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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Maybe here's a place for my question. Does anyone find an increase of moments of "bliss" while listening to music, and in connection with doing a bit of self enquiry work and only a small amount of meditation? I don't mean just a "high" you get from music where your hair stands on end, but a full blown summersaults in the mind and complete surrender? It's happening to me a fair bit. I've also had a expansion of awareness experience while doing some open eyed self enquiry?
  2. Sounds like Paranoid Delusion I'm afraid. But really how on earth can anyone on an internet forum know what's going on inside your head, really?
  3. Sounds horrendous. My teenage years were filled with ridiculously detailed dreams that left me tired and listless in the day. My doc even thought I had ME at one point.
  4. Uncovering your childhood vows I did enjoy this video to some extent, however I'm thinking all the way through the video that I didn't actually make any "vows" as far as I'm aware. So for a person that's been through a quite an "interesting" life, lots of water under the bridge, and is still governed by many addictions, are there other *incidents* that form programs (engrams as the scientologists call them) in your brain - and not just vows, and if so how do they work? Example, a kid goes outside and gets punched, and he becomes scared, doesn't make vows, just simply doesn't go outside very much. Could this affect him later in life and what can be done about it? My second question is, if you have stress full childhood memories, just replying them doesn't really help. In fact, you can end up re-living it again and again like post traumatic stress. I've relived a moment of public humiliation I experienced at age 5, I can't tell you how many times, and really it's just over something stupid. But the stress is really there in my head.
  5. @Leo Gura Is there any hint in this video or in your intention of creating of it, that the sorting out of childhood vows and suchlike, assists, helps, or is necessary for enlightenment, or that they are seen from some other perspective with a clear mind through meditation?
  6. No, don't point to the semantics of my post as a way of explanation. I know someone who had a religious *experience for want of a better word*, and then saw the whole world upside down, viewed money differently, left their partner, changed their entire outlook, etc, etc.
  7. Some Christians can have experiences of being saved / being born again which could be argued are very similar to enlightenment.
  8. If your speculation were true, some governments would try to control or ban it.
  9. I noticed something weird today, could be nothing? The tiles in my bathroom, the gaps between them disappear so it becomes one continuous surface. You know like when you check your eyes blind spot. But my eyes aren't bothering to fill any gaps in. Maybe I'm just staring too long!!! What do you think?
  10. It's shocking. You've totally manipulated me to posting on this forum thread!!!
  11. I have funny shaped eyes that have to refocus every few words. People that have this tend to read a little on the slow side and have to concentrate harder to not be distracted.
  12. @Azrael But this has been touted as the magic pill by Leo and others I think. So... what is the relationship between this substance purging out your "shit" and what Leo mainly focused on, instantly seeing enlightenment?
  13. Don't you think this would freak someone out and they would wonder what the hell you're doing?
  14. Absence on this thread of people advising Afonso to do the drug. Where is their advice and support? Just one poking fun and joking. Those that are concerned were the ones advising not to do it.
  15. Absolutely. My idea was a kind of hierarchy of meanings, but it's just conjecture and speculation. There are some theories out there about symbols that are known to humans and therefore possibly other animals in the subconscious, symbols in the visual field. Like a symbol for the mothers milk so the gazelle knows what to look for. It's fascinating to wonder how this might all work.
  16. But is it just language? I see a baby gazelle born to it's mother on the plains of Africa. It's up and can walk in minutes, and straight away it needs labels for danger run, and mother. Even mothers milk. All these labels are essential to life. I see a human child coming into the world and seeing mama, a face a smile, it all starts to make sense, and they learn to grasp this world, to make sense of it. In fact as they grow, they embrace all our meanings and labels with childish excitement and joy.
  17. It's nice to see some proper warnings and cautionary advice coming out finally, albeit after the guy has already tried it. I think I would have been a bit peeved about the "don't forget the gay demon can interfere with you" comment only after taking it. Although I am slightly puzzled how this drug brings up or purges all the shit in your life and you are only 17. Life's got a lot of shit to throw at you after that.
  18. Hmm, I think something might have been "lost in translation." lol
  19. What if one gets a very clear realisation that one cannot be the accumulation of thinking or experiences and that such a construct is literally impossible. But no *out of body experience* or such like. Just a realisation?
  20. Sorry, I've only just seen a couple of your posts so I didn't see any controversy. But surely there is scope for differing methods, opinion, ideas? I don't see any problem there. You can also throw "tit bits" out there because it all helps.
  21. I have chronic tinnitus. I tune into it. It's ok, I don't think it will turn out to be a problem.
  22. Does this vision of Dharma translate as vision of phenomena or vision of the way of life?
  23. To quote you before you took it: "This is some heavy shit"
  24. @Prabhaker I really appreciate everything you put into this forum.