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After death?
After death?@machiavelli
Why would there be karma in what you do, if what you do is anyways automatical and who would give you your "penalty". Of course it is dream after dream forever, because there is infinite amount of dreams to be had and, if they are had one by one then it takes forever to completele all of them. Why would you have karma, because everything must happen so whose fault it is then, the dreams?
not knowing
You know nothingI just had this insight to a large degree. Not knowing is so refreshing. its exhausting pretending to know things constantly. Do I even know what knowing is? Is it possible to truly know a thing? Even knowing is imaginary. letting go of pretenses grants access to the Absolute.
It sounds like you've mad pretty substantial breakthroughs. That's amazing to hear.
It's difficult for me to understand where you're at on your path, but I can say that for the overwhelming majority of people who think they've really broken through to reality, have not. Truly breaking through means liberation from suffering. The truth is so good, so transcendent, so radical, that things such as a slow, painful death, or torture, are seen through. The mind and consciousness have become so integrated and awakened that even if these tragedies were to befall on the being in question, they wouldn't suffer at all. That's true enlightenment, that's the implications of how things really are.
If you disagree with that claim, you and I are talking about two totally distinct kinds of awakening. How many of these neo advaita types could withstand cancer ravaging the body without fear or suffering, for example? Not many.
The power in holding ourselves to such extreme conditions is that it forces a humility and an understanding of just how deep this path really goes. An easy way to stress test one's level of awakening is to go on meditation retreats and seriously face what you really are without the distractions, titillations, and addictions of life.
Just as beautifully as seeing the perfection of this present moment is watching the wonder, beauty, and subtle grandiosity of the unfolding spiritual path. Seeing through the illusion of a separate self is truly just the beginning. Keep going would be my default feedback to anyone claiming to be awake.
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!It doesn’t. There’s just boundlessness appearing as everything without beginning or end. The same thing never, ever happens twice — it’s only part of the illusion (of things really happening) that anything ever does happen twice. Everything is always absolutely new; constantly and unrelentingly full-on brand-new. That’s the first and last time those words will ever be typed. Ever! As with everything else...? ? This is unbounded eternal infinite chaotic absolute ungraspable unbridled completion. Infinitely empty of life, and equally (infinitely) full of life, timelessly. Already.
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!@Neo
You are a window, not a body. The whole scene you’re in is you.
You are seeing fruit-bowly, momly, greenly, loudly, etc.
Again, you are this window. This window is absolute infinity.
So, you are like a ghost train, constantly moving forward.
In this case, you are the ghost at the front of this train. You are a trans-dimensional empty dimension in which all of reality appears.
And then, to trick yourself, you turned around to face the train and see the trail of the train.
Youll see the light streaks, but they disappear. Only you remain.
But there is only the illusion of the light and the train since it is a ghost train.
Reality is an illusion of consciousness.
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!First, let's use a different analogy. I don't like violence or condone it.
We still all inhabit the same dreamspace. So, let's act as godly and christ-like as possible.
The foundational block of all of existence, as cheesy as it sounds, is metaphysical love. All of existence is like, a ray of love suspended in nonexistence.
Your premise is correct. If I make love to a woman, she is completely imaginary - she's a refraction of my own mind. I have imagined her into existence, therefore going back in time and creating the timeline that led up to her existing.
HOW is this possible? MAGIC. Absolute power without opposite.
In this case, you created a new square in this Zoom call, you are God (the host of the meeting) — once your current square ends, you will "awake" or pass the host to another square, and THERE YOU ARE — you awake as a newborn.
The twisted part is that you will one day live the life of the woman you made love to.
That's right, you made love to yourself.
In this way, reality closes the strange-loop of both of the POVs and realizes the moment from all perspectives.
Absolute consciousness is like a very pervy observer that wants to see each moment from every POV. Because it is every POV.
As you live your life, you are continuously creating new characters. This way infinity branches out forever.
The "zoom call" is happening absolutely nowhere, in the complete void. Inside nothingness, zero, you. But nothingness can play with sacred MATH and create waves of energy or vibration/frequency that appears as color (frequency), sound (frequency), touch(relay). Matter is sluggish mind/frequency. Not physical.
