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Everything posted by Neo

  1. OK, no -ones been able to come back to me on the sleep issue, but I wonder if anyone can help analyse the thoughts themselves. The very start of dream sleep seems to come on, for me, in pictures. Sometimes they are just something playing out like characters or people, a few seconds of dialogue. Sometimes they are more distorted figures or events, even cartoon like. These blips of imagery I recognise as the start of sleep. They come so easy when trying to meditate. Do they say anything other than "I'm tired"?
  2. You can't take the upside of something in isolation, you can't even take to booze without thinking if you're going to have a sore head and look like shite in morning.
  3. The trouble for me is, I read this thread but I cannot see who has the wisdom, I have no guru. So I'm sorry guys, I'm more confused. Normally I have things 180 degrees wrong, then I know I'm listening to truth.
  4. Doesn't have a lot to do with Enlightenment though does it?
  5. Isn't it all about leaving those perceptions behind? In any case, if there's a god out side of all this with a mater plan, that takes you right into the realm of religious belief because we couldn't prove is disprove it by any means.
  6. It's an interesting question. Despite making a few jokes on this very site, this journey, thing, is coinciding with a time in my life where I learn to value seriousness. It's never been important to me before now. I've worked for major corporations and banks and lived in a religion too where I though everything had to be funny. It hit me like a tonne of bricks, I mean the importance of it. It maybe underrated, I think every woman has at the top of their list "sense of humour" and seriousness goes out the window, but this whole world is serious.
  7. How deep does the rabbit hole go:?
  8. Can anyone help me with a practical problem? This guided meditation is all about letting go. I find that instead of monkey chatter creeping in, which you supposed to allow and not try to stop, I have the very beginnings of sleep creeping in (which I believe are called hypnagogic thoughts) and these I have to oppress normally when I become aware of them in order not to fall asleep and miss the video (maybe they last 5 - 10 seconds each before I become aware). To the un-initiated these feel like you are falling asleep and contain dream like thoughts normally wrapped up in pictures. I have already changed my time of day to my most alert time of day which is mid morning after a couple cups of coffee. Any ideas?
  9. @Ayla Can you apply everything you understand about existence to a post on a forum or even any situation in everyday life. You still go and buy a loaf of bread even though it only exists in your mind yes? Maybe OI start another thread about my situation which is the opposite of the original poster, me, not so much meditation but hair standing on end to all this knowledge and some weird experiences, but you guys - all this knowledge is zero.
  10. There is on my level. I'm just a beginner still. You're saying the universe reacted to you, not some individual. I understand. I have not experienced yet.
  11. You are so harsh with each other, just remember everyone tries to help in their own way.
  12. Yes, I take these as a metaphor, if something so simple can fool the mind.
  13. It was only a half-joking response indicated by the "hehe" at the end, with the joke being that I now have an excuse for all the years I've spent day dreaming but also at the same time, some wishful thinking going on that maybe it could be true. My progress is that I've recently done a massive move of house and business and rarely have time to meditate (I'm also self employed) and yet when I listen to Leo's guided videos, I've had one *religious* experience and another where I went straight to the source and had a fight with myself. Everyone - shoot me down for not doing the work - but I *know* this is the right path and I'm ever so grateful to Leo.
  14. I've been loosing my train of though my whole life and spent hours during school and lectures just staring out the window. I wonder if this is why I'm making such rapid progress!!! hehe
  15. I had a second go at watching the guided meditation. Unfortunately I chose the wrong time of day and had to keep stopping myself fall asleep so it didn't go well like the first time. (I'm one of those people who fall asleep on the bus, in the doc's surgery, everywhere). Although later that day a had a slight vision / feeling of being a young child cut off from it's mother - a feeling of loneliness which I don't suffer from in real life. It was such a feeling deep form the soul that I though it must have been prompted by the meditation rather than a random thought, but who knows?
  16. Isn't it just applying math to something you can't add anything to or take anything away, which is infinity, which makes the whole discussion pointless? Weird, actually this happens a lot in life even in normal business dealings and personal relationships, it always comes down to an equilibrium or infinity.
  17. That's ok, I don't have a hangup about the warning thing. A lot of this is just me spewing out thoughts.
  18. Open the mind, let go completely, accept, surrender - oh, but "warning".
  19. It's not my intention to create a divide with this thread although it clearly is something that people have differing opinions on. However, Leo's videos begin with a strong Warning to people. So you could ask, why does Leo promote radical open-mindedness while at the same time putting a warning on his video? The answer I believe, is that you don't walk really close to the edge of a cliff on a windy day, and say "hey! I'm practicing radical open-mindedness!" and wait to be blown off the edge. I think, if we ask Leo, and Leo feel free to chip in, but I'm sure he would say, "sure there's people out there who, on their journey, currently, are rapidly addicted to just about anything to the point of self destruction." I don't mind raising my hand to say I might be one of those people. That's why I posted. There are some more subtleties to the argument too. While you may be developing the ability to question everything, no one is suggesting there is a conspiracy by governments to withhold drugs. Leo isn't saying it's the key to enlightenment. And it isn't without risk that Leo made the videos, following his normal modus operandi. But with some of us hanging on his every word, after all, he is the guru right? So there it is.
  20. Mikey , you seem to be very good at getting specific answers to your self enquirey work. For people starting out (like me), how do you know what are actual answers and not just imagination? All I get in the way of answers is meandering thought and guesses, or nothing at all. Sometimes I can kinda make up the answers to my questions but I'm full of doubt as to the validity of the answer.
  21. The way I interpret these comments is, you can't meditate with a specific goal in mind because that would almost be a fantasy of the ego? Is that correct?
  22. Really "further from Truth" or just "No nearer"?