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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Can anyone tell me if "A New Earth" is a better book for a beginner? thanks in advance.
  2. I also agree to maybe slow down DizIzMikey. It's just that operating without a teacher might be causing us to try and force things or at least run before we can walk.
  3. But as far as I understand it DizIzMikey, you can't *think* nor *force* yourself out of your mind. It's the thing we are told is "tricky".
  4. @eye_wanderer To be honest, if you feel that way I would not bother. I mean why bother getting out of bed in the morning? If on the other hand you feel like that guy on "Close Encounters" making Mountains out of mash potatoe and being pulled toward something, then I would give you different advice.
  5. Yes, but Leo has also made clear that he is in turn quite new to Enlightenment, but it cuts right through the core of every other aspect of your life. In effect you can follow all Leo's other life changing stuff to help yourself slowly, or give your whole life, spirituality or whatever you want to call it a major shift, and at the same there seems to be a hint that to take this fast lane, you need to have already built up a bit of maturity.
  6. Well I'm quite new to the subject but why would Leo Gura, if he's as successful as you say he is, put his whole reputation on the line, and his web site and you tube channel, if he didn't believe that this subject was important or even if there was the slightest risk that it was hocus pokus? And people here are really asking you is to question your own mind?
  7. Basically, I've fed my brain all this material, and this is what it came up with (I know you're going to tell me this is all wrong because this is just words and ego stuff) however, maybe you'd find it interesting: Create in essence a new "brain" spontaneously in software of the brain by analysing the first brains thoughts and asking "who am I". Practice the use of this new brain by regularly using it to the point where you can control the thoughts of the first brain, and also silence the first brain through deep meditation. Realise that when you take the power away from the original brain that the body and person still functions in it's own way and basically doesn't need the brain (no free will). Finally force the new brain to take over as the main brain. In order to do this the original brain must give up and die, and truly believe it is dying - there is no other way. This new brain is able to tap into the universe in a way that evolution could never find a reason to do.
  8. I'm thinking of getting my first book on the subject and try a bit of reading that way. This isn't giving up - don't worry about that.
  9. Hi Ayla, thank you for moving my post, unfortunately it looks like you posted the original question and not me. I can see what you are saying, but Mr Mind is all I have to work with at the moment, and if it's saying it's feeling over whelmed or has critcisms about the way I'm feeding it information, these are genuine concerns?
  10. I'm feeling ill with a man-cold, and I'm finding the random array of thoughts coming through in such an un-structured way is overwhelming me and I'm actually loosing the focus I had on Leo's videos.
  11. @Ayla It's simple, you are going to need symbolic language.
  12. What if you had a bunch of dogs and one of them somehow made a leap of thought and joined in a human conversation about some abstract mathematical problem. Then he goes back to the other dogs and all he has with which to explain the other dogs is woof, bark and woof woof. And not only that, the other dogs are just interested in sniffing stuff and waiting for dinner.
  13. OK well I don't pretend to be a serious seeker at this moment in time, however I can try to understand that if you are trying to describe a transparent awareness that holds everything in it which you experienced in your own way and transcends anything here on this earth, I think words would fail for me too. Any good to you?
  14. I'm trying once or twice a day Pierre but I have time constraints and I've also just gone down with a bad cold. I am getting as far as knowing there's something amusing coming up but then I stop. Is this "surrendering" important to these exercises?
  15. More just to provoke a thought, than to say anything.
  16. OK, well the video is kinda tounge in cheek, where Cypher in the matrix decides to go back to "not knowing". Here's something else instead: Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life. 31But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
  17. I wonder if this "surrender" is important in the invisible head experiments? I keep just getting to the edge of it.
  18. Hey, my 2 cents: No - not just ego defences, but you need to be completely and utterly "open" to see any of this, otherwise, might just as well go home now.