Think of consciousness as a sentient, reactionary field / square in this zoom call that can experience color, sound, touch — all of these are frequency. These frequencies of sacred math create your "reality".
Another analogy is that you are inside of a dream.
When you dream, every character you encounter is a construction of your own mind.
But you don't realize that those characters ALSO had their own internal monologue.
That's right. Because you are infinity/consciousness, you also created all of your dream characters, and the timelines that led up to them encountering you in your dream. So even the characters of your dream had their own "lives" — but they were all you.
It's the same when you are "awake" — everyone is you. The same mind dreaming.
That mind is you.
You went ahead and tricked yourself by giving yourself two POVs, your left eye and your right eye (you don't actually have eyes, as you don't actually have a face) but the POVs correspond to two eyes.
This creates the illusion of 3D, therefore solidifying the illusion.
Close one of your eyes, now your 3D vision is gone. Now ask yourself.... what is behind me? You turn, but the bubble of consciousness moves with you. You cannot see "behind" yourself, because there is no behind.
It's not that your head is moving in space and that your eyes are receiving light from an outside world.... you are projecting the world FROM your "eyes".
The light in your eyes is all there is.
Just really digest what I am saying here.
The light in your eyes is all there is.
Other people / POV's - The light in their eyes, is all there is.
You project them, and they project you.
This creates the illusion of a physical universe, but in reality it is sacred math simulating a world for itself.
Again, the ZOOM call analogy is the most fitting I could find.
It's a stream... a giant cosmic drama.
And you are the hero of it.
So live the hero's path and you may transcend being human, to embodying love and magic.
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!Every single frame of reality you are living ALREADY exists. You are the screen of your "computer" recalling files from your harddrive —
Each second of your life = My_lives_001.mp4, My_lives_002.mp4, My_life_003.mp4 - to infinity.
But each file has been playing on LOOP for eternity.
You, as absolute consciousness right now, choose to *fork* and create new files / moments of reality.
My_lives_001_001.mp4, My_lives_001_002.mp4, etc.
You choose to recall those moments that have been happening for eternity on loop, and can modify / create something new from these moments.
This way, reality is a chain reaction that continuously creates new video files.
Just like a zoom call and you being the host.
Except MORE people are jumping on the call because you are CREATING more POVs with your imagination.
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!That's definitely bringing the magic side of it. Which is beautiful, and eternal.
I'm a nerd so I tend to focus on the intelligence side of infinity.
Thanks for taking the concept further!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!The future is birthing the past. Backwards causality. The reason you exist is because "future" you imagined you.
You are imagining your birth right now, as well as all of your memories. Because you are infinite, you retroactively created yourself.
If you were to look at time from the absolute, you'd see that it's running backwards.
Grab a pen and drop it to the floor. Record it, and now reverse it. You will see that you actually attracted the pen from the floor to your hand.
It's not gravity that is making the object drop to the floor, gravity doesn't actually exist (it's another illusion).
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!Are you conscious right now? Yes.
Your life is a replay because it already happened all at once outside of time and space.
So you are God watching VHS tapes right now of "Karas" life. Make sense? Then once it is done with that tape, it goes to another character.
Every character in this VR game gets to be God.
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!The same "consciousness" that is holding your "life" once held Jesus life, as the bubble of experience you are conscious of right now has never been "off", you've just changed forms between lifetimes.
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!@kag101 In this way, God is democratic. See? No solipsism.
Every character in the game gets to be God and experience ALL OTHER CHARACTERS' LIVES, but it is happening one frame at a time. There are no other "on" bubbles, just yours right now, but when you "die" you will live your mom's life.
Get the concept? God is democratic.
Everything already happened, you are just in a replay right now.
You have zero free will until you recognize this and awaken to the illusion, so that you can start acting counterintuitively and achieving the results you want in your life.
Otherwise, ego will trap you in Solipsism and that leads to nihilism. I've been through it.
Is Sam Harris Really Anti-Spiritual?
Is Sam Harris Really Anti-Spiritual?A lot of Western Buddhism is so watered down that it's compatible with scientific materialism and doesn't do any serious deconstruction of that paradigm.
