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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Great ideas start out as a fantasy, such as a business idea. Or are you talking fantasy like you're going to marry David Beckham? I think it's really important to know the difference between the two. Something that seems like escapism but actually could be developed into an idea could be REALLY POWERFULL, the other one could just end up in you being a stalker.
  2. I don't need to be convinced of a couple of punks when I see em.
  3. Record twice, camera on tripod, over lay him fro second film onto first film of wind while friend watches replay of first film giving cues to act when.
  4. The bit about loosing your motivation is a bit worrying to a business owner. I wonder what Leo thinks about that? @Leo Gura
  5. So do I! I go on holidays (vacation) just after xmas. Sunshine is good for skin and health if you live where I do too and seasonal affective disorder is real too.
  6. Yes, I agree. But how much of this is real, and how much is just "foggy memory", I mean were you REALLY foggy at the time. Well for me yes, probably was a bit foggy, - all those drunken nights out that got a bit messy. There are also many times I'd like to go back in time and shake myself, but let's just stay in the present eh?
  7. Just as a light hearted break from the discussion; @Leo Gura have you ever really said about anything at all, "that's it, we're done here, let's go home, watch cartoons and eat pizza!"? lol
  8. This was to Elton who was having technical and computer problems causing him to doubt himself, I didn't realise the post was made months ago.
  9. In the mind of those convinced that drugs are the path, "it is the rest of the world who has a problem". Just saying.
  10. Motivational videos do not make everything in the world or even "your world" run smoothly. The laws of this universe cause things to constantly break down, the 2nd law of thermodynamics. There is also far more permutations in any system than those permutations that are useful to us humans, and so whenever there is change, there is risk of some random or unforeseen element causing problems for us. So you need your motivational videos, and you need a huge dose of *reality* and together you take on the perspective of what looks very much like maturity.
  11. I had this idea that everything (infinite possibilities) exits in this one spot and you only "tune in" to what you believe. It's been shown at a quantum level that an emitted photon will have a variety of possible end points and as it is emitted the end points are excited even before the photon arrives. And in similar fashion our mind is like the excitable array of sensory "detectors" if you like, and these attract the version of reality that we believe in. And because there are infinite versions of reality, there too are all the versions with each of your friends, relatives, co-workers etc in infinite possible positions.
  12. @cetus56 But this could be understood on several levels. Sometimes I convince myself it works on one level and then I'm not sure and think the other. You could say that everything from out there in the physical world is reconstructed in the mind where you experience it along with your own agenda. e.g. It looks like a depressing or sad day - which is all in your mind and based on your beliefs. Or you could believe that the world really is completely constructed in the mind in it's entirety and there is no objective reality. But as soon as you take this step you have to accommodate the fact there appears to be other beings who must construct their view of reality similar to yours.
  13. @Leo Gura One of my favourite questions or mantras is something along the lines of, am I an object or the observer, and I realised after reading your post and contemplating that I've been inadvertently asking am I one object or another object because I assumed the observer was a "greater" me, another object. After that I found bliss quite quickly which wasn't the no-self I was looking for, but finding that so quickly was progress anyway.
  14. You would probably have difficulty making sense of the world if you weren't able to piece together snipets of sensory information whether is be seeing a predator running towards you (that would be quite a fundamental ability to interpret moving images), also sounds strung together to be recognized or interpreted. Maybe even a sense of rhythm. Perhaps the brain's job is to create an immersive experience that we understand or make sense to us and it's interesting to analyse or even peel back a few layers if you can.
  15. I only said that because I don't necessarily fit the mold, or one of them on this forum that in a nutshell says to become enlightened, you need to just about have nothing but also, want for nothing. And another mindset that says you mustn't work too much - so no workaholics allowed here! lol But there again, not fitting the mold is a good thing in my opinion.
  16. This is very important Debbie. I am currently leading a very hectic life which is bad I know. I don't think anyone on this forum would relish my lifestyle right now but I run a business and just moved house. But despite this your words ring true with me. I have a favourite spot in my new garden where I love to go a take it all in. There's a mental construct of your surroundings in your mind. Even if you're deaf and blind. Very little of what you can see right now is done with the eyes. Just little snippets. If you are asked later to draw the room you were in earlier, most of what you draw will come from memories at different times put together like a jigsaw. Much of the time we can spend not aware of our surroundings but actually stuck in this construct in the mind, stuck inside your head. Just stopping to really look and take it all in is like the prerequisite to feeling alive.
