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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. @Leo Gura Hey Leo. I've purchased a scale that will measure the 1 units from eBay AU. Amazon isn't quite as handy for us Aussies unfortunately. It was only $25 so I'll see how it goes. My friend was in charge of the vaporizing of it. It seemed logical since his reality wasn't dissolving like mine! I think that wasn't a problem so dosage was too low. We believe that my dosage was .008 and his was .011, it's amazing how different the experience can be on that small difference. I'd love to hear an update on your 5-MeO-DMT experiences and usage frequency. How often have you been using it in conjunction with AL-LAD? Are you still only using HCL or have you been testing Freebase? You assumed HCL was better for our work but didn't have the experience to back it up at the time. I'd love to know what you think now on the difference. A 5-Meo-DMT update video would make my day.
  2. @Space I'll have to see if they deliver to Australia. Thanks. The one I bought is high quality but doesn't do the 0.000 sigh. Ah well.
  3. @Space Are you confident it's weighing accurately? The general feedback is that the lower cost 0.000 ones are very unreliable. What model is yours?
  4. @Leo Gura Hey Leo. Freebase. I smoked it. We weren't eyeballing it, I bought $200 scales, but they don't measure 1's. They measure 1000,100,10 increments. 0.00. I actually need 0.000 don't I... I thought I bought the right ones. Which means we had to go with the increments of 10's. (which of course could be slightly off if you're looking for 8 or 12mg for example... Do you have .000 on your scales? They cost $400+ bucks for 0.000... Yeah I think it was too small man... do you think i should get back on the horse asap?
  5. Authentic Communication vs. Ego Communication I can't tell whether I'm being authentic or if i'm still communicating from self agenda (ego). I feel myself judging, getting annoyed with people's low consciousness and petty values. I'd like to know how to be more compassionate, communicate from a place of love and acceptance. How to generally deal with people better whilst on this path. For example. I am in training for the week. Everyone is talking shit and i'm trying to work. Is that my problem, or theirs? Do I let it slide, or do i say something? Am i coming from a position of self agenda if i say something , or am i being authentic? More to come.
  6. Hello beautiful people This morning at 6am i enjoyed the earthy taste of 10 bags of shrooms. I think they are roughly 1 gram a bag so it was at least 10 gram wet. I've never had such a clear I AM GOD experience. I've used DMT 3 or 4 times and this was similar strength but this lasted agessssss and it was so clear. I have seen without a shadow of doubt that god is a being, I am it, and so is everything else. I can see that there is no purpose to life other than surrender fully and enjoy the ride. Demonising the ego now also seems stupid because Ego is necessary for God to enjoy life fully. Because god is everything, it needs the illusion of separation so it can interact with itself. It is only a problem if we don't also know that we are God and it IS illusion. I noticed during the trip that my Ego was struggling a bit, trying to cling back on. I felt like I was going into God then back into Ego over and over. It feels quite taxing to be God, and a lot more relaxing to be in Ego. I'm curious to know what it is like to be Enlightened all the time. Would it be effortless? Perhaps the taxing nature of it was just because of the clinging to Ego still? There was this point that was just so crazy. I was watching this little spider on my table for a few minutes. My head was coming in closer and closer to where I was only a few inches from it. Then all of a sudden this spider looked up at me with its little black eyes. I swear I had a samadhi experience with this spider. I was it, it was me, we were looking at eachother as the same being. That shit was intense. It's truly a gift that creation is at the point where we can look within and recognise ourself as the source of everything. I'm interested to see how 5-meo differs, but it would appear that when you realise you are God, where else is there to go? What is deeper than god? Certainly keen to see if there are different 'levels' of being god, not sure how it is possibly exactly. I certainly do not underestimate the power of 5-meo after all the research i've done on it. Can't wait to get my hands on it. Have you experienced yourself as God yet? Through what medium did this come about? And what now? Anyway, back to self actualization and personal development... Have a wonderful day
  7. @electroBeam I heard Alan Watts say yesterday, that someone told him Enlightenment is just like normal experience, except it feels like you're weightless, floating a foot off the ground. Maybe you're on your way
  8. @Dodoster Haha yes there is the legality issue. Just need to go places where you can buy it legally or be little sneaky :-P Damn the system! The substances are produced naturally in the body, We are a fucking walking DMT trip. Consciousness doesn't exist without DMT.