That is precisely why it's so popular in the West. It allows the ego-mind to maintain its fundamental grip on reality while cosplaying as a spiritual or woke person.
But the truth is you ain't woke unless you realize all of reality is just your dream -- especially stuff like science and even Buddhism. All of Buddhism is your dream. This is the thing Sam Harris fundamentally doesn't get. Mediation and no-self isn't God-realization.
Frequency of consciousness / self-reference circuit
Frequency of consciousness / self-reference circuitDon't know where to start - but this is actually everything a spiritual seeker must know: How to raise ones frequency of consciousness (or in other words) minimize the radius of the self-refernce circuit. So what do I exactly mean by that?
Given the assumptiom that everything is one / you are everything/ there is only that, the only way to interact with so-called reality is by yourself/ through yourself/ with yourself. So you are seer/ seeing / seen, subject/ process/ object, receiver/ medium/ information, these triads are closed circuits.
When identification happens, the triad apparently splits apart. Let's try to find a metaphora for it even though it's just a fairy tale of course:
Imagine "you" are sitting in a train and watch the train tracks. Your look is statically focused into nothing (particular), you watch the train tracks passing by forever and ever. In this state you are completely one with the scene. There is no mind, no body. Just "train tracks passing by" is happening. You are not really in the train, you actually are the train, the process of watching and the train tracks itself. Nothing complicated here. Then, one day, a thought arises like: "What am I (actually made of)? What does a single rail actually look like?" And then your look clings to a single rail. You turn your eyes to see how it is falling behind, and then it's out of your sight again. But this was not a fullfilling answer to your question, since you couldn't see all the details of the rail and the moment you could examine its properties, it disappeared again. So your look clings to the next rail and so on and so on. Every rail you examine first lets you hope and makes you excited to get the answer to your question, but then you mourn after it the next second, leaving you with more questions than before. Your eyes are in constant motion, from one rail to another. Relentlessly, your restless soul longs for the answer, since you apparently lost the selfknowledge. A subtle memory of the natural relaxed state of "train tracks passing by" rests in the depth of your being, but you project this state into the future. You can only imagine to rest like this after finding the answer to your question. You cling to the rails, but they are sooo fleeting.
Then you suddenly recognize that there is something which is always present during your desperate search for the answer. Even though the rails appear and disappear and your eyes constantly move, there something subtle ("within your awarenes" - not really ) which is still the whole time. You try all the methods to concentrate on that again, which is constantly here, not fleeting. In the end, they all have the same goal: raising the frequency of your eyes moving back to the "statically focused into nothing (particular)" - state. Minimizing the distance between the old rail (the past) and the present one, so that your eyes can rest instead of constantly shifting from one place to another. Means: raising the frequency of your consciuosness, minimizing the radius of the self-reference circuit.
Here are some examples:
Neti neti: Realizing you are neither this trail, nor that one - makes your look relax into the natural state since the rails become less and less important
Self inquriy: By zooming out and turning inward, you realize that the rails don't define your being, your eyes stop focusing on something far out there which is rushing by, but focus closer and closer to yourself - the focuspoint transitioning distance becomes shorter and shorter
Letting go/doing nothing: Your eyes just relax, you stop energetically clinging to the rails
Breathing meditation/body awareness: Instead of being imersed in the looking, you relax into what is - not trying to solve the riddle, but let your body find its natural energetc equilibrium
Being present: You stop clinging to past rails - everytime you remember clinging to a past rail you naturally shift back to the present one
All these techniques shorten the distance of switching your focus from one rail to another, and try to bring it back into the natural relaxed state, the energetc equilibirum, which is the state of the least resistance. The shorter the distance between two focus points (the smaller the radius of the self-reference circuit), the higher the frequency of consciousness (frequency of being in the present moment). "Enlighenment" is the natural state of least resistance, which was there in the beginning, when you didn't identify with the rails. It's the closed circuit of the triad. Of course, there actually is only enlightenment, because you were/are present all the time, only your eyes were not as relaxed as they could be. So being completely present kind of equals an infinite frequency of consciousness - and this is perfect nothingness/silence etc.
