The Universe

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Everything posted by The Universe

  1. Well i'm 16 so that's not really a suprise !
  2. "Please i don't want it" ; "no,no,no,NO,NO". Says my Ego This will happen, thank you !
  3. Yes nothingness is the matter but the mind and the Ego doesn't want to accept that so they distract my whole being so much that i can't really let it flow ! And even if sometimes i can, it's coming, even if i start to understand that what comes from the mind got to be rejected in order for this process to complete itself.
  4. The biggest trouble that i got is that my ego is completely LOST ! It doesn't know what what to do ! I don't find meaning in anything anymore so i can't work, i can't just do the things that society tells me to do normaly like homework for example ! I can't do it ! My ego is too distracted by what's happening !
  5. There can be only resistance to the truth nothing else .
  6. Exactly ! Because it lies a certain fear of : is that IT ! ( It's happening to me right now )
  7. Yeah the do shit part is important ! I could stay in contemplation un my room all day long !
  8. Emptiness, Nothingness as i like to call it
  9. Just what we needed. Thanks
  10. I cry everyday because i don't know if I want the benefits of Spirituality or Success and because of that i suffer from it. How to get out of myself. Please help me.
  11. Well, finding some kind of middle way where your spiritual success is not limited by your personnal success and vice-versa.
  12. Are you mentally masturbating all the time because of this ? If the answer is yes then It's a delusion. If you want to get rid of it just drop Success or find other logical reasons for your ego to follow the twooth side.
  13. Well, i live on France so...Pretty shitty for self-actualization and my family barely accept my practices. I'm only 16 so still at high-school but because exams are here to be passed, i have to know what i want to do later. I have personnaly founded that the answer was entreprenor or comercial but the problem here is that because of the constant pressure of my family to pass Spirituality over success and the pressure that i pull on myself to go in the premium school that i want to go on to have my job, my ego rebel itself and create delusions on the fact that if I want to persue my life purpose i'll have to completely change of mentality and therefore drop my spiritual part to concentrate on : "how to sell shit". Now i know that this is stupid because the domain has no effects on the being with whatever the hell i will be doing in the future so therefore, this job is attainable even with a enlightened mind.
  14. So the domain has nothing to do with the inner-self BUT the identification with this domain creates the illusion of self...Pretty profund, thank you .
  15. Big question here : My egoic needs tells me that my life purpose is to be a commercial BUT at the same time i want to achieve enlightement...once i get there i really wanted to know if i could still do business stuff with "self" implication. Is that possible ?
  16. Because life itself IS Spirituality...never think about it that way !
  17. Big question here : My egoic needs tells me that my life purpose is to be a commercial BUT at the same time i want to achieve enlightement...once i get there i really wanted to know if i could still do business stuff with "self" implication. Is that possible ?
  18. "Money is a great Tool but a Bad Master"
  19. Because my Ego wants it, therefore i'll have to lose my ego to have those domain in place . Find the solution to my problem, Thank you for your answer .
  20. Really funny one. OK, it is possible
  21. Thanks for helping me overcoming this delusion ! My Jesus the Ego is tricky !