  9. @LRyan Hmm because it wasn't an entire OBE like one gets with DMT, there was still a struggle to have a body at times. Also the experience comes in waves. When a wave comes crashing in, you're sucked deep into the belly of God, then once you pop back out you're like holy shit, oh yeah I am just one perspective of this entire fucking thing right now. How strange it is. Then before you know it you're sucked back in again. It's quite beautiful. My consciousness felt such at ease as is dispersed across the spirals of energy and settled in the middle of no where. I think the taxing feeling is actually just because you're thinking from Ego point of view, this is heavy shit man. What the fuck do I do with this. There is nothing to do. You just relax and let go fully, surrendering to the awesome power and knowledge you've just received but it's just unfathomable and disconcerting at the same time as beautifully comforting to finally realize what existence is. I don't see these substances addictive. It took me 4 months just to use DMT for the second time because it was just so scary, but amazing... I've been using mushrooms about once a month and I never have any feeling to use it again sooner because again it's just so beautiful and feeling connected in the way you do is so rewarding but it's not something you want to experience so often, it's really hard work. It's the hero's journey, the battle inside. Getting to know yourself fully, demons and all. I have to do a lot of self actualization work to be able to be in the right mind set for this. I used to freak out just from having a puff of weed!
  10. @Dodoster I can understand your rationale. However, whilst it would appear to be the simplest thing, considering it's already here, and we are already it, It does seem to take an altered state of consciousness to experience it. At least in the beginning, for that taste. If you have the dedication, time and patience for using alternate methods, such as breath work, I think it may be possible. I've been trying a lot of these other methods for a while and so far it's not delivered any results. As Leo's said before, which I tend to agree with, why not use the most reliable technology for the job?
  11. @electroBeam Interesting. Can you an example of the subtle experience and how it shifted your awareness and the course of your life? I am intrigued.
  12. @Dodoster Thanks for your reply. Struggling a little to answer your question. I suppose I am the ego who has experienced themselves as God. If I was liberated permanently, then there would be nothing further for me to talk about. Since I'm not, I'm seeking any practical advice and wisdom to integrate what I've experienced. Are you against the use of Entheogens for experiencing the Divine within? I can assure you that I do not ask those questions from my high horse, rather curiosity. It's difficult to understand what to do with this experience once it's had. It's rather life changing, even if it only temporary.
  13. I'm also trying to find a reliable source of information. Dr Mercola is fairly reputable and he thinks over time Distilled water is going to cause you a problem. No issue short term. Considering i often drink lemon, and Himalayan pink rock salt in my water, i don't really think that drinking distilled water would cause a problem. Lemon juice alkalizes water and rock salt contains heaps of tasty minerals! I need a system that I can setup in my office because I can't touch the company's water supply. I'm thinking of investing in Distiller like this. Quite expensive but I can't drink anymore Flouride here at work. Oh and I do get access to real spring water near a volcano for 40% of the time. It's just the 60% at work that I need clean water! What do you think of this?
  14. @Kazman Well done mate! Awesome to hear that's working for you! If you still like coffee but find it causes you a problem, it may be because of the mold in the coffee. You can get mold-free coffee from BulletProof. That's what i drink, and my skin has no issues. Recommend making the real thing, with butter and brain octain oil. The high levels of Vitamin A, D, K in the butter and the ketones in the oil will super charge your mitochondria and heal your face nicely!
  15. @ElenaO @Stef I personally do high fat, high protein breakfast. It keeps me in a state of ketosis, meaning that i'm still in fasting mode. This keeps my blood sugar, and insulin levels down. ATP (cell energy) production is higher in this metabolic state, than if you ate a load of fruit in the morning and gave your pancreas and poor liver a heart attack. I do also thoroughly enjoy a green juice minus the fruit. I usually eat the same thing, or a variation of the same thing, everyday. Either a vegetable 3 Egg omlette or 3 eggs and vegetables Typically always with Wilted spinach, mushrooms, a few cherry tomatos, and other vegetables I can find. Always cooked in a lot of butter! Sometimes to spice it up: Avocados, Goat cheese, Smoked Salmon, Walnuts etc I also eat fermented foods every morning. Sauerkraut or Kimchi. Healthy gut microbiome is more important than what you eat, in fact, it's really just what you eat that changes your microbiome which changes whether your sick or healthy and fat or thin! check out the studies where they feed rats the same diet, but they change the microbiome of the rats. The ones with the unhealthy bacteria get obese and the other ones weights don't change!