What do I mean by that? Imagine a beat every time you focus back on the present - At the beginning of your spiritual journey it occours quite seldom, slowly raising its frquency. Then it slowly turns from single beats into a clear tone - moving up the ladder through all the octaves. Since then you still have the feeling of being in a journey of raising your frequency - until it becomes such a high pitch that you can't hear it anymore - complete silence, stillness.
I could write more about what I mean by minimizing the radius of the self-reference circuit, giving other metaphoras like a planet (object) flying around a star (subject) until both collapse into each other when the rotation frequency hits its maximum. But I think this text can be enough for you to realign again with what your highest goal is. Remember - there is only the present moment to focus back on the NOW. Don't attach to this moment, since it is fleeting. Don't stay in the present moment (which is impossible since now it is not the present moment anymore), stay in the NOW. Realign your focus over and over again, every time you recognize that clinging to a moment happens. Your frequency of consciousness will raise, which soon will be recognizable. Then you will realize that there is nobody and no situation that could ever disturb you in your meditation. That you don't meditate by closing eyes and sitting with straight back. You then will meditate while eating and shitting. You can meditate RIGHT NOW, just come back here and now again. What is real/true NOW? Who are YOU? Don't project the answer into the future, don't lose yourself in thoughts (rails), just come back to what already is the case - eternally NOW.
Catching the OXYes. And this recognition tends to unfold at deeper and deeper levels overtime. You start to see new ways attachment, craving, aversion, feelings of separation, (all of these are the constituents of identification with a "self") are operating, reasserting and constructing themselves. This is why practicing meditation, contemplation, silent reflection is so important.
Keep noticing this illusion, this false identification, what constructs it, how it starts to manifest the mirage of "self." Keep peering into the emptiness of this self though. That's the only way to catch the ox, is through patient observation of the actuality of being, moment by moment, in THE moment.
The Essence of RealityWell, I much prefer the question of "why", to the question of "so what"~ but the answer would be the same, Breakingthewall!
I had a thread called "So What" on the daobums forum, but I haven't been able to locate it. Some of my threads here on the Actualized forum are adapted from topics previously published on other venues, but this one (The Essence of Reality) was started from scratch just a few days ago.
The "curtain" is one's own mind not seeing in terms of selflessness. Dropping the façade of the personality's habitual perspective (unbeknownst to anyone else) draws the "curtain" aside. One doesn't act differently than ordinarily. One's own mind (no different than that experienced in the Absolute) is the nature of "who", seeing by virtue of the created conditional scene before the person. The "person" is not one's absolute identity, yet "who", is not something else either. Awareness is itself "who." "Who" be you. That's your own mind right now. The alternative is ordinary delusional bondage in karmic rounds of birth and death based on habit-consciousness. Either there is no habitual self-referencing inner dialogue accompanying sensory perception, or there is.
Inner observation of self-reifying thought and/or open consciousness in turn, this 24/7 observation is called continuous subtle concentration. One's unbending intent maintaining the practice of continuous subtle observation is the basic method of self-refining practice. Formal meditation regimens carried out by beginners are only an introductory exercise for entering into authentic self-refining practice in the midst of ordinary situations. It is a huge mistake to consider zazen meditation as the pinnacle of solitary "spiritual" life. It may very well be, but unless such practice is "proven" in the context of real situations, it is a relatively powerless method of comfort.
It is not an illusion that we live as separate individuals, but in dealing with everyday ordinary situations, conditioned activity is comprised of the sensory habits of ordinary people, or else the subtly non-reifying open consciousness maintained by those who dispense with self-conscious interaction with the situational environment and proceed with the forward step in full acceptance of one's inherent spiritual function of enlightening being.
The illusion of time can actually be manipulated, in terms of oneself. Just consider the way time is experienced when brushing one's teeth in a hurry compared to how long it takes to boil an egg. So, the manipulative aspect of illusion is really not a barrier at all as it is all there is to work with, and so, strictly speaking in the context of enlightening self-refining practice, we use it beyond any discriminatory perspective of personal gain in terms of habitually complacent opportunism. So, in that sense, we use illusion for the purpose of self-refinement by not using it. We use it constructively in terms of self-refinement by exercising our initially faint ability to see the situation before us without habitual employment of selfish pattern-consciousness. There is nothing wrong with selfish pattern-consciousness, per se— it's the habit-energy that is the problem. There is nothing wrong with personal gain. It's just that habitually complacent opportunism being selfish activity does not serve to diminish the illusion of the false identity of the psychological apparatus that is usurping the functional power of one's natural inherent enlightening potential.
