Evilwave Heddy

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Everything posted by Evilwave Heddy

  1. Prostitution might be your Life Purpose. Start taking responsibility for what you are doing rather than blaming it on your upbringing or "this other side to me".
  2. I had a quick look there and I believe the majority of them are, yes.
  3. Yeah, just make sure you have money saved for the recommended books to read that come along with each video on the course. I have spent about 150 euro/159$ on books and I think the rest will be bought for around 40 euro. (So 200$ in total depending on the prices on Amazon ofc or if they have the books at your library) Also just a future note for you...Joseph Cambells books are very difficult to read. I just skipped reading them for now. (Leo recommends reading two of them)
  4. Do you know how much NASA, SpaceX etc make for each "mission"? We are talking about 100's of millions of dollars. Let's just say we knew about flat earth. NASA and SpaceX wouldn't even exist and they surely wouldn't be getting the millions of dollars because there would be no "mission". It's like just one big film that humanity as believed in and invested money in.
  5. I don't know why people are so against the Flat Earth theory. Why can't they just open their minds and do the research and prove to themselves that the earth is spherical. (Or pear shaped in Neils opinion) With very little research you can find that the Moon Landing was a hoax. Finding this out actually lead me to do more research which ended up in me believing that the Earth may be flat. Now there is one thing that doesn't kinda make sense to me about Flat Earthers proof which is the horizon being flat. Yes it is flat but the Earth is massive so even high up (like some videos show) it will still appear to be flat because of its size. I might just need to do more research on this. But anyways I'm almost one of them crazy flat earthers that people hate. Also watch this. This might just give you some idea about how the theory came about. Be warned! This shit is eerie but a great watch.
  6. Any advice for people going in fresh? I got this a week ago and plan on starting it in the new year. Should I take a notebook and write shit down? I'm planning on treating it like a real course.
  7. The journey is not an easy one and that is why a lot of people quit and drop it. Good job sticking with and best of luck in 2017.
  8. 5:11 Shit man...makes sense.
  9. Everyone likes nostalgia and there is nothing better when you listen to an old song/tune you used to be listening back in the days and thinking about how much has changed since then.
  10. Deleting Facebook is pointless because it is still there. What you need to really do is delete all of your friends. Or do what I did and make a game from it. Delete a friend a day or 7 a week until you just get fed up and delete them all.
  11. @Schuchti11 I was 3 months into my job too. It was my first proper job. If you find yourself questioning this every day for the next week like I did, then you'll know that something has to be done. I'll be honest with you, this is the 3rd day from my job since I quit and I feel great, despite the odd downtimes where I'd miss the work enviroment. I feel ready to get back into studying and learning (while casually looking at the options for a new job, but I doubt I will go back to a job anytime soon) and this is the first time in 3 months I've felt like this. I'm feeling excited. The first week I'm just gonna chill out then will get back into personal development. (and try not get stuck into chilling out) lol Just make sure you have enough money to support yourself. I only had 2 weeks paycheck saved up, but will last me for 10 weeks or so. After that I will be getting income for being unemployed. Or I could simply look for another job. I tend to live in the moment so what happens in the far future doesn't bother me. If money isn't an issue, just ask yourself..is it wise to change your life in 2 months? 6 months? a year? rather than now..or soon. PS. Call me crazy, but the last few days I've been watching videos on flat earth and have started to believe in a flat earth. I'm undecided on what I believe anymore and might just move on from these ideas that earth is flat or round.
  12. @Leo Gura Don't worry, you didn't influence me to quit or anything, my mind was kinda made up after the meeting ,but just reading it is like the nail in the ground for me. Either way, I'm gonna be searching for a new job (part time preferably) in my downtime as this job just straight up destroyed me.
  13. Thanks for getting in touch Leo. During my meeting this morning with the bosses I told them the same as what I said here...they didn't really understand my craving for "learning" and at that point I realised that they had no idea what I was going through. So now they have given me the day off to think about If I want this job or not and to let them know tommorow as I told them straight out I want to quit. I honestly feel free...and happy atm despite the rush of emotions this morning. Anyways, I just got to go in tommorow to clear my locker and sign some forms and am looking forward to it. Thanks again Leo for getting back to me as I felt that quitting my job was the wrong decision.
  14. This is a great little book I picked up at the library a few days ago. I'd recommend giving it a read. https://www.amazon.co.uk/This-Book-Will-Make-Calm/dp/1848662831
  15. @Leon Bell One weird thing that I noticed after quitting is that everytime I eat a new food since I quit I'd get a big craving for a cigarette. For example: 2 months off cigarettes and I had just eaten a bowl of spaghetti for the first time since been off them and It was like I had only quit a few days ago the craving was so big. It's almost as if my brain was so used to having a cigarrete after a bowl of spaghetti that it had forgot I had given up 2 months prior. lol
  16. I listen to music like this.. It's the only type of music that resonates with me and makes me feel good. I also dislike it when people say that dubstep is simply just throwing random sounds together because it is waaay harder than that. The dubstep in these video is on point and makes the overall song flow.
  17. Fucking Zodiac sign bullshit. lol
  18. My technique on quitting smoking was to convince myself that a craving only lasts for 2 minutes max every time I craved one. I quit cold turkey by doing this and have been off cigarettes for half a year now. I feel ten times better than I did when I smoked. I was drunk the other night and I took a drag from a cigarrette and it literally tasted like an ashtray. I have no idea how it became a habit. Also another trick I did was kept looking at a timeline on how my body is changing from quitting. It made me feel like I was accomplishing everything on the timeline. http://whyquit.com/whyquit/A_Benefits_Time_Table.html
  19. Leo has been holding this video off for too long and now SWIM has rustled a few feathers. Myahahaha
  20. Dammmnn, what is this topic? You wanna know when we jerk off? Okaaaaaay.
  21. What were you paranoid about?