@Kazman Let me share with you what i shared on another skin issue post that I think could help you. What you have said resonates also with me, although mine was acne based more than dry/itchy for the most part, curing these skin issues are done in the same way.
I've been meaning to make a Youtube video on this, so if it helps you let me know and hopefully i'll get motivated to make it.
Big Impact Story
I stood at the bathroom mirror and leaned in close to inspect the devastation. Puss was oozing from a magnitude of pimples like erupting volcanos. Looking into my eyes, my heart sank. I felt sick to my stomach, disgusted by myself. Why me? How do I deserve this? My face was on fire, red and sore, the skin burnt and flaking from heavy applications of benzoyl peroxide. My towels and clothes suffering a similar fate by its bleaching effect. I turned my head and gazed mournfully over my left shoulder at the cystic acne buried deep into my skin. Pain surging as I touched the area. I could feel something inside my right armpit. It stung like an insect bite. Deep inside, was a golf ball sized cystic nodule, the largest I’ve ever felt. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. I must find the root cause of this acne, if it’s the last thing I do.
Like many others, I went through puberty and onto adult hood with severe acne. Acne was one of the main contributors of my self-berating and dislike whilst growing up. My confidence was downright lousy. I did not enjoy socialising and was incredibly introverted because I felt so embarrassed by it. While my peers who had suffered at the hands of acne grew out of it, mine kept on persisting and got worse over the years. When the acne became cystic and caused outright pain, drastic measures were needed. After years of using symptom based treatments, I started stumbling across real solutions, that address the problem at the root. They have radically changed the frequency and intensity of outbreaks to the point they are for the most part, non-existent, when I’m consciously addressing the primary causes.
Healed my gut
Healing the gut may be the number 1 most important factor when dealing with an acne problem. The gut contains around 100 trillion bacteria of 1000 different species. They constitute 90% of the total number of cells in our body. We have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria, and they perform many critical functions. Some of these include:
* Create electrical energy (ATP) via Mitochondria
* Encode our genes
* Modifier of disease
* Essential component of immunity
* Influence metabolism
* Modulate drug interactions
* Affect Digestion
* Produce neurotransmitters and regulate mood
* Manufacture vitamins
* Form a large physical barrier against pathogens.
* They represent a “second brain” via Vagus nerve to the brain.
Just about everything listed in this video contributes to the health of the body’s microbiome, especially the gut. You have to realise all your environmental and psychological stressors will affect it.
What appears to have worked for me so far:
* Started on broad-spectrum probiotics tablets daily
* Ate Kimchi & Sauerkraut daily with breakfast.
* Used Kefir products such as Kefir coconut water & Kefir coconut yoghurt.
* Stopped using antibacterial products, such as soaps and cleansers. Switched to coconut oil soaps mainly.
* Stopped taking antibiotics unless I was literally going to die
* Switched to filtered or natural spring water. Stopped drinking fluoride and chlorinated water
* Switched to calcium carbonate / baking soda toothpaste (fluoride free).
* Decreased non-organic foods with bacteria harming chemicals.
* Intermittent fasting and increased blood ketone levels
The use of fecal transplant to restore a healthy microbiome is gaining popularity. Whilst it sounds nasty, and kind of is, the speed and magnitude at which your health can turn around from this procedure is astounding. I highly recommend researching this.
Increased my Vitamin A intake from Fats
Vitamin A normalizes keratinocytes (skin cells) and prevent follicle blockages and excess oil production from the sebaceous gland.
Naturally high sources can be obtained from:
Virgin Cod Liver Oil
Grass Fed Liver
Grass Fed Butter
Pasture Raised Egg Yolks
Vitamin A from animal sources are retinoids (Retinol), and vitamin A from plant sources are carotenoids. Orange and yellow vegetables that we have thought to be high in Vitamin A, provide only the pre-cursor Carotenoids, which converts a small percentage to Retinol, the true Vitamin A. (4-5%). This means that without the use of animal fats, it’s virtually impossible to have optimal Vitamin A levels via food alone. Vegetarians and vegans should be careful to monitor and supplement if required. Retinyl Palmitate is a Vitamin A supplement that uses Palm oil to absorb the Retinol.
