Martin Kojour

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About Martin Kojour

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  1. The question in the title i contemplate because I think of creating a purpose of sharing understanding. Then i ask myself why do i even wanna do it? what is the purpose of sharing understanding and insights? these are the answers i think of: if its practical the listener can use it to help themselves and improve their life. So people can also be fascinated and pomeled by the beauty of what reality is and the depths of it. So people can get a clearer picture of what reality is. So they themselves get motivated to understand what you have understood. Hope you have or will try to come with some answers to this question.
  2. Hey, i saw leo's video: "How to deal with loneliness". Here he says it will go away if you are connected to being. I am curious about which meditation techniques will get you to a deep being state.
  3. Hey, for those who finished the life purpose course. I feel curious about your top 10 values. Hope you'll share ?
  4. Thank you all for the wisdom. Prabhaker what do you mean about steady? Is it because the mind gets distracted by pain and therefore can't concentrate on the technique, you should have a comfortable posture?
  5. I know that i have meditated at least for more than a month now. (i have not counted all the days from the beginning) Before when i meditated i would just sit cross-legged with my spine upright without giving really much thought about it. If my mind said something about it i would just classifiy it as a thought. I just tried to concentrate on the meditation technique. Now always before meditating i think of the posture for example about how my hands are placed. If they are in to my stomach or with some space between. I feel it is my mind distracting me from doing the real meditation inner work, but something also says that it is important for my body health and effectiveness on the meditation. It is possible for me to just meditate and watch my thoughts while lying down, but does it affect my effectiveness on my meditation? Even that question feels like some thought from my mind distracting me. I have tried to do a meditation posture on the yogajournal website. The posture has 7 steps. They say: "if you take the time to establish your meditation posture correctly, you will find it is much easier to rest your mind and connect with the object of your meditation. When you go through these seven points you will enter your practice feeling relaxed yet uplifted." Is this also just distracting for me and gets me out of really wacthing my thoughts and emotions (meditating). Yesterday when i meditated i just listened to what Leo said in "how to meditate" so the "musts" for me in my posture was just to sit upright in a cough. I have considered to lie down on my bed with my knees lying on a blanket, so i alleviate my back pressure. Will this have influence on the effectiveness?