Evilwave Heddy

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Everything posted by Evilwave Heddy

  1. @John Flores Thanks for further proving my statement.
  2. @John Flores Your mind is fucked up.
  3. 2:08 I hope they didn't just do this experiment once and come to this conclusion.
  4. Can I use "I like you" instead? Saying "I love you" doesn't seem as genuine as saying "I like you". I feel a lot of sarcasm coming from it.
  5. Hmm..interesting, Mr.123 But should I really believe you?
  6. Ah yeah, I kind of picked up on that from a few of Leos videos about labeling and all. From the sound of it though you have some other idea with particles etc. I'm not sure we are on the same page here but what I speak of is kind of similar to what you speak of. We just have different ideas of what is happening, right?
  7. I tried telling my old friends about spirituality and they just laughed at me and asked me if I really believed in that bullshit and whenever I'd come around they'd ask me if I had just got finished praying to Jesus even though I explained it all to them. I had the last laugh though when I completely ignored their calls one day and avoided them completely. I haven't seen or talked to them in about a year or so since then.
  8. @Prabhaker You're on a forum...not in a war. @Annetta There are victims all around us. Just go into the "Serious Emotional Problems" to see that or even talk with a friend. There is no need to accuse someone of something then watch them act the victim to learn about playing victim.
  9. Watched this one a while back.
  10. One word that sums this thread up? Counterproductive...
  11. @My_Name_Is_Mud I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. I doubt that's what Leo meant by his comment. It was just an oppurtunity for Annetta to unleash her personal feelings and assumptions. I hope you two are being adult about this and taking it up in PM rather than letting it all out on the forums.
  12. Interesting! I've never heard of the Planck length until now. I love learning about the small stuff like protons, neutrons etc. It just fascinates me. I feel like the Planck length will blow my mind if I did a bit of research on it. I don't think I'm ready yet. Lmao
  13. Nope. Have genuinly tried once or twice but gave up because I didn't wanna mess with my sleeping pattern. Have you tried it yet?
  14. Nice share. Great video. It has been posted on these forums before but it's always nice to see it arise again and to let more people be aware of it.
  15. That's what @Dodoster and I were debating. It can be seen from different perspectives. 1. Shin is getting rid of you and turning you into a smoothie. (Hence the bloody colour) 2. Shin is holding you (the blender) passionately and he looks at you (the blender) like you are the love of his life. 3. Or...when Shin makes a smoothie he has you in mind. So it will make him look healtier and fitter for you. (Hence your name in the smoothie) Lmao
  16. Hey, just got done with a 30 minute meditation session after I stopped a few weeks back. It honestly felt great. There was so much crap built up in my mind that it almost felt liberating after meditating. Knowing now first hand the benefits of meditating, I will try keep this going and try to never hold it off or procrastinate it. For any of you that are in a similar case and are procrastinating meditation. I'd recommend just doing it and feel the difference yourself. (This great feeling after meditating may also come from the fact that I was up really early this morning)
  17. Wow! Last time I watched Koi he cut his videos after every sentence which was mildly frustrating.
  18. What's the cause?
  19. It does look a bit odd, but as long as it keeps the head warm and is comfortable then I can see past the oddness.
  20. Gained a lot of respect for Leo after this video. Sometimes you forget that he's human.