The essence of reality just is. Those partaking of its potential already had that potential in terms of the situational milieu, but were unaware of it and only began to explore its potential at some point in their lives. Those who are still unaware of the essence of reality are just unaware and therefore unable to access the potential of the essence of reality. It does not change reality. This is the point: reality does not change. Illusion changes and the ignorant change along with illusions. Enlightening beings see Change and go along or not consciously. But in seeing Change, one absorbs its potential dynamically without being caught up in karmic momentum as created energy. As I mention from time to time, it is necessary to work with what is the same. If one works with polluted, creative energy by seeing potential as created things, or else works with psychosomatic energy in the various body-aware methods of so-called "inner alchemy" and other sexually-transmitted grafting techniques, still, all one has accomplished is relative to the created, and the created is nothing but birth and death— no matter what the temporary benefit is conceived of. On the other hand, in seeing the essence of reality by virtue of recognizing the inherent potential of illusionary, created cycles in terms of situational karmic evolution, one not only absorbs its potential for further spiritual evolution, but one also diminishes influences of karmic retribution and further dissolves accumulated accretions of karmic residue cloying the aperture of perpetually upwelling incipient potential (Dharma-eye).
Yes, the secret of spiritual realization is simply "evolving" in terms of refining away the conditional aspect of habit-energy (karmic momentum). "Evolving", per se, is only a matter of discovering what's already completely intact without ever having originated. Pablo Picasso said , “We have invented nothing new”, after seeing the ancient cave paintings at Lascaux, France. “After Altamira, all is decadence.” The paleolithic "Stone Age" is an immensely long prehistoric period of time in which people were being people, same as ever. We have invented nothing new, other than the tools of "progress" which keep us occupied in the realm of convenience by virtue of all-consuming technological manipulations and processes— not that I'm complaining…
Enlightening activity absolutely does not save on suffering— in fact, it faces it fearlessly; "neither courting honor nor avoiding ignominy."
So, in terms of "why", it's just a matter of realizing and exercising enlightening potential by virtue of the natural essence of reality or else striving to maintain one's ignorance of that very same nonoriginated unconditional nature underlying the conditional illusion, albeit unawares. The conditional and the unconditional are the same, in essence, whether one knows it and acts like it or not.
Reason is essential for this side (in terms of this side) for those unaware of reality. For those who are aware, there is no "side" to speak of: it's all the same. Nevertheless, enlightening activity adapts enlightenment to conditions, and such activity isn't void of situationally contextual "reason". Ordinary people do not know of enlightening activity, one way or the other— even while accomplishing such virtuous adaption. Those awakened to potential do not have a monopoly on "enlightening" activity. Action independent of thought relative to self and other, only deployed by virtue of spontaneous sensitivity to situational potential IS enlightening activity. Enlightening activity is absolutely inconspicuous, as it "makes sense" in terms of the situation. This is because potential is itself inherent in the created situationally karmic cycle comprising the situation in the first place. The "other" side isn't somewhere else and isn't even something else at all. It's just a matter of dropping the habitual self-referencing perspective one perpetuates from birth, and awakening to what is, without perpetuating personalistic views of self and not-self 24 hours a day. Just this is authentic meditation. Just this is the day-job of enlightening beings harmonizing enlightenment to conditions.
ed note: swap out five words at end of 7th paragraph
deci belle
The Essence of RealityThere is no problem (beyond one's habituated clinging to psychologically referenced rational dualistic intellectualism), because the actuality is that nothing doesn't exist. "Absence having no precedent" means there is no "nothing". There is no "it" to have something (or not) beyond (it). This is not a philosophical word-game. What this proves (by my description) is that nothing (no things) and not-nothing (things) are BOTH part of the dual nature of the created karmic realm and do not imply any aspect of intrinsic reality. Why? Because thingness and nothingness are both illusion. This means they do not exist in terms of absolute nature.
