h inandout

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Everything posted by h inandout

  1. Don't worry y'all, fairy spotting is a talent reserved for the very young, the very old, and dogs. You'll get it back some day. Here are just a few quick examples of things that you forgot are incredible: being born, breathing, love, there are many cases of freak survival, actual super powers, etc. A personal story: When I was 6, I was on a hike with my family and there were butterflies everywhere. I said I wanted to catch one, and my family was irritated and wanted to move on. I was stubborn, so I stuck my finger right out in the air and immediately, a butterfly landed. My family was stunned. Was this pure happenstance? Was this because my little brain was still unencumbered by limiting beliefs, so I could recognize my intuition of the possibility of this happening? Both. You might ask what this has to do with adults using LoA to manifest money and what not, so, take this very dramatic example and set it in your brain next time a limiting belief comes up. I have more stories, but I will save them for myself for now.
  2. Yes, this is propaganda. There are soooooo mant assumptions made in this video.
  3. @Nahm you're experiencing it all the time. Your brain just filters out the mystical aspects of human life because it's way safer and easier to live in a convincing reality. It would be really overwhelming if you were actually aware of all that is happening in this moment. Just have faith that actions you took yesterday will produce positive and sometimes unexpected results tomorrow. Keep adding positively motivated actions and non-actions, and sometimes be authentic in your need for support through your fears. Start to appreciate direct and indirect results more. You are very powerful, even if you don't believe it yet.
  4. Just experience life. I will do the same.
  5. What about times when he is being outwardly critical of the world and doesn't even realize he is insulting the very hidden qualities she posesses? Perhaps what I am refering to here is an experience I had where this teasing got mixed up with unknown political and cultural differences and also got mixed up with his frustrations at my growing lack of self-esteem, so much so that he would snap at me for being apologetic.
  6. And yes MLK was Christian, but he truely was considered radical and a threat at the time despite his very strict policy of non-violence. His crew were brutalized severally, but they were not retaliating or rioting as others believed they would.
  7. Wow! Thanks for sharing your perspective, it's really helping me expand mine. I grew up in Colorado in a segragated rich white patriarchal neighborhood. I didn't know how many latinos, asians, and blacks actually lived here. I totally see where you're coming from because from a logical perspective, we want to make sure the money and resources in our countries are being used to the highest benefit, and we all know that throwing money blindly at poverty doesn't fix anything. Here is where a major shift in my perspective came: I realized that I too am from Africa. Africa is just as much my home and family as anybody else's. This subtly pervading understanding has brought me so much joy and kinship. I was able to understand Islam from a first person perspective. A half-black man took note of my complete lack of desire to question his beliefs, and actually let me in on some of what he might have normally been keeping in a safer place in his heart. He explained to me that Malcolm X was actually incredibly peaceful in his speach and his actions, and we even looked up documentaries, and it's true, but unconcious biases had distracted me. I had been terrified that someone would call me racist this whole time without realizing it because my mother adamately hated Martin Luther King jr. I don't wanna be called racist because I really do believe I am a good person, and I wanna know that my actions speak that. My half black friend actually explained to me that MLK had actually been kinda naughty earlier in life, so it could be understandable that in the collective white unconcious, there are still remanents of long gone beliefs. Anyone who has taken the time to listen to the speeches of MLK would know immediately, that he had redeemed himself to an incredible extent, and we could all learn from his example. Islam is not scary. When I hear the words "I submit my will to Allah," I don't hear, "I would kill the infidels for god." Instead I hear "when I surrender my resistance to all that creation is, I have a deep sense of peace and knowing, and wish to act from that place." In other words, I know damn well that I believe that the sun is gonna rise tomorrow, so why should I be so torn up over today's seeming lack of success?
  8. Jerry Downs made a life out of being in the right place at the right time, or rather stopping wherever he was to realize that he was already in the right place at the right time... I don't see why that can't be your game too!?