Accutane works on this principle of resolving your low Vitamin A levels by flooding your body with a Retinoid called Isotretinoin. As its fat soluble, the oral capsules are filled with highly inflammatory trans fats including hydrogenated soybean and hydrogenated vegetable oil.
I have taken 3 courses of Accutane over a 10-year period. Regular blood tests are necessary to monitor cholesterol levels, particularly Low Density Lipoproteins (LDLs). It was only at the end of the last course that I actually read the ingredients on the box and realised why the LDLs always shot up. The consumption of 4 capsules a day of Trans fat will do it. It baffles me because they could use Coconut Oil which is a saturated fat, which is stable and does not oxidise easily like Hydrogenated Polyunsaturated fats.
I consume 3 eggs and 50grams of Grass fed butter daily (2500IU), and use a multivitamin called Nutreince, which contains 2500IU Retinyl Palmitate. This totals the recommended 5000IU. so I don’t often consume the Liver sources. I have only purchased Virgin Liver oil once. I bought it online and they sent it in a little “cool pack”. It did cost around $80 dollars though. If I decide to phase out the multivitamin, I would likely start purchasing the Virgin cod liver oil and take ½ teaspoon daily.
Increased Vitamin D levels
Virgin Cod Liver Oil
Vitamin D is also fat soluble and Virgin Cod liver oil has a nice ratio of both Vitamin A and D.
The best source of Vitamin D is the sun. For the last 12 months I have made a point to get 20 minutes of morning sun (before 8AM) which as much body exposure as possible. I had my Vitamin D levels tested around 6 months into this habit and my level was optimal. Being fair haired from European decent, I have previously avoided the sun like a vampire. This proves to me with direct experience that it is a powerful tool in healing your skin. Studies are also showing that Vitamin D regulates the microbiome.
Reduced my alcohol intake … a lot
Alcohol gives me acne. Period. Doesn’t seem to matter if it’s Wine, Beer or Spirits.
When alcohol is broken down by the liver, a number of potentially dangerous by-products are generated. The major pathway for alcohol metabolism involves the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. This enzyme converts alcohol to acetaldehyde, which is highly toxic even in low concentrations.
Alcohol has been found to:
* Diminish levels of antioxidants, including Glutathione.
* Increase mitochondria damage and cell death from alcohol’s interference with transportation of glutathione through cell membranes.
* Decreases vitamin A and E in the liver. Two vital vitamins for skin health.
* Increases oxygen utilisation by liver cells, thereby reducing availability of oxygen for other important cellular functions.
* Trigger Immune response from inflammation and tissue damage, including release of Eicosanoids, Cytokines and Endotoxins.
Beer typically contains gluten. Wine may contain mould toxins and preservatives. Many alcoholic drinks also spike insulin levels due to their sugar content. None of which are conducent to clear skin. Reduced stress and anxiety
I had my cortisol levels tested after waking, lunch, and before bed. They were out of control. No wonder I was having terrible sleep. During the day, I was on edge constantly, in fight or flight mode. I was using Beta blockers during the day and Tamazapam at night for a while just to try and function.
Here’s how I transformed my stress into Zen:
* NeuroCalm (Zizyphus, Kudzu Vine, Magnolia and Passion flower)
* Stopped drinking caffeinated beverages (now drink 1 Bulletproof coffee daily after normalising cortisol)
* Started Meditating at least 20 minutes per day and practicing Mindfulness
* Started practicing Yoga and went for more long walks
* Improved sleep hygiene / circadian rhythm awareness using: blue blocking glasses, flux, night shift mode iphone, cellophane over lights. Sleep/wake same time each day. Use sun to raise cortisol in the morning instead of coffee. Read before bed instead of watching screens. Use natural lighting as much as possible. Flight mode on phone if near head.
* Ketogenic Diet (blood sugar regulation)
* Took more holidays
* Removed myself from stressful situations and people
* Used Zinc/B6 supplement to treat Pyroluria Implemented a Ketogenic diet
Implementing a mostly plant based diet, with moderate protein and high saturated fats really doused the inflammatory fire in many ways. Some include:
Cell membranes walls replaced with Omega 3 Cell walls are made of available fats. The SAD consists of a ratio of 32:6 omega 6:3. This results in cell membranes being formed with inflammatory fats.