In terms of the Absolute, there is no relative factor. That's why it is called the Absolute. The homeland of nothing whatsoever is void of "nothing" as well. The absence of absence is what proves the reality of enlightenment in terms of the absolute. In the ancient Sanskrit description of Shunyata (emptiness), found in the classic prose of the Heart Sutra, there is a mantra which surpasses the philosophic emphasis implied by the literal meaning encompassed by the term "shunyata": [Om] gate gate paragate parasamgate [bodhi svaha]. This translates as gone, gone, beyond gone, gone beyond. Obviously, there is no limit imposed by "emptiness" at all, much less by the "unlimited." Why? Emptiness, as such, does not exist in reality. Why? Emptiness as a factor of the Absolute would imply non-emptiness as well, and this simply is not the nature of reality, nor its essence.
In this sense:
"Beyond" is a relative term. The "unlimited" is not a thing. The absolute is actually experienced as is, being your selfless immortal beginningless aware nature without inside or outside. There is no nothing to begin with. Really. Reality has no limit. "The limit of the limitless" refers only to the inconceivable capacity of the nature of human awareness, which is unborn. True, there is no dimension— but your conception of this seems to be an actual point in space. "The unlimited", to use your term, has no distance. In other words, space is not a matter of breadth or expanse, nor is it (I can assure you) cramped. Why? There is no inside or outside. Aside from the nature of inconceivability, undifferentiated unity is just that: complete, whole, perfectly formless, beyond dimensionality. You will just have to experience it for yourself.
is trapped in intellectual reasoning which is simply the wrong tool to encompass the fact that there is no thing. "No thing" includes its dualistically implied nothing, as well. There is no thing. There is no dimension and no thing without dimension, no emptiness, no point, no beyond the imaginary point, etcetera. I only mentioned the reference to "beyond the limit of the limitless" so people would not be mistaken that the homeland of nothing whatsoever, in terms of "sudden enlightenment" is the ultimate limit of the absolute. Spontaneous selfless insight into the nature of the absolute is not defined (not limited) by sudden realization. The limitlessness of human being's selfless spiritual nature implies a profundity beyond the personality's psychological apparatus, but the extent of the spiritual (nonpsychological) nature of human being is only a very small and inconsequential aspect of the inconceivable nature of the Absolute. There is no end to delusion, but the absolute has no beginning because the Causeless is nonoriginated. THIS is your nature.
It is necessary to dispense with intellectualism in order to experience reality— both before and in the aftermath of the sudden. When the psychological apparatus of the being that is going to die finally craps out, there you are, selflessly aglow. The whole point of authentic teaching divulging authentic practice of the Celestial Mechanism is that (hopefully) you will experience the absolute nature of reality (being your own mind) BEFORE you die. When you die, it's too late. Anybody can see the absolute when they die, but seeing reality requires that you are alive in your body and functioning in everyday ordinary situations in order to absorb delusion's unrefined potential for further refinement void of intellectualism by virtue of having awakened to your inherent enlightening function in the first place!!
As for:
As a manner of speaking, it is said that "the one bifurcates into the two and the ten thousand things manifest therefrom, but, in reality, the absolute does not precede the relative in terms of time. If it did, the absolute would be relative to time, and it's not. In terms of the absolute, there is no time in the same way there is no emptiness (no nothing). In the same way, the absolute and the relative are the same in terms of reality: they don't exist. That's why existence (illusion) is a mystery. It just is. The absolute is not a mystery. That's why it is said that Suchness is neither ordinary nor holy. In the same way, Dogen said "wood does not turn into ashes." Wood is wood and ashes are ashes. Dogen's (or my) writing may not help matters, but the fact is, the absolute and the relative are the same, not different, in terms of reality. How else would one endeavor to absorb potential (uncreated) from within the midst of delusion (created)? If it weren't the case, there would be no basis in reality for authentic teaching having been left behind by all prior illuminates in order to keep the knowledge alive. The real is only found by virtue of the false. They are the same for those who see reality. Those who see reality, see reality because…
This means that by virtue of the real knowledge of "nothingness" being identical to "something" without generational attributes, one transcends creation. Since you yourself see in terms of karmic duality being generational birth and death, you follow creation along in terms of the laws of karma. What you see is what you get because karma and liberation are both a matter of the nature of one's selfless clarity in terms of pure awareness (or not). The clear rises and the opaque sinks. Awareness does as awareness is. If you don't see reality you go along with illusion. It's just the way it is and no one knows why…❤︎
I failed to acknowledge my appreciation of your deep comments contributing to this thread at the beginning of this post, Breakingthewall— before creating the first quote-box. I don't know how to place text above the quote-box once I create it~ I'm sorry!!