  16. @Mondsee From memory you want to eat your last meal > 3 hours before bed in order to best keep your circadium rythum in its natural cycle. The other reason would be to ensure you are not digesting whilst sleeping because your body needs to be fasting ( in ketosis) whilst you sleep in order to repair the body effectively. (less ATP is generated if your still burning sugars whilst sleeping = less electron flow)
  17. @Evilwave Heddy @JustinS Kelly Starett started an organisation to bring standing desks to schools in the US. He has a book called Supple Leopard which is a very good book about restoring spine and muscle integrity due to things like sitting over the course of your life. Website rekons: Standing desks reduce BMI by 5.6% compared to sitting desks. Normal weight kids burn between 15-25% more calories at standing desks. Obese kids burn between 25-35% more calories. Kids are more engaged in a standing classroom. Standing prevents orthopedic degradation & dysfunction including back and neck pain, repetitive stress injuries, pelvic floor dysfunction, and knee & hip disorders. Standing desks create the foundation for a movement-rich environment, and as one researcher put it, physical activity is cognitive candy.
  18. @Barna I was told about Trinfinity Academy by the guy in front of me in the Ecstatic dance line, after a compelling 1.5 hour conversation about his direct experience with enlightenment. Just found your thread so I won't start a new one, but more people should give it a go! I like this: Flipping The Card of Experience Just as there are two sides to a playing card, so too, there are two sides to every experience that appears within Presence-Consciousness. One side of the playing card has a story to tell that is unique from every other card in the deck. It has a picture on it, a number, a label, a form, and a shape that all tell its story. It has a unique frequency that identifies its individuality, its uniqueness. The other side of the card shows you only one picture and it is the same picture regardless of which card you draw. This is the non-story side of each card; it shows you the same truth over and over again. Likewise, one side of any experience is the story-side of that experience—it shows you the labels you and others have given it. It shows you the thoughts, the names, the associations, and the ideas or feelings about what’s arising. The story-side of each experience is utterly unique and different from every other experience in the deck of creation. Now flip that experience over, so to speak, as you would a card, and recognize that the existence-confirming side of that same experience shows you only one thing: the fact that the experience exists. Just like the backside of every card in a deck shows a flowery red pattern (for example), the backside of each and every experience has this written all over it: “I exist, you exist, existence exists.” If an experience can arise, it must have presence; it must exist. Read between the lines—see past or beyond the stories—and you’ll see that the essence of any experience is nothing but Presence confirming its own existence (as well as yours). We read books, meditate for ages, chant mantras, and offer ceremonies to the gods, all to experience more directly this divine, brilliant Presence-Clarity that we already are. While that is all fine and dandy, why not take the direct route first, and stop searching elsewhere for what is staring you directly in the face over and over again? Learn to flip over any experience, no matter what its story-side suggests, and see it from the other perspective. Emphasize to yourself that the presence of any experience tells you the same truth over and over again: “I exist. I appear to you, so you exist, too. We both exist as part of this singular Existence.” We must be blind to never have noticed! This existence-confirmation process—the opportunity for life to wake up to its own existence—is happening every nano-second, with every change, or no-change, in your experience.
  19. 1. Being Authentic - Rarely did I express my TRUE SELF 2. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) - I used to always feel like i'd "just missed" something. Now I figure it wasn't meant to be so who gives a fuck! 3. Having zero general knowledge on pop culture (Yes i actually felt STUPID when I didn't know the actor or singer they were talking about) - Now I realise I was filtering this garbage information for a REASON. 4. Death. - I was terrified of this concept "HELL", thanks Christian high school!
