Evilwave Heddy

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Everything posted by Evilwave Heddy

  1. Very interesting choice of mastery. lmao What's the end goal? You could start by familiarizing yourself with the biology of the penis,vagina, reproduction and menstrual cycle.
  2. Fuck..this is deep man. If my grandfather was in that state and he said he wanted to die I would do my best to make his wish come through. I see it as torture for the poor man. The guy is begging to be killed and your selfish family who won't let him go because they can't bear the thought of it and won't make his one last wish come through. This saddens me.
  3. This guy is the kind of guy to find out he has cancer by google searching "causes of my cough". He sounds paranoid. This is basically a video on why exercise is important. It just has a sneaky way of conveying it to you because people hate when you tell them about the benefits of exercise. Simply standing up won't do much good either...he wants you to move...to exercise.
  4. Serious answer: What's the rush? The best way to go about it is to take your time. If you have an hour to spare each day then do an hour a day for the next month or so. Something that you can cope with. An hour a day = 365 hours in the year. Now if you feel like you can ramp it up to 2 hours a day, then commit to doing it for 2 hours a day. 2 hours a day = 730 hours a year We all know that 10,000 hours is the mastery mark. (or so they say) So doing 3 hours a day for 9-10 years will get you to that mark. The trick with starting to do 30 - 60 hours a week is that you're gonna burn yourself out. Now if you have a bunch of free time during the day to afford doing 30 - 60 hours a week then go for it. However I'd still take it in gradual steps. I found myself burnt out doing 5 hours a day for 5 days of the week when I first found my Life Purpose. (I was too excited) The following week I ended up doing nothing. I eventually decided to do it gradually as I realized that I had plenty of years to get the hang of my LP. I'm not planning on dying anytime soon. No rush. Also I hope that within a month or two (if I still have the time during the day) that it can get back to doing 5 hours a day..and increase it slowly from there. Not everyone is the same though so it might be a different story for you. Best of luck man.
  5. Thought I'd leave this video here just to show you what success can be gained from hard work and something you love.. Some of these facts are about the game itself and not Barone but it might just give you an insight into what work was put into it by a single guy. Enjoy
  6. I'd be a bit bothered if my beautiful/amazing other half smelled like shit smoke every day also. I'd also try encourage them to stop smoking as I don't want to deal with their shitty smoking problems in years to come (if I'm still with them) such as bronchitis and liver cancer. I also cringe when someone is speaking to me with their toxic breath. I'm an ex smoker of about 6 years of smoking so I have some experience with smelling like smoke. A simple solution to your problem is to quit smoking or get rid of her or even grow a pair and deal with the criticism. You probably don't deserve someone like her anyways. Someone that cares about your health and well being. I also want to point out that the benefits of not smoking outweigh the benefits of smoking...actually smoking has no benefits. Trust me when I say that not smoking is way better than smoking. I know that the cravings are there...but you just got to grow a spine a realize that these cravings pass after 2 or 3 minutes. Remind yourself of this for days and months and smoking won't even bother you. Smoking is not a need so can be easily gotten rid of. I'm a year off smoking now and I feel great and the sense of achievement is awesome on top of that. Maybe it's time for you to "open your fucking mind" and see the damage smoking does to you and how much money you waste on it. Heck, just do a bit of research of the benefits as weeks pass without smoking to get you motivated. Now is the time to quit. Just do it or be that pussy that can't achieve simple things. I do apologize for being so blunt. But sometimes people need a good kick in the arse to get them to realize what they're doing and what they're capable of.
  7. @Orange "Oh no, I forgot to log in for my daily rewards today" @see_on_see I guess you're right. I bet I was sucked in by the T.V when I was younger. It just feels like tablets and phones can consume you even more than regular old t.v
  8. The more I hear about these crystals, the more I believe there is some sort of energy coming from them. Like that Nikola Tesla quote says, "it is still a living being". But has anyone tried buying a bath load of different crystals and bathing in them? Can you imagine how you'd feel? Maybe you could reach insta enlightenment. Or become immortal. If people claim that they can feel energy from one of these crystals, imagine a blanket of them. I'm sure someone here has a bunch of crystals. Also don't call me silly for thinking such things unless crystals negate each other.
  9. Seems like they are more interested in the virtual world.
  10. Reminded me of this.(forgive the weird language voiceover) Ikr..I bet he ejaculates in slow motion.
  11. Interesting. I've been noticing a common trend of successful people writing books lately. Learn something to the greatest extent then write a book on your findings.
  12. I find this to be the best quote to call back on when I'm feeling slightly lost during the day. “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” -Buddha
  13. Early 20's - late 30's but then there's a lot of beautiful women in there late 40's so I guess older age doesn't make a difference. I feel anyone under 20 still needs time to grow and experience life.
  14. @ElenaO I agree...everyone is not the same.
  15. Humor, Confidence, Spontaniety, Authenticity and eyes.
  16. That's a very good question..because we don't really think about each other the same way women think of other women during the days. We don't gossip like many women do because we just don't care. For example: If Freddy over there is wearing weird shoes we would point it out and be done with it. Meanwhile women would look at Jesses' ugly shoes, say nothing, then gossip to her friends about how ugly they were later. Sometimes we might just give the odd "God, he's a dickhead isn't he?" after conversation and leave it at that. They don't really escalate into anything. We're kinda like cavemen in a way. This is my perspective as man with my friends. I think the biggest trait is loyalty and openness. If they have those two qualities I'd consider them a friend. Speaking of the term "friends". Men do not know when a friend is a friend.
  17. I'm not too sure how you'd go about installing one to be honest. After thinking some more about this, I'd be careful drinking it. There may or may not be chemicals in the rainwater. If you live out in the country area, farmers might occasionally spray their crops with certain chemicals which will of course mix with the rainwater on its descent. Just be wary is all.
  18. You'd probably need to keep checking the pH after every rainfall, just in case. I've never actually tried rainwater myself so I don't know what it'd taste like, however after some certain types of rainfall I'd get an acidic smell on my clothes. Now maybe that's just the smell of wet clothes or something? I never done any research into this. Also depends how to collect it. Make sure everything is clean. Did your Auntie have any sort of filtration system set up?
  19. Sheeple It's not wars that's ruining humanity. It's not your presidents or leaders. It's not the mainstream media or TV. It's not some Illuminati. It's the sheeple.
  20. @blazed Small penis or just dry humping.