Evilwave Heddy

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Everything posted by Evilwave Heddy

  1. I wonder if it was a psychadelic induced enlightenment.
  2. Yeah, the ranks are undeeded. At least remove those first..
  3. Ditch him..move out already. If he's not willing to accept any kind of help, then he's a lost cause.
  4. Saying "you look very pretty today" is weird and can come across as stalkerish...especially when you don't know them. You need to get rid of this line ASAP. Even a simple "What's up?" will do because this gives them something to reply with other than an awkward "thanks?".
  5. @Moreira How do you know that laziness and depression were products of your fapping?
  6. Yup, he kept bringing up Enki and some shit. Since then I just kept telling him that his mind is fucked up.
  7. No, you are Cancer...
  8. The UK will soon be overun by muslim terrorists, just like in Sweden.
  9. Who's the girl in the top left? Is that you?
  10. This is nice to hear man. Grats.
  11. https://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Professional-BL661REF-Certified-Refurbished/dp/B01KVCQGJU/ref=sr_1_9/131-3714835-8700929?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1494151470&sr=1-9&refinements=p_n_feature_five_browse-bin%3A5616183011
  12. Who was in the wrong?
  13. What is your opinion on it now? I'm interested.
  14. @d0ornokey Mastery is a result of life purpose.
  15. You're just as confused as someone who has no interests at all. Get the Life Purpose course....or you could try testing the waters for each area of interest (2-3 months each) and see if you really are that interested in said areas. I did this with making music and found that my interest for Microbiology was stronger.
  16. Swimming the Pacific Ocean in one breath isn't possible.
  17. 10. Free will does not exist. The main story/sidequests are scripted.