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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Would you like to elaborate on your post. It makes no sense. Why was his question what you would call a "postive action" (what do u mean by that) to begin with? And why not answer the question?
  2. It doesnt seem as though there is much "space" between you and thoughts you are aware of... I say it like that, because they aren't your thoughts. Another words when we completely identify with thinking, we think we are the thinker. Our claiming of the thoughts, as our thoughts, is literally an "after" thought. Then we judge the thoughts we think we had. See the heist? the mind fuk? In the case of chronic depression it's even worse, because the thoughts can become very negative, then there's a claiming of them as "my" thoughts, then judging how could I have such bad/negative thoughts, then that creates an emotion about how bad or screwed we are and the cycle nauseum . If you can see the heist, then you can awaken to see the insanity of what's happening (or what's not happening, depending on how you look at it). Hopefully I made sense?
  3. Yep! Except, of course, if someone is confused by that statement.
  4. "What do you mean by "We are all one"?" Seeing all objects (phenomena) in consciousness and consciousness in all objects.
  5. Yes, awareness will remain, as it is within awareness that thoughts arise, even the apparent person you take yourself to be, is within awareness. That apparent person, as well as all objects (including space and time), are composed/created out of awareness, appear within awareness and depend completely on awareness for their "apparent" existence (although ultimately unreal). Awareness does not depend, at all, on objects.
  6. “Lotus symbolizes the awakening or the flowering of consciousness." A side note, I got a tattoo of a tribal style lotus flower and an OM sign, a couple of months ago, because of its symbolism. Plus, I wanted another tat.
  7. The two I like the best are Ramana Maharshi's "who am I" self inquiry and neti-neti (not this, not that). Hopefully you know what I referring to? If not, I will explain. If they are effective is up to fate I guess.
  8. Oh, cool! Yes, I like the wave/ocean analogy. I usually just use wave (person) and ocean (as consciousness), but I like it better written out fully, like above. The other is when I'm being lazy or making a quick point.
  9. I said, to be exact, "So, that's the end of the road for this topic." But, I always reserve the right to change my mind. I don't want to be offensive, as that's not why I'm here or why I post, but your posts don't make much sense to me. Just sayin' And, if you smack me, I might smack you back...lmao. (your comment regarding "perspective"
  10. "It looks like you..." "You haven't tried..." "You are in..." "This is preventing you.." "If you don't ..." "You will remain..." ________________ Seems like a lot of perspective...and judgement. Just an observation.
  11. @Spinoza here's an analogy. Spinoza is a wave, thinking it's a seperate volitional entity (a person), but it is a part of the ocean (the world), but both are none other then H2O/water (consciousness/awareness), appearing as the ocean and a wave. So, the person is really one with the world and the person and the world are nothing more then awareness/consciousness. Nonduality means, not two. So, the manifest and nonmanifest are one. Nisargadatta Maharaj — 'Wisdom tells me I am no-thing. Love tells me I am every-thing and between the two my life flows.'
  12. @Mikael89 @B_Naz Thanks, yeah, in the past, I had been in some nonduality wars (not fun), but things are different now. Id rather say, let's agree to disagree, if I don't think there will be some kind of a meeting of the mind. With faceless, I don't know where he is getting his info and it's not my perspective. So, that's the end if the road for this topic. Lastly- keep it relatively simple or you could/can get lost for years.
  13. What makes you think I havent? That's why I don't agree with you. I'm fine with agreeing to disagree.
  14. That's not true! Well, maybe you think it's true, for you. No, im not "my" consciousness. I "am" consciousness. There is "one" awareness/consciousness, everything arises within awareness (nonduality). Meaning awareness is always "full of things", but awareness doesn't have to be bound (or identified), by what appears. Who's promoting deception? What exactly do u mean when u say, "end duality in themselves"? That's left wide open for mis-interpretation. No, I dont actually.
  15. Also, it seems like the "mind slips away" (not aware- engrossed in thought), when we have to be totally engrossed in something for practical purposes. That's totally necessary, at times, during the day. However, the amount of time that is needed is much less time then most would think, in between bringing the mind back to being completely aware again (ie, no thought or aware of the thoughts).
  16. I will tell you how I see it, others can disagree. You (awareness/consciousness) are aware, always. The action figure, Anna, might not be consciously aware, at all times, but awareness is. Yes, that's difficult to grasp, I know. Which leads to what you say here- I'm not talking about Bnaz being constantly aware. I'm talking about the real you, awareness. Awareness is always aware, always. What makes you think you're not aware, is identification with phenomena, mainly thinking. This is,what you're referring to when you say your mind slips away. I don't think there is an answer to the question- " why am I here" Personally, I don't think there's a reason at all. It's just an "apparent" reality, much like a dream. Once you awake from a dream it's as if it never happened, same here.
  17. @B_Naz I clarified in the above post to faceless. Does it make more sense now? Sorry, I've been off forums for awhile now and I forgot how much detail has to be added to posts for others to understand what I mean.
  18. You can only BE awareness/consciousness and you are always that whether you know it or not. As awareness, you are aware OF seeing..... (and hearing, smelling, tasting, touch, thought, etc), as it arises within you. The limited action figure most think they are can not "see" what you really are (awareness), because it's attributeless. Is that more clear?
  19. I think you miss read or misunderstand what I wrote. The first sentence doesn't apply to what I said/meant, so I'm not sure what you meant by the 2nd sentence. If you'd like me to clarify I will. Fair enough.
  20. You can only BE it! seeing it. You (awareness) are aware OF seeing.