…and you are most welcome, Awayfarer❤︎!!
ed note: add 2nd half of 7th paragraph
Highest Level of Consciousness
Highest Level of ConsciousnessI think what is being pointed to is that after Awakening it is recognized there is no real meaning purpose or value to apparent happenings or thoughts.
Only the dream character dreams meaning from happenings and thoughts because it believes there is something that needs to happen or be gained to put itself in a better position in life.... this self-centered energy is an illusion and it places an overlay over top of reality to satisfy its egoic agenda.
Before Awakening everything that occurs within the dream whether consciously or subconsciously is perceived to be meaningful whether positive or negative for the "ME".
If "I" believe meditation, eating white rice and spiritual chanting will lead to enlightenment... then anyone who does this is right and everyone else is wrong.
There is nothing missing from THIS.... it's already complete.
This seeking energy will seek endlessly, perpetuating its own illusory existence ,running on a hamster wheel to find something that was never lost.
Look closely and recognize its only identification as the Mind thats running the rat race or chasing the oxtail down the illusory rabbit hole.
nothing matters
Nothing matters.If you were to believe in a future and past you would identify as the object moving through time which has the future and past, and will in a way feel the discord of the misidentification, or, sad. If you were not to believe in a future & past, and not be identified as an object moving through time, you would feel liberated.
Self Analysis implies abstraction, which nourishes division-duality
Self Analysis implies abstraction, which nourishes division-dualityNo. I disagree.
As ? looks at itself, it is holistic.
As ?? looks at ?, then ? looks fragmented.
As ?? looks at itself, it is holistic, but much, much more holistic than ?.
The freedom of ?? is much much greater than ?.
As ?? looks at ?, it looks as if it is completely determined.
Self Analysis implies abstraction, which nourishes division-duality
Self Analysis implies abstraction, which nourishes division-duality@SoonHei You can think of ? as the I. ?? is the observer of the I.
As you look at the I, you automatically 'create' the observer of the I.
When you look through your own eyes in everyday experience, there is no observer of the I. There is just I.
Unless you have experienced the observer of the I, looking clearly at the I, you shouldn't concern yourself with this discussion.
It will only confuse you.
Self Analysis implies abstraction, which nourishes division-duality
Self Analysis implies abstraction, which nourishes division-dualityYes. ? is represented by my first picture.
The structure of ? is such that it sees a polarity.
When ? sees a choice between A and B, then it can choose A or B if it is clear what to choose.
It knows what to choose when there is a polarity. One is (+) and the other is (-).
That something is good and something is bad.
That something is right and something is wrong.
That something is just and something is unjust.
This is what knowledge is. Knowledge is polarity that attracts, or repulses the mind.
Whatever (+) is, it is preferred over (-). This a mechanical, dead motion of choice.
When we are as ?, we feel as if I am choosing it, but from ?? it is apparent that there is this attraction and repulsion.
That there is actually no choice (freedom) involved.
Whatever you ( @Faceless ) describes within your posts always looks like ?? to me.
It is always the same and I see resemblance of ? within your ??.
I know that you write from ?? because of what you write, but I can still see resemblance to ?.
Inquire into what you do as ?? so that you can actually observe the mechanical motion of this creativity.
When you describe ?? by the means of ? it feels like infinite creativity.
Like never-ending shift of perspective. That you simply cannot keep up with yourself.
It is completely unexplainable by ?.
Self Analysis implies abstraction, which nourishes division-duality
Self Analysis implies abstraction, which nourishes division-duality@Faceless I can understand what you wrote and I agree, although I can see that it is only partial.
