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About NormL_is_boring

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  • Birthday 07/15/1976

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  1. So my question to you all is once you become more conscious and enlightened did everything change for you? What once was ok and working for you no longer feels the same and aren't so sure they ever will be or you want them to be? I see things so much differently now but how does it affect relationships when you are on a different level than each other and you really feel that the other won't "catch" up? What do you do? How do you make the decisions to let go especially when it's a long term relationship.
  2. I will say it depends on the person but most of the time someone a lot younger doesn't have the life experience of an older person and even though they may be more mature than their actual age that still can be an issue from what I have experienced. For me personally I am 40 and I tend to stay with in 5 years difference however, the person I have been seeing is 7 years younger than me and radically open minded and so far things are going pretty well. I draw a hard no at more than 10 years for me. It's way to close to my oldest son's age and I get hit on my a whole lot of early-mid 20's men lol. I just can't do it.
  3. I have been doing a lot of reading about crystals lately. A friend gave me a Herkimer Diamond and an Amethyst. I have went on to buy a few of my own. This is a good website to get a basic overview of crystals and what they can do. Crystal Vault Crystal Meanings
  4. I don't think they predict the future per say but I feel they can sort of guide you in a way. I think that signs come to you in different ways and at different times whether it be numbers, songs, tarot cards, astrology etc. and while I don't automatically think that's my future I do look for clues and think about what it means in relation to my life. I just had a reading done the other night by a friend and I didn't say anything at all about what the question was to him and the cards were very accurate with the intent of my question. Did it give me a straight up answer? No but I didn't expect it to but it did give me insight and thought to what I had asked.
  5. I agree 100%. Those things hold on for generations and generations and getting people to let that go is sometimes impossible. Because of this being outside the "norm" such as with polyamory and non-monogamy. IMO who I am sleeping with and living my life with is no one else's business besides me and those directly involved and affected by it. That is not society as a whole and we should not judge others for the way they live their life but yet it happens.
  6. Yes I agree. Also jumping right to sex talk is a huge turn off. I mean really men old enough to know better still do that.
  7. That is my new favorite phrase. I hope you don't mind if I borrow it for myself :). 1. Intelligence, honesty, sense of humor, confident but not cocky (there is a difference), radically open-minded, passionate, grounded, positive and has their shit together. 2. The way he kisses. IMO I believe that you can tell how someone is going to be in bed (and sometimes life in general) by the way someone kisses. Bad kissing = no arousal lol.
  8. I am/have gone through this. I just can't seem to be bothered to engage in so many things like socializing because after a while I can't stand being in the presence of feeling fakeness because I know it's an illusion. I can see myself changing paths and yes I feel stupid sometimes and it's depressing not really knowing what a new goal would be.
  9. @JeffR1If you don't mind me asking how did you know that after 25 years of marriage it was time to let go? I know there are various reasons for divorce but lately I have been questioning my life and it seems like what used to fit and make sense really doesn't much anymore and I am struggling with knowing and second guessing myself and it brings such confusion. I really hate the confusion lol. I apologize if it's to personal of a question and you do not want to answer but any insight would be appreciated.
  10. Hello everyone I am new to the forums and still looking around. I saw this post and wanted to respond. I hope everyone has a great day. As for what I struggle with it is second guessing myself instead of trusting what I feel or just know somehow but still = confusion at least to some degree for the most part. Which at this point in my life is a real bitch lol. I used to judge myself pretty harshly about some things and that I don't do so much anymore. I also don't worry as much about the things I used to. I wish I had more moments in my life than I had but with a now retired military husband, deployments and 3 kids it was hard not to run on auto pilot. Looking back through the pages of my life I can see now what I didn't see then. My childhood was a little unconventional I guess you could say but spirituality and enlightenment was always a part to some degree. Several years ago things started to change in my life and the journey from there to here has been life changing in many ways. A few years ago I went through a very hard time and I went looking for something, anything that would make sense to me because nothing else did. I started seriously meditating and it was really hard for me to focus in the beginning and quiet my mind which goes 24/7. I started lucid dreaming and I never remembered dreams-ever and still don't except for certain ones now and then and sleep paralysis accompanied with what my husband says I am sorta half screaming half screeching but I don't remember doing that but being awake during the paralysis I remember. I began writing again and realized that I'm a pretty strong empath and so many things make sense to me now. I have had so many ah-ha moments of things I have read or seen or just had come to me out of the blue and I just know without a doubt. This I work on daily is just trusting that. I don't like labels so I am not even sure what I would call myself in the way I think, I live, I feel, I am.