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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. There was no PM'd 3 in a row.
  2. Etagnwo Member Replied: Saturday at 01:18 PM · Report What do you think faceless agenda is? Here? In the forum? I mean, to flat out deny a system like vedanta that has developed over years of trial and error (including people sitting in caves doing what he's doing and finding out that it does t work) is more than arrogant. What's your take? Etagnwo Member Replied: Saturday at 01:21 PM · Report I mean. The way He comes across is werid too. The avatar photo of some dude with a top hat and trench coat - bit of a narcissist. Condescending yet doesn't really seem to embody someone who doesn't experience a duality between people. What do you think? Idiot or genius? ............
  3. @Etagnwo Also said- "Good manners is fine. But these guys here have a different cultural understanding of what good manners is. They are college educated white middle class mellenials who are lazy and self entitled (for the most part) and bruise easily. They are also sattvic (but still delusonal) and green (spiral dynamics) meaning they think enlightenment is about being a more conscious person who has access to higher stages of consciousness (whatever that means). There references to anime, science, philosophy, and playing computer games tells me a lot about how they were brought up. These types are interested in New age spirituality I am a tamasic working class boy who calls a spade a spade. In my world I have good manners. "
  4. Etagnwo Member Replied: Friday at 01:50 AM · Report Who in your estimation is the person who talks the most gobbledygook on here? I think it's Joseph maynor and then pluto then quanty in bronze ........ **Lol, Oh, the irony @Joseph Maynor according to @Etagnwo you won the prize for the most gobbledygook on the forum! Congrats! Keep coming after me @Etagnwo and I'll post every PM you ever sent!
  5. I don't know what you mean. Someone comes for me, I give it back, just like you would. By the way you describe me, I should be in the CIA or FBI (my prey, methodical, elaborate traps). Just admit it, you don't like me and never did and THAT is your motivation. I no longer care.
  6. I've learned, not just in this thread, but in life recently (lots of loss & death). Happiness is definately not in objects (anything subtle or gross). If you base your happiness (joy) in objects that change endlessly and suffer. Period. Anything that changes constantly is only "apparently" real and can not be relied upon. Only what never changes and is constantly present is real and the source of true joy. @Joseph Maynor Ive learned you're a bully.
  7. @Nahm @cetus56 This thread, whew! I'm shocked it wasn't locked ages ago.
  8. Ted's email to me: "It is true, however, that I am no longer officially affiliated with Shining World as James has withdrawn his endorsement of me as a representative of Shining World. This decision was not based on any ethical transgressions of the type that so often occur in the modern spiritual world. Rather, it was explained that I had not observed certain protocols for honoring one’s teacher that are characteristic of the Vedantic tradition. Though I intended no disrespect, this was an oversight on my part, and thus I respect James’ decision." So, it had nothing to do with "assimilation" or being a shit teacher, as @Etagnwo would have you believe.
  9. @dorg From Shingworld website newsletter April, 2017- "Ted Schmidt on His Own- SOME OF YOU may have noticed that Ted is no longer with us. He has branched off on his own and will still be teaching Vedanta. For those of you who benefit from his teaching, we encourage you to continue with Ted. We wish him well and know he will take the responsibility as a lineage¯holder with integrity and humility. If you are interested in the reasons, please contact him, not us. ( " Link to newsletter- ShiningWorld-newsletter-April-2017.pdf
  10. Ted Schmidt's official website- Ted Schmidt's book- "Self-knowledge, the king of secrets"
  11. On 6/8/2018 at 5:33 PM, Etagnwo said: I should really get on a James Swartz page and pick the people's brains. Anna- In case you go to the site, you can use the search function for what your interested in looking up. On 6/8/2018 at 5:33 PM, Etagnwo said: However. I wonder if you have time to read this forum, you surely would have time to read over my particular posts Anna- Lately, last few days, I have not been reading the forum. I have not had time, with work and my kid leaving. Mainly work has been busy, busy! On 6/8/2018 at 5:33 PM, Etagnwo said: Im actually asking for your help and these guys mostly don't ask you for help. Lol. So I think you should use your forum time (at least for the near future) to check my posts. Anna- It may not happen immediately, when asked, but I will get back to you on it. Remember though, I'm not perfect, not a perfect Vedantin, and I'm not a teacher. If you ever disagree with me. I'll look into it, research it and we can discuss it, kay? We are peers with this and I'm just giving my opinion on what you write. If you get mad at what I say, I'm apologizing in advance. lol ............ Does this sound like I'm hounding him? Or trying to date him?
  12. Gee, thanks alot...REALLY??? This is the same person who has called you an arsehole over and over. Is he honest?
  13. @Etagnwo you are a blatant liar. I'm married. Thought we were friends, nothing more. I never hounded you, ever! I never called people here arseholes dear, that was you. I have nothing more to say to you. I'm taking down my pic that I posted, since I've shown it was just a regular picture.
  14. @Marcus why did you say this to me? I havent called anyone arsehole, that is @Etagnwo. Are you projecting what you want to say to him onto me? Sure seems like it.
  15. What? Bored? ...prove I said that??? Also, I showed u the same photo I posted on the forum. I didn't Block you? I opted out of our conversation, that's all, not because u don't know Vedanta either. If I blocked u I wouldnt have been able to see your post . You have a screw loose and you have enlightenment sickness...a very bad case! I wasn't trying to argue? I was just saying it seemed like maybe it meant something else. I was chattin' back at ya. Geesh Project much??
  16. Hi, The numbness (perhaps even the all the time calmness) may be a symptom of "antidepressant discontinuation syndrome" that can happen for 1-2 weeks after stopping SSRI's. Especially if you didn't taper them off. (I'm a nurse) Symptoms are generally mild to moderate and vary widely. Re-evaluate how you feel in two weeks to see if this "new" calmness remains.
  17. I don't know about that... look at this example: "Anyways I wish you the best??"
  18. Since we're off topic anyways...what does this mean and how do you do it?
  19. So, your laying in bed right now? Or did some-thing you desired get you up, even if it was the desire to take a pee. Lol