No longer consuming GMO foods (Wheat, Corn and Soy) The amount of gluten in Wheat has skyrocketed due to genetic modification. This resulted in intestinal cramping, stomach bloating and diarrhoea. I believe I was afflicted by “leaky gut”, where Gliadin triggers a release of Zonulin, causing permeability of the intestinal wall, and resulting in leaking of waste into the blood stream. This waste elimination is then likely to occur via the skin.
Increased organic (pesticide, herbicide and fungicide free) foods Round-Up ready crops have been shown to alter liver, pancreatic, intestinal and testicular tissue. This may be caused by unexpected DNA rearrangement, yielding plant protein with potentially toxic effects. It also disrupts the shikimate pathway, involved in the biosynthesis of several crucial amino acids. Considering our microbiome employ the shikimate pathway, that’s real bad news for us.
Reduction of blood glucose and insulin
Foods that increase blood sugar and insulin trigger the formation of acne. High blood sugar increases Advanced Glycation End Products, which results in damaged skin cells. Insulin stimulates the release of hormone IGF-1, stimulating skin tissue growth, sebum production, and dead skin cells to stick together.
Reduction of inflammatory visceral fat
I know from having a DEXA scan that my glucose and insulin spiking diet stored visceral fat around my organs. The inflammatory nature of this organ fat, renowned for producing abnormal cytokines, may too have attributed to my acne. I’ve dropped my visceral fat from 21 to 17 percent over the last 12 months using this diet.
Stopped eating pasteurized cow’s dairy
The major protein fractions of cow’s milk are 80% casein and 20% whey protein.
Studies show that casein consumption increases IGF-1, and whey protein dramatically increases insulin levels, both as of which as previously mentioned, increase the likelihood of breakouts.
I seem to tolerate sheep and goats milk, and this may be because the casein is A2, opposed to A1. It is commonly mentioned that it is A1 casein that has the inflammatory effects, and A2 does not pose so much an issue. I also believe that A2 cow’s milk, which is sold as “Bath Milk” in Australia, is more easily digestible because it is Raw, and not pasteurized, which means that it still has the living enzymes to assist with the protein breakdown.
Kicked social smoking
I would occasionally indulge in Gudang Garam (kretek cigarettes) from Indonesia as I liked the clove flavour. There is evidence suggesting that smoking causes Hyperinsulemia, Dyslipidemia, and exaggerated adrenal androgen response.
Hyperinsulinemia is a condition in which there are excess levels of insulin circulating in the blood relative to the level of glucose.
Dyslipidemia is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g.,triglycerides, cholesterol and/or fat phospholipids) in the blood.
Adrenal Androgens are essentially anabolic steroids, such as Testosterone, which can stimulate sebum production. You may have noticed that the biggest guys at the gym who appear to be using steroids have acne.
Reduced ejaculation frequency
Mantak Chia, in his book “Taoist Secrets of Love, Cultivating Male Sexual Energy” states that “Sperm is the storehouse of male sexual energy (ching). A single ejaculation has 200 to 500 million sperm cells, each a potential human being. There are enough spermatozoa lost in single orgasm to populate the entire United States if each cell was to fertilize an egg. The manufacture of a sperm fluid capable of such psychic super potency consumes up to a third of a man’s daily energy output and is especially taxing on the male glandular/immunological system. “This unique human freedom of utilizing our sexual energy so flexibility does not come without its price. The price is that spend an estimated 25% or 40% of our chi energy taken in through food, air and sunlight just to manufacture this sperm energy and maintain sexual readiness.” He also states, “The energy loss over long periods of time weakens the physical health of the male, gradually robbing the male higher mind/spirit its power to rejuvenate itself”. “Production of this nutritionally rich and physically superpotent substance requires an enormous amount of raw materials. The reproductive glands receive these raw materials from the blood stream. In its turn, the blood withdraws the previous elements from every part of the body, liver, kidney, spleen, etc, including the brain. Every organ pays a heavy tribute to the glands that produce the sexual seed. Because a single drop of semen houses such prodigious life energies, frequent loss of fluid depletes the body systems of their most precious nutrients and speeds the inevitable physical decline into old age. Retaining the seed within the body is the first step to reversing this cycle in which the male pays an unnecessarily stiff price for sexual satisfaction.”
