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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @Shanmugam lol, thats funny! That's right, it was reputation points, forgot that. A simple "like" button would be nice though, like on facebook, but oh well. I spent a lot of my time posting mindless funny memes on FB. Once you know who you are, theres nothing better then having a good laugh!
  2. Good thanks, you? I had taken a nice long break from forums. What happened to the "like" button or what ever it was called?
  3. @Mad Max Although crude and cave man-ish, what you said is pretty funny, if I'm being honest. @Max_V Of course he's kidding!
  4. Uh, got alittle bored, so thought I'd see what topics this forum subtype had and wow, suprise!!! Lol. Anyways, @5driedgrams and @Principium Nexus hits the nail on the head for me.
  5. @Ragib Ashraf You are correct, I wasn't trying and it just happened while watching this video. Something she said just clicked for me and especially when she said ,"it's me also".
  6. Glad you liked it. She has an uncanny ability to bring direct recognition/seeing to others. Here's another great one-
  7. I was watching this 15 min video in 2011, when it happened. Not that it will work for others, but you never know.
  8. I wouldn't call my experience at the 2 year mark a permanent shift. Rather a direct Self recognition, an apprehension of what I really am, however this knowing/realization would come and go for years. It would flicker on/off. There is still somewhat of a capacity to "borderline" suffer, under certain conditions, then something is seen through in that moment, a remembering that it's a dream/illusion/mithya. I started with Tolle also...then Adyashanti, mooji, nisargadatta, ect, ect for the past year and half traditional Vedanta. Not sure what post (s) you're referring to exactly, but I know I used the hologram analogy on here at least twice. But, yeah, one cant linger out only in "I'm awareness" land forever. You have to go back in, see that "it's all" awareness. So, you play your role, while simultaneously knowing the bigger ultimate truth. Imo, part of playing your role is getting a bit messy and sometimes bordering on the verge of suffering, allowing yourself to feel into situations fully. Perhaps one day it wont be that way for me, but for now it is... Oh, almost forgot "coming full circle" is not an original idea. Either I picked it up from Vedanta or somewhere else I'm sure. What I wrote in regards to it may have been mine (?), but not the idea itself. It's like the before enlightenment chop wood, carry water...after enlightenment chop wood carry water or at first there were mountains, then no mountains, then mountains again (both describe coming full circle).
  9. @Leo Gura Yep, that was 6 years ago. There is/was much more that was revealed.
  10. I have not taken a psychedelic, but I'm with ya ... I've been at for 8 years though...
  11. Huge belly laugh! ...I knew that!! 2 yrs to realize my true nature. ...naturally. No, I didn't spend all day in meditation. I had tried suicide prior, do to extreme suffering...the OD wasn't strong enough, after 5 days in a coma and on life support... I survived. To my suprise. So, I was highly motivated for a change!
  12. The brain is part of the body. An analogy (a computer)- the brain is the hardware, universal intellegence the software, awareness/consciousness the electricity.
  13. I'm curious where you're getting your statistics? You've already take psychedelics, so how would you know how long it would or wouldn't take without them?
  14. @Joseph Maynor hehe, that's the first time in 47 years that someone said I had a creepy!!! I had something to say, I said it and that's that. No hard feelings here either!
  15. @Sage_Elias Nisargadatta Maharaj lived in Bombay, India. Very noisy, filthy, stinky public restroom across the street from him, ect. Didn't hamper him apparently...
  16. The way you wrote this is too! Anyways, you ARE the god damn thing (no-thing). So, there was no "you" (false self) that saw "it". What happens is you apprehend your true nature and when thought comes back, it claims the "non-experience", as an experience, as if it was there.
  17. @kieranperez Use the desire to end your suffering as fuel to motivate yourself. If you can't set goals right now, then dont. Watch videos, read a book, ect.
  18. I almost forgot to comment on the topic. "Who" would have free will? There's just what's happening.... But.. if you think you have free will, best to use it.
  19. Yes, it is. It's also frustrating to have a poster telling people repeatedly..."that's a beliefs, that a concept, that's a thought". We know! But how else to communicate? You've shut down a couple of my posts with the above comments and it's rude. Language is dualistic. Ok, carry on....
  20. For beginners, after those questions are asked, a thought usually arises that says, "me". Then, one asks who is "me"?... Silence is a typical response. The silence is a pointer. What witnesses the silence. Inquire into that, but not by asking more questions.
  21. If you really want to be an actor and it's what you're meant to do, then that's what you'll do. Things will align somehow for that to happen, if it's truly meant to happen. For example, 13 years ago I thought, ya-know maybe I'll be a nurse? So, I decided to take a few classes and see how it went. I was already 34 yrs old, so wasn't holding my breath. Anyways, it wound up I was pretty smart and was acing all my pre-req classes. Got in the RN program no problem. Before I knew it I got my license. So, in my opinion, it was meant to happen. Funny thing is now that it's said and done, I wish I would've gone for accounting or something. Something where you don't deal with people. Lol!