  17. My 2 cents. Practice radical open mindedness. Ask if you are real, if you exist, ask in your senses are portraying everything to you. Ask what makes up your internal representation of the world. How accurate is it. What is it based on. But this is completely different to reading any shit and believing it. I won't call that "radical open-mindedness", I would just call it "stupid open-mindedness."
  18. Ra: This is Ra. Come in . Over... Roger, Roger. This is Victor Roger, Over...
  19. I see it's interesting. I'm contrasting your points there with those that say there is a point you cross where you simply CANNOT unsee it. I'm guessing that is the point, maybe, of seeing non-duality completely. I could be wrong. I have some of the same concerns as you even though I haven't made so much head way. Hope it all works out ok as I'm sure it will.
  20. @Tancrede Pouyat I know you are into your lucid dreaming reports. Here's what happened to me today - no drugs involved. Trip report : daily trip into store cupboard: I stepped from the store room into my office and was confronted with a short hallucination. I'd stepped into the black of outer space and in front of me all I can see against the black background is glass walls or partitions at various intervals. I immediately feel the urge to look down as it seems to go in all directions and there is no "up", "down", "left" or "right". I can see my legs and feet so I know this is not a "non-dual" experience. I am there in person. The blackness continues below again with more glass lines or partitions with the only facet being a very distant light or star, or is it a triangle / pyramid? Too small to see. At the same time I was aware that I feel very light in the balls of my feet - and up through my knee joints and hips, I can't feel weight on them, instead the soles of my feet are tingling as I stand on nothing. And then... back in the room. All in a few seconds. I just want you to know this happened by coincidence / chance without effort. I thought I would mention it because I have a strong feeling I don't need drugs. This is not a flashback - I have never done psycodelics. Apart from this the other hallucinations I have are moments of complete joy. There are two schools of thought I have seen; 1. Hallucinations of the ego (non-enlightened) are meaning less because they are born of the ego. 2. Absolutely everything is relevant and has substance and meaning behind it even if it's not immediately apparent.
  21. @sgn, is the seeing NO-ONE thing still on going or something you can phase in and out. Are you regretting going past the point where that happened? thanks
  22. I've heard this before, or similar about "God's creations" particularly with regards to cannabis, and although I appreciate all that nature provides us, it's not quite right. Firstly, the way you use the phrase could be applied to heroin, cocaine, anything. Secondly, it doesn't recognise how life has evolved within it's natural environment alongside these chemicals, and plants and toads and so forth have produced chemicals (mostly toxic) to act to the detriment of their predators. As far as I know there isn't anything that directly benefits from these LSD like chemicals produced by toads, at least not for millions of years until we discovered them. Or anything benefit from the Peyote cactus etc etc. Important here not to miss the point that if rain was a solution of LSD, life would have evolved differently so that LSD did not interrupt or destroy life or put it at a disadvantage to other life. It is through the study of medicine that we are able to find therapeutic doses of what are often toxic or poisonous plants. So in a nutshell, I don't subscribe to the opinion that there's either a god or a plan to insert these chemicals by intention here and there seemingly hidden in nature. @Leo GuraWith regard to Leo's drug stance, I still say it's not the drugs themselves that are my major point, mostly this; for people who were following Leo's videos week by week, avidly waiting for each instalment, the way the drugs issue was then thrust upon everyone, having been told a few weeks before that this was a mammoth task of endurance possible for only a few watchers who would succeed, it appeared as a massive U turn, a cop out and disappointment. I've tried to make the point before but what happenes is those with their energies invested in the drugs tend to attack me and turn it round to say I'm not open minded yada yadda instead of listening to the subtlety of what I'm trying to explain. To add, with one of my subtle points now, is that now all the fans of DMT and 5MEO are here, there is no one giving any virtue to the other way any more - which was actually Leo's way not so long ago. In fact it's suggested that I'm basically going to wallow in hell for at least x months if I don't do the drugs. And at this stage some have taken to being very personal about it as I'm sure you've seen in the other threads.