Started using Electric Razor
I found that close razorblade shaves used to trigger new acne. Switching a foil electric shaver has reduced skin irritation and stopped any bleeding. I use the long hair setting on a Braun Series 3.
Tell yourself you have beautiful, gorgeous clear skin!
It has been said over and over again that there’s power in thought. And I mean in the literal sense.
Using affirmations starting with I am, or I have, appears to have a real effect on what you believe, and what actually becomes your reality. Tell yourself how great your skin looks, and believe it! Sure, it may not appear true looking in the mirror – but give it a chance. When you notice the acne, do not add negative thoughts and emotions to back it up. Observe it, and then tell yourself “I have beautiful, gorgeous, clear skin”.
My background - List of Treatments I’ve tried
Topical Creams
I started off using various topical creams, such as Clearasil, Clean & Clear, and Benzac AC, which active ingredient is Benzoyl Peroxide. I then moved onto Epiduo which is Benzoyl Peroxide and Adapalene. I would massage this into cystic acne. It was difficult to tell if it did anything. As usual the area would become quite red from being burned. I had convinced myself that it was drying out the acne quicker so it could start healing itself, but more often than not the same pore would get inflamed and clogged up 3-4 times before it started healing itself, even using the cream. After ruining all my towels and clothes from the bleaching effect of the Benzoyl Peroxide, I decided this wasn’t for me and gave it up. Benzoyl peroxide is a drying and peeling agent, which works to extract excess dead skin cells from your pores to unclog them. It fights P.acnes bacteria, reduces inflammation, causes over-drying of skin, slows down skin’s healing process, and destroys skin antioxidants, reducing skin levels of Vitamin E by 95% and Vitamin C by 70%
When I went to my GP to explain the situation, he suggested trying antibiotics. Allegedly they were relatively safe due to the low dosage and they have a very small chance of causing liver issues in some people. I was one of those people. After using Minocycline for a short period, I developed Jaundice and spent a week in hospital having ultrasounds, liver function and blood tests. I stopped taking Minocycline and started on Doxycycline. When the antibiotics stopped having any effect on my acne, I was referred by the GP to a Dermatologist.
I took my shirt off to my Dermatologist my shoulders, chest and back, and within 3 minutes he was printing a script for Accutane and handing me a satchel of free sample skin products and brochures. He explained that this medication would cause dryness of my skin, and I would need to start using moisturisers. I soon realised this was an understatement, and that I would be using moisturisers and lip balm for the rest of my life. Over the next 10 years I went on a course of Accutane 3 times, each one lasting around 12 months. Whilst there’s no doubt that this medication does work, and did clear up my acne by the end of the course each time, it comes with a slew of side effects. As the sebum glands reduce in size and the skins natural oil production slows, the skin is no longer able to keep itself moist and supple. Whilst I was slapping on layers of moisturiser like it was going out of fashion, I was still succumbed by the side effects. Most noteworthy, the chronic itching. Every time I found myself perspiring, I would feel a prickling sensation. Shortly after it would become almost unbearable and I would need to quickly seek refuge somewhere cool. This made exercising quite unpleasant. I recall dreading every time I was about to get into my Black Mitsubishi Lancer during the summer in Western Australia. I would hope that I had allowed enough time in my schedule to cool the car down before jumping in. Usually this was not the case. Dry eyes, nose bleeds, cracked and bloodied lips were a few of the other common occurrences. The most concerning of all was the regular blood tests, which at the time I didn’t know exactly why they were conducted. During the last course of Accutane that I had, and will ever have, I read the ingredients on the packet. Hydrogenated Soybean Oil and Vegetable oil. What the fuck? I’m eating more Trans Fat from this medication than the average McDonalds Large Fries. No wonder they’re testing my Lipoproteins, such as LDLs. Not long after I came to this realisation I was in the dermatologists office and he tells me that I need to watch what I eat and start exercising more because my LDLs are getting too high. Why don’t you use fucking coconut oil instead of Trans Fat then? For the record, they reason it even contains Fat is because Vitamin A (Istrotetrin) which is the main ingredient, is fat soluble. I decided to stop taking Accutane at this point and look for a new solution. If history rewrote itself again, I had at least a year before acne would start showing its ugly head again.