Either because you didn't notice it, or because you simply didn't want to go this deep.
The difference between our understanding is that even if you do not make a duality of Fear - Non-Fear and say that Love has no opposites, the there is still a duality between ? and love (in your sense of the word as Non-Fear vantage point that observes the mind).
As you zoom out of the ? to observe it - you experience the state of the beautiful infinite creativity which deepens.
I relate to this experience, as I am undergoing it myself.
What I suggest you explore is to introduce that very infinite creativity with no thought - the high vantage point - to everyday situations where you would normally expect to need thought. The point is that you can learn for yourself that you actually don't need ? at all.
The distinction between the high vantage point and ? is false. As you zoom out of ?, the thought is still in place, but its movement gets more subtle. As you observe the [??] (what you called the high vantage point) that observes ?, at some point you will see the similarity between these two movements. Given enough time and consideration, they will actually be recognized into one and the same ?. That is when you know that whatever you are describing as ? right now is actually the same movement of duality, but very diluted. Very subtle. The more you zoom out, the more subtle it gets.
As you observe that ? is equal to ??, then you will be able to zoom out of ?? to arrive at ???.
There is still possibility of observation of the movement.
After some time - you will instantly recognize movements at all levels of magnification and ? will be the zoom itself.
This is what I mean by self reference. As you zoom, the level that that is observed is the same as the level that observes.
Mystical experiences vs radical recontextualizations
Mystical experiences vs radical recontextualizations@Zweistein There are concrete examples of X vs Y. There is a teacher vs pupil, there is reality vs illusion, there is duality and non-duality and there is relative vs absolute. What I referred to as teacher vs pupil so far is this general X vs Y of any dualities. From now on, I will use this teacher vs pupil as a concrete example of X vs Y. That is because I suspect that this is a basis for misunderstanding.
So, if we take a concrete example of X vs Y: teacher vs student, there is a duality that is rejected on the basis of forming a paradox with the belief that the world needs healing. They form a concrete example of a paradox in one particular perspective.
However, what I am referring to is not a concrete example of X vs Y. I am referring to the X vs Y itself which is an ambiguous symbol for all dualities.
All dualities, including a duality: duality vs non-duality.
In this perspective of X vs Y, any rejection and conflict is observed in relation to the Paradox. This is the total paradox. The paradox of all paradoxes. That which is common to all paradoxes within all possible perspectives in which they arise.
Paradox is not a belief. It is a blockage of learning (?).
When you are willing to surrender to a paradox within a particular perspective in which there is a particular duality, then you experience I=you=we from within this particular perspective.
It is obvious within this particular perspective, that what you see is what you project and the internal conflict can be resolved via the movement through paradox. The movement through the paradox is what I call zooming.
When you surrender to paradox of good and evil, you can zoom into good to see evil and into evil to see good.
Conflict between beliefs is nonsensical. There can be no: teacher is not a pupil because the world needs healing.
You zoom into a teacher and get a pupil. You zoom into a pupil and you get a teacher.
The healing of the world has nothing to do with it from this particular perspective.
When you are not willing to surrender to a particular paradox in a particular perspective, then you experience 'the other' in this particular perspective and there is a boundary between the two of you.
In this resistance, beliefs are coupled because zooming is unavailable.
It is only then, that teacher is not a pupil because the world needs healing.
Resistance is co-existent in paradox, zooming and 'the other'. It disappears in all of the three at once along with the boundary.
Surrender is co-existent in all of the three as well and it is only then, when the boundary becomes a mirror.
Surrender and resistance are not things that can be 'done'. They are driven by intuition.
By honestly talking about things you have no idea about and observing the nonsense that you produce.
Once the surrender has been experienced in one particular perspective, a belief is born that all is one.
They I=you=we as I experience it is always through a particular perspective.
What I am trying to get at is the movement through all paradoxes. What is common to all zooming.
How to solve all dualities and to decouple all beliefs. So that any belief that may manifest itself and projects a duality will be trivial.
That is what I mean by learning how to fly dragons.
I can fly a dragon pretty well.
I have become the fool of fools.