Evilwave Heddy

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Everything posted by Evilwave Heddy

  1. 12 days left. Good shit. Think you'll keep this as a habit?
  2. I've noticed 1337 a lot since my Call of Duty days. I remember it being on a train in the CoD game and someone told me it meant "Leet" as in Lethal or something like that. Since then I'd just so happen to look at the clock the minute it strikes 13:37 some days. It has to do with the subconscious I believe, just picking up on familiar numbers that stand out to you. You don't see it, but you subconscious does making you pay attention to it. Same applies for the numbers 69 and 420..they've been giving a meaning so we recognize them more. They don't appear any more than random groups of numbers either, it's just that we pick up on familiar grouped numbers like 911. Other than that, I don't believe they have any other significant meaning. Also quit reading the first google search results page you find.
  3. It's amazing how far we've come. This video still manages to make me tear up.
  4. I found my life purpose before even doing the life purpose assessment. (Which comes later in the course) The life purpose assessment just made it concrete. Also if you buy it and are not happy with it, you can get your money back. So it's worth a shot. My opinion: It's the best thing I've ever bought for myself. I've learned a lot about myself and can now look forward to each new day. Leo should charge more for it. lmao
  5. I just found this guy on Youtube and after listening to the song it get's me really thinking about the Native Americans and their way of living. I always think about how their life was before they were "invaded". I don't know why, but it brings a tear to my eye the more I listen to it.
  6. Did watching this make you want to buy his book?
  7. I feel it would be very hard to distinguish who is who. "Is it the OP replying to my post or some troll pretending to be the OP?"
  8. What talent she has.
  9. @Principium Nexus @Loreena Here's an beautiful perspective of that landing.
  10. @Loreena I get really nervous during the 1 minute before and after take off. It's so tense.
  11. Round 2 in just over an hour. Here's a video from a few months ago of another mission just to get yas excited.
  12. It was aborted until tomorrow same time.
  13. @Toby That or he tried picking up a random customer service agent. lol Anyways, she probably just didn't find you attractive. And her way of getting rid of you was to give you her number (when they give you their number, it doesn't mean they are interested in you.) And many girls tend not to tell you why your pick up didn't work so to not to upset your feelings.
  14. @Loreena Ah right. I don't know how else you'd go about contacting him then. Are you still having the problem?
  15. @Loreena I just clicked "trouble logging in" underneath submit button. Then "contact form".
  16. I've tried disrupting my deja vu by doing something crazy...but turns out I did exactly that crazy thing too in my deja vu.
  17. "eskwire calls out Leo Gura, but you'll be amazed at what happens next."
  18. Yeah same. Been like that all day. I emailed him because I thought it was just me.
  19. Nobody is unique.
  20. I got a challenge for you. Sit down, clear your mind and visualize yourself speaking with people. Not just that but visualize yourself not caring/overthinking shit, being confident, and being well spoken. Also visualize them being interested in what you are saying. Visualize yourself as someone you see on television who speaks well and confidently and is a great conversation starter. Visualize that it is you. Now while visualizing this try get a sense of where you are in this visualization. Is there a smell? Maybe there's a smell from the person you're speaking to or a smell of a bakery just across the way. Is it raining? Sunny? Snowing? Visualize it so it is like you're actually there speaking confidently with this person/girl. What you need to do is visualize for 15-30 minutes every day of you speaking confidently and making the conversation flow. Do this for 21 days/3 weeks and see if there is any improvement. Your subconscious doesn't notice the difference between reality and imagination...so doing this visualizing is basically like practicing it in reality. This is why visualization is so powerful and why Leo recommends it in many of his videos. p.s change visualizations every day..so for example the setting, person, smells etc.