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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Can you be more specific about what a desire is. Is it a desire to get up in the night and have a glass of water, a desire to buy a sports car?
  2. I've been feeling other people's feelings, mainly pain. I can't watch that ridiculous and stupid program where kids fall off their bikes etc, "You've Been Framed", I'm just in agony.
  3. I saw something different... I climbed out of my prison window, and then saw there was nothing there where I had been.
  4. This is probably off topic, but this is very interesting. Even though almost everyone talks about the "power of belief" I've yet to hear anyone say in their direct experience that "your believe in this reality it becomes the Truth for you". I assume it was in your experience? So what are ultimate beliefs. If anything is possible, how do I make that proverbial mountain move?
  5. SFRL is sticking up for OSHO by making a comparison to this forum. I mean you can make a comparison to any group of people. How do you know your work colleague sat next to right now doesn't have someone chained up in the basement? Looking at some of the facebook groups I'm a member of, I don't think many of them would last on a commune desert island with insufficient resources, they would rip each-others eye balls out in a second.
  6. When you strip away the layers of behaviour and meaning and break it all down, are all the modern gestures of romance in dating, basically a means to an end, that of (how can I say this) exchanging bodily fluid! 8)
  7. I hope no-one tries this and their body literally gives up. I have a low blood pressure condition which means I probably would have died doing it and also probably can't do "Meo" as my body temperature is all over the place. Just add a large dose of common sense everyone.
  8. Now, I have to get back to looking busy now, apparently, Jesus is coming...
  9. Who is this "Osho" guy of whom you all speak. Have you actually met him? Could be a figment of your over-active imagination, or worse still something they made up in the media?
  10. Sorry I don't know anything about Osho but Jesus was talking about fruits you display to people, fruits of the spirit, not writings.
  11. @How to be wise Not very "wise" though is it. Is it no coincidence you posted about (if I understand correctly) believing you are in a good position, even when your life is shit. It's not the kind of enlightenment I seek.
  12. Shit, I've only been chopping wood my whole life. Now I know what I've been doing wrong!
  13. When he realises everything on this forum is complete and utter bull-crap.
  14. sold a bag of dandruff.
  15. If some guided meditation worked well the first time but not much again later, logic tells me that it's possible you have too much expectation generated, which in non-dual speak means you now have conceptualised your purpose, and you are looking for a "Thing".
  16. @Enlightened One Haven't Enlightened "Ones" got anything better to do?
  17. He's a pickup guy. I'd never heard of pickup until Leo mentions it in 2 or 3 videos.
  18. I goo-gled what you said "David Hawkin's Letting go technique" and it basically came up with a You Tube "PICK UP" guy basically saying you sit in a dark room and just search inside yourself. Is he right? Is that all it is? I would like to get to grips with this idea because I suffer pain, visual snow, auditory tinnitus and constant itching which is like all the senses over loaded. Maybe it could help me find some peace and meditate for longer.
  19. My point wasn't very clear, it was just that when you study populations, it's due a massive cull to practically nothing on Earth, and we can't just assume humans can avoid this because we are "special". and it will happen regardless of all the shitty politics of which you are all speaking.
  20. Despite any love you may feel for humanity, there needs to be a big cull of human beings as it's simply unsustainable. I'm sure it will be pretty horrific for all of us when it happens. Politicians say just put the trust in Science, scientists say we will be inhabiting other planets soon which is a joke.
  21. But that Infinity Candle, as nice as it is, is a concept no? I'm trying everything to eliminate a concept, carrying out a non-activity to see a no-thing?