  9. Allow yourself to enjoy the tranquility of nuturing seedlings.
  10. Wow, I just realized that I kind of contradicted myself in my first response by being incensed by the idea of not being allowed to vote and then by going and saying that I chose not to get involved in politics. Hmm... I realized that actually I really do wish I had stepped up to vote for Hillary and studied the other legislative decisions as well. Bernie even endorsed her. I also would have gained a greater perspective about the organization in which I live which may have helped or not helped me make future decisions. The reason I didn't care this time was because I really do line up a bit with the Jehovah's witness plan to not get involved and to just be myself, but that's just one part. The other darker side is that I felt like total shit about life last fall, and it was more important for me to focus on learning about psychology. In one way, I suppose I was entrusting the rest of the world to make decisions for me so that I may rest and focus on myself. The ironic part is that during this time, I actually empowered myself enough to say I don't like how baby boomers and men are running my life in ways I don't like. I wish I hadn't been so weakened by a crappy relationship to see that I actually give a shit about seeing a woman in the white house. Fuck demanding perfection. And yet, I still feel less terrified about the consequences of the whole Trump thing than most even though I really give a shit about racial and sexual advancement. I also enjoy that we are all having an opportunity to be entertained by the right exposing their darkest ignorance, and it will be a great opportunity for us to reunite. In some ways it really is just entertainment. In other ways, it's not, and many of us (especially those of us empathetic to any minority cause), are going to suffer direct consequences. I hope we learn a lesson?
  11. I was just thinking about some days recently where it really didn't matter what I wanted to accomplish or what I wanted to work out, I litterally only had the energy to curl up peacefully in bed and listen to the power of now. Maybe I just really needed to reassure myself that I'm allowed to be gentle with myself because for so many years my go go go did not actually help me overcome my resistance, probably because I've been so out of alignment with what I really want. There is nothing wrong with choosing to recalibrate sometimes.
  12. Just one idea: Use this time of low energy to access supressed negative emotions like anger and sorrow you may not have dealt with yet. What's not going right with your life. If you succeed in accessing these emotions you will soon realize that some of it will take years of reading, therapy, interneting, journaling and talking it out. Don't be afraid. You are not alone. Or if that isn't moving you in any way. Try something truly new for you. There is always stuff to do that you've never tried before. Go try it and take your mind off your resistance for a quick minute. Try the Sedona method in any case.
  13. Just went to a charming feminist variety show. I change my mind about everything. Learned a lot too. Won't tell you what, but that mayne give something like that a try some time.
  14. I shudder at the idea of an epistocracy. That's what we had before people of color and women could vote. We were considered intellectually inferior. How does one actually measure intelligence without bias anyways? Citizenship candidates know more about the nitty gritty of American government than most Americans. Does that make them better Americans, and more fit for decision making? How can we encourage people to become involved in decision making if we repeatedly tell them that they are not fit for making decisions, and they begin to internalize this? What if the lower class is perpetually forces to forgo their education because their labor is so demanding? I think one thing that your Socrates video hints at is that one solution could be to attempt to educate all citizens more deeply. This would take massive ammounts of compassionate work from the few individuals who are set up to really speak out (and they do put out quite an effort). Another unlooked piece is how our social interactions on a very micro scale cause massive chain reactions. I personally don't worry so much about politics because it is what it is, reflecting a weird amalgamation of what the masses think and what the politicians think we think. How boring to get caught up in such a bull shit game? I would prefer to play with this game from an individual perspective, and develop my own sense of right and wrong. I esteem to be more responsible this way. I don't watch the news ever, and can gather quite a large ammount of data just by listening to how other people speak about it. I might engage directly with media just for fun, but I'm always so underwhelmed. Perhaps I would prefer to use my voice in less ridged ways such as voting.
  15. My first meditation teacher was very compassionate: Mingyur Rinpoche. He helped write the Joy of Living. This and probably any of the books in the recommended book section of the forum can probably be easily requested through your local inter-library loan system. I like books because when it feels like there's noone there to hold your hand, you at least have another being's mind to work with. Very calming, and beautiful.
