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Everything posted by Plompie

  1. I'm afraid this topic won't be fun to read, it's main purpose will be to keep me motivated. I've been lurking for about a month now. I'm a pretty depressed person (no friends IRL is the main cause I think), who can't seem to enjoy things 'normal' people enjoy. I can get pretty frustrated over little things. For instance, I can get annoyed just by someones voice pitch. I used to have a nice life, I'm a pretty smart guy and I've been making money by designing and programming websites since I was 14. Started my own business at 16, and made pretty decent money -- at least for that age. With this money I did fun stuff, mainly drinking (and treating, lol) beers with friends. I dropped out of school at 18, because my skills were higher than the teachers could teach me related to digital media design. The plan was to chill for a year and then dominate life. However, I've managed to lose all my friends, my gf and even my retail job along the way. This is my current situation: 24 years old Living with parents No savings Work one day a week in retail Working out 3-4 times a week No social life other than going to the gym No friends in real life Gaming for most of the day, watching youtube for the rest of the day Watch TV shows in bed until I can't keep my eyes open anymore, then get angry at myself for waking up late Sometimes I stay inside for 6 days straight I just got home from signing up my freelance company. I'm feeling motivated at the time, and decided to make a plan to stick with for 30 days at LEAST. These are the things I have to do daily: Meditate twice (10 mins minimum for each session) No more than one episode of TV show Stick to my diet (caloric deficit, minimum of 150g protein) Work at least 4 hours a day No more than 2 hours of gaming Be outside everyday, even if it's just a 5 minute walk or getting groceries Keep working out If you have any suggestions, PLEASE let me know. I need to get my shit together ASAP!
  2. @egoeimai Thank you so much for your wise words. I'm pretty sure I don't actually enjoy gaming that much to be honest. I'm one of those raging kids after two or three games. It's more like I'm escaping from work I know I have to do. That's why I still allow myself to play games, but this way the games will stay fun, and my goals will be accomplished sooner. I still have to find out what I actually enjoy, I used to love designing and coding websites, but it's so hard to get myself motivated lately... I should be more grateful for the things I do have though, you're absolutely right about that! @Soulbass I currently can't really afford it, but I surely will soon if I get clients!
  3. March 2nd, 2017 Success: Meditated twice for 15 minutes Did stick to my diet Did work for 4 hours Did game for 2 hours Went outside for groceries Did work out Failure: Did watch two episodes of TV show