  20. Hi guys, not sure if you class MAT as alternative, but it's not commonly known or practiced in Australia at the very least. Here is my story with it. * It's a bit of a story and doesn't get into the nitty gritty until the Bold part. The reason is that i wrote this for a YouTube video I should have already made but I am such a damn procrastinator. Hope this helps! After reading Tim Ferris’s 4 hour body I become intrigued by his asterisked “most effective” treatments he had for muscular recovery. I sat down at my computer and opened the google webpage. Typing in “Muscle activation technique Perth” brought no relevant results. I then tried “Muscle activation technique Australia” and there was but a single practitioner listed on the first page of results. His name was Shane Harvey, located in Sydney. I immediately dialed his number with anticipation and after a game voice mail phone tag we finally caught each other. I was adamant to see Shane as soon as possible, however I had a few months’ worth of Bali flights already booked. I told him I would be over to see him just before Christmas. We eventually ended the call after a compelling 2-hour conversation (fortunately non-billed :D). I released a month later that my Passport no longer had 6 months left prior to expiry, so I promptly changed my last Bali flight and moved it to January, and booked a Qantas flight with some racked up points from credit card use. I was excited all week at work, thinking about MAT and the potential this could have on my recovery, finally putting an end to the weakness and instability issues I’d been facing over the years. How many yoga practice could be benefit! The morning come around quickly as I boarded the plane. Fortunately, I had pre-booked a Gluten free meal, although it was still carbohydrate loaded. A good splash of Brain Octane oil and I was feeling great , immersed in Brain Maker by Dr. Perlmutter during the 4-hour journey. I loaded up an Opal public transport card and boarded the train under the terminal, heading for the place I was staying at in Castle Hill. I had fortunately found this accommodation on Air B&B, being far more affordable than any hotels nearby. Shane’s home, where he was practicing from primarily, was a 15 minute Uber away. I arrive later that evening, after gathering some supplies from the nearby shopping complex. I was delighted to meet Sam, the host and owner. Such a warm and welcoming fellow, with a home that followed suit. He showed me to my room which had a private bathroom. After getting to know each other a while, I crashed on the soft and comfortable bed. The cool wind was blowing on my face through the open window as I drifted off to sleep. The next morning after making my high fat breakfast, complete with bullet proof coffee, I booked my Uber and headed to Beaumont hills. I was astounded by the beauty of the area as we commenced on our journey. The wild flowers all blooming. The size of the trees in the passing gardens. Rarely had I seen such magnificent trees in the suburbs of Perth. I knocked on the door and a grinning man in a tight black zipped up shirt answered the door and presented me his hand. I removed my shoes and followed him to his study, ducking my head to avoid the staircase above. “How many times have you smacked your head on that” I said. “You soon learn after the first time”, he replied. He asked me what areas I had been experiencing the most problems and where I would like to start looking at. My right shoulder had always given me the most trouble and pain over the years so I decided to start with that. He picked up my arm and maneuvered it in various directions, whilst making changes to the elbow and wrist orientation. At each variation, he would attempt to push my arm and I was to resist. It became apparent very quickly that I had very little control over the muscle contractions that I could willingly initiate. Now it was time to correct this weakness. The methods he used in order of preference were as follows. If I could perform the resistance in the same position on the opposite side, left shoulder in this case, he would use this as my reference. This meant I would contract the muscle and press as hard as I could into his hand, sending signals to the brain and waking up the central nervous system to the fact this was entirely possible for me. I was absolutely astounded to witness what happened next. After performing this with the left shoulder, the right shoulder could now resist in the same position. He hadn’t even touched the affected area. I would have never believed this was possible if I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes, baring witness to the experience personally. As we started combing through the positions one at a time, we ran into positions that had weakness on both sides. This called for the next weapon in his arsenal. We would take the position that is weak and start looking for a position in the same "line of movement" that I could resist. Generally, this would involve bringing the position closer to the body. Once found, I would again press as hard as I could against his hand, contracting and waking up the muscle. We then in small increments, move closer to the weak area performing the same process each time, until we were back in the original position. This time I could resist against the force with ease. We continued moving through these positions until we found a line of movement that had no positions that would resist. This initiated the last resort. Manual palpitation. Manual palpitation in most MAT practice is the first and only option when it comes to rehabilitation through this practice. Shane however, a unique and curious fellow, released through his own process of discovery this was not always necessary. He released that the central nervous system could be stimulated by the brain “waking up” in more ways than he was taught. That said, manual palpitation is still a very useful method and we used it extensively on some areas. I found it difficult to contract and resist around the toes, fingers and lower back. We used manual palpitation almost exclusively in these areas. The benefits noticed after the week were really astounding. The internal and external rotation in all my limbs had increased by leaps and bounds. It’s been 4 months and I still have not lost any of this gained improvement. I can finally do Tree Post in yoga on both sides, before I could never internally rotate my foot so the toe would point to the floor. I would highly recommend trying Muscle Activation Technique if you'd like to regain