  16. You are so right. I've spent too much time listening to assholes and not enough listening to myself or to people who want to show me kindness, which colors my whole world brown. Yes, I know I am doing this to myself, but if anyone wants to say it's my fault go fuck yourself. I'm not the Buddha, and most of these frustrations comes from subconcious processes that are going to take many years of cycling through the same unaligned shit in order to sort any of it out. Leo himself acknowledges that the no self realization is very beautiful, but isn't exactly a poet about this. He is more of a clever thinker. I can't remember who said it, but I'd prefer to think of it this way: why not see what we CAN do with this existence that is aparently before us. I know I'm saying the same thing essentialy but it allows me to let down my psychic censor more easily. I want to fill my emptiness with the four immeasurables, not panic about whether or not my ego is making things up. Of course it is. I don't care! I think I'm gonna join you in finding a wrigglier, prettier, warmer version of spirituality. Maybe we can make up our own?
  17. What's so wrong with meditating. Can someone please explain this to me!? Do these haters want me to literally take action during all parts of my day, and never let my thoughts settle? Pops: Don't listen to enlightened people! They're so full of shit. No, I'm not gonna help you with getting to a Vipassana retreat, but I'll sign you up for an ayahausca retreat any day. Mom: organized religion is the worst thing in the world and it's only purpose is to shame and guilt you. Step Dad: why would you go on a meditation retreat? I think riding my bike is pretty much meditation. Ex: I don't care if yoi want peace. I am going to watch the TV loudly all the time and talk your ear off whenever I feel like and then get angry at you when it seems like your drifting off. Buddhist Sanctuary: You probably have mental health issues, so you're not welcome to stay with us. Me: Can any of you see that meditation has been one of the most profound tools that have helped me through times when you were absent? Can any of you see that I need to be a part of a supportive community in order to actually pursue my own path? Maybe I should ditch all of you.
  18. There were all such beautiful respnses! I've been having increasing night terror where I just instantle wake up with a gut wrenching feeling of shame and guilt and hopelessness for having lived such a lame life. I wake up from my meditation from these terrors too. Usually I can shake it off, and at the very least try to take steps towards a less lame life, and this process brings me a lot of joy even though I'm usually not very successful. Does anyone else have these instant very intense feelings?
  19. I can perfrom for little children. They actually want to make music with me, and chime in when I read a story. I started having fewer problems in life when I realized how all people are children.
  20. Go do something else rather than go home all the time.
  21. It is so important to be in touch with your inner child, rather than repressing it. Maybe you weren't meant to be a Doctor, and need to be self-honest about whether or not you have the integrity to actually go deep with it? Maybe you were meant to be a healer of a different sort. Or a nurse or a commedian or a part time nurse/commedian. Maybe you were meant to be a Doctor, but need to go on a meditation retreat first so you can feel the full depth of the equanimity required.
  22. This happens to a lot of couples who run away together. Your isolation deepens in your unfamiliar environment, and you begin to lose connection with the inspiration and encouragement you were once able to take for granted in your birth community. No that you are away it is vital that you find a new spirit community. Friends, mentors, aquaintances that you can enjoy spending time with and who can introduce you to new flavors of the rainbow, and who you can offer guidance to as well. Literally stop habing sex for a while. It is actually a major stepping stone for a couple to be able to transcend the physical. Maybe someday when your feeling fun, go read a book about tantra or something, but for now, go out and do something else that you think will bring you a different sense of purpose calm or joy. It'll be hard at first because you feel isolated already, but as you begin to release that, you will find creative ways to fill your cup. Maybe there are other dysfunctions in the relationship too? Especially if your feeling guilty (you shouldn't necessarily feel guilty about not being able to perform). Maybe you also feel too much pressure in other areas of your life. What this calls for is Sorting Emotions Out. I hear therapy can be a good way, but there are a lot of great avenues. Try them all!
  23. Awesome! Go ask your friends and other interesting people what they think too.
  24. I really wish I did have a better counselor... But maybe you just need to spread the love you feel so strongly right now rather than chasing something that is too abstract for the moment. If you chase your bliss, you will start to align with experiences that make those abstract things more concrete. It's gonna take a lot of courage and/or dissociation to just out and out quit though.
  25. Where do you think the alleged discrepancy comes from? I potentially want to be an AutoCAD drafter. If you were my counselor, would you advise me to compensate for my potential ability/disability in mental rotation in comparison with men, or compensate for any other more subtly complex issues in a real professional environment?