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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @universe Here is info from the CDC regarding Lyme's Disease.
  2. Lol, chill out! ? I meant for them to protect themselves since they are in healthcare and exposed more then others, but to each their own. Of course since they are more exposed, then if they get Covid they will pass it on to the patients too, so I personally think it's more responsible to get vaccinated, but whatever.
  3. Yes, he jumped off a bridge. There were several threads when it happened. You can search them for more info.
  4. What country are you in to have a 9pm curfew? That is ridiculously early! Also, typically, driving curfews don't apply if you going to or leaving work. I'm in the United States and when you get your driver's license you learn that leaving the scene of an accident is considered a hit and run, for which you could face misdemeanor or felony charges, fines up to $5,000, and even potential jail time, depending on the seriousness of the accident. So, even if the other driver leaves, you stay and call the police, always! If a police officer tries to make you leave the scene of an accident without writing up the accident you call the police department and report it, so that it's all documented.
  5. The Vedanta perspective: "While Vedanta says that moksha confers freedom from birth and death, this emancipation is not a matter of a “soul” (or what Vedanta refers to as the sukshma sharira, or subtle body) gaining some state of freedom, but rather is the result of assimilating the understanding that the Self is already free and, thus, has never been born in the first place and, such being the case, is not subject to an ultimate demise. Having gained self-knowledge, the jnani realizes that her true identity is not the person she seems to be, but rather limitless conscious existence, and hence “becomes” free from the cycle of birth and death. Thus, moksha can be viewed from two perspectives. From the perspective of the jiva, moksha applies only to the present incarnation. From the perspective of the Self (though actually the self has no perspective due to its impersonality and all-pervasiveness), moksha is its nature and, thus, the whole issue is a moot point. The reason Vedanta says that self-knowledge ends the cycle of birth and death is because through self-inquiry, the truth of one’s eternal nature is revealed. And the virtue of gaining such knowledge is that it ends the jiva’s suffering within the context of the present incarnation." ~Annonymous
  6. How was I suppose to ask my son if he wanted to be born? Lol
  7. I don't know about other places, but here in Northeast Ohio barely anyone is wearing a mask anymore. Literally every place I've been from restaurants to stores are mask free now. If you didn't get vaccinated you are supposed to wear a mask but it's on the honor system.
  8. @Alan Reji They mean in an absolute sense, not relatively. It's in the relative that fear, hate and greed exist. If it's a distraction for you then don't use the term "love" yet regarding God.
  9. @Javfly33 Ideally, find another job before quitting this one, but if It's too much to bear, then just quit. I quit my soul sucking job at the end of March. I found another in May.
  10. Yes, thanks again for taking the time. I like this sorta stuff, it's fun. ?
  11. Meliodas said: i think a business would suit you better than a job , if you try and keep a check on your emotions ,otherwise job . i dont think you are suited for a technical career , but i think you would do well if you try to work creatively . maybe you have a interest to be a book writer , a public speaker or maybe sales and marketing . try to explore your interests and see what you like and pursue that . you may also earn from advertising . administrative and managerial positions also suit you , but the condition is if your work enviorment is nor full of interaction and communication you wouldnt enjoy it. Thanks @Meliodas I figured since you wanted feedback on this thread I would reply to you here and it was easiest to just post what you wrote back. Hope that's okay. So, I had asked you to look at career, just for fun. That's the area that's always been a bit of an issue for me. Since your new here you probably didn't know I'm a nurse. I also just recently spent a year and a half in management, but It was too stressful and I left that job. You are correct that I've never been interested in tech jobs and that I agree it wouldn't suit me. I've never seen myself as a business owner, but I could see myself doing contract type work in the future possibly. So, a business of 1 person, lol. Most Gemini's are sorta creative and I've tried a few things in my years (crafts, oil painting, some writing), but at best I'm average and doubt anyone would pay for my efforts. Haha. I highly dislike the thought of me doing sales (being pushy), so I've never tried it. Public speaking gives me anxiety. Anyway, My new job is working remote (still as a nurse) doing zoom client assessments for insurance companies and I'm starting online school in ICD 10 coding/Oasis chart review as soon as my books get here! In that type of work I will also be able to work remotely which I'm loving. Thank you for your efforts!
  12. I smoked for decades, but I was so sick of it all. Vaped and smoked occasionally for 5 more years. Then, I read Allen carr's book "easy way to stop smoking". Took a week off work to withdraw and stopped smoking and vaping. That was 3 or 4 years ago, I don't even keep track, since it's a non-issue now. Read the book, then stop cold turkey. You can do it!
  13. Let's just say I know more then what's on this thread about his past (which I won't give out), and taking your advice about taking psychedelics (again) would be a grave mistake. You really need to be careful advising psychedelics when you don't know the full story.
  14. @acidgoofy How do you know depression is his only problem? I don't think you know him well enough to recommend he take psychedelics. Unless, of course, you've talked to him via PM and he's disclosed his medical history, but even then that's like prescribing a med for a mental health condition. Are you medically qualified to do that? It's one thing for someone to suggest a legal medication for a certain issue on a forum, but everyone knows that the person still would need it prescribed by a physician, but what you're recommending is illegal and the person would be taking all the legal and health risks on there own without medical advice.
  15. There is a link for you,, but let's not derail the thread on what is or isn't a mental illness.
  16. Not worth the risk in my opinion and I personally would never suggest that someone with mental illness of any kind take them. Anyways, carry on, just needed to say that. @Leo Gura
  17. @acidgoofy As a non-psychedelic user myself I wonder why would you keep recommending psychedelics, of any kind, to a member after he said the statement above ^^ ?
  18. My advice is that a bars are not really the place to be preaching about Consciousness and Jesus Christ. Ppl that are intoxicated do not want to hear ppl preaching about Jesus! I wouldn't be surprised if you actually got kicked out for all the preaching, not for what happened with the girl or a combo of both. I certainly don't think you're a bad guy. Just telling you my opinion. Have you ever been in your house and seen a few Jehovah Witnesses walk up to your front door and panicked because if they saw you they would preach endlessly at you? Well, you don't want to be the guy ppl avoid when you walk in the club because they don't want to get stuck listening to you preach all night. Get what I'm saying? Good luck?
  19. Woops, my bad, I guess I should have read all the replies closer myself.?‍♀️ (inserts foot in mouth) Well, that's very unfortunate ?, but you could still "try" to make a change that would potentially improve your situation over time, but you'd have to want it. Many, many years ago I had bulimia (I was in my mid-late twenties) and I couldn't stop on my own. Finally, a professional at their absolute wits end with me said try "Overeaters Annonymous" meetings. I said, yeah-yeah, ain't gonna work and I refused. He kept bringing it up and finally after I hit my lowest low of that disorder I finally went. I hated it and I thought it wouldn't work, but made a choice that I had nothing to lose (but an hour a week), so I would just keep going. Little by little the eating disorder got better and in 6 months it was completely gone. I stayed 3 more months doing weekly meetings before I stopped. So, we all have had our struggles. A decade ago, I had depression to the point of a suicide attempt, so I can say with a good amount of certainly that if you don't put in the work and effort to make change, however small it may be, then you'll potentially stay stuck, lonely and unhappy. Why not open your mind to finding a good therapist to help you? What do you have to lose?
  20. You obviously didn't read any of the replies, because no one bullied him or called him names, including saying anything about being a victim. I believe he's going on past experience of when he has written threads very similar to this one in the past.
  21. Speak for yourself. Plus, he lives in Sweden ? Over a decade ago I had a skilled therapist help me after a suicide attempt. She was fabulous. Therapist are like anything though there are good ones and not so good ones. If you come across one not working for you, try another. Giving up and not talking to a professional when you are seriously depressed/anxious shouldn't be an exceptable option.
  22. @Blackhawk I know you've said you won't go to therapy because you tried it, but wasn't that years ago? Maybe you need to seriously rethink it. Anyways, if not therapy, then you need some sort of support group, even if you won't talk. You can't expect different results when you keep doing the same stuff over and over, so make a change. However, don't do the psychedelics recommended, with your history, it's a very bad idea.
  23. I would advise against fasting if you have bipolar. The key is balance with all things in life from diet, sleep, exercise, time in nature, etc. for optimal health with a mood disorder.