paradoxically, therefore, pre-destination and free will are, for all practical purposes, fundamentally the same thing." -
Ananta replied to Shanmugam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Are you playing word games? Did I say Brahman wasn't reality/truth/real? The point was illusion/Mithya is also Brahman, as there is only Brahman. Again, the world is illusion, Brahman alone is real, the world IS Brahman. For discrimination purposes we negate all phenomena as Mithya, but after some time you will recognize that what you negated, is also the Self (capital "S"). All is you, awareness. You chopped wood and carried water prior to Self-realization, you chop wood and carry water after Self-realization. -
No biggie, just letting people know, it's not the norm and docs actually usually try to figure out why, because it can potentially get worse with age. They often offer a sleeping aid for people who awaken during the night. Who don't have bladder issues, ect. So, they will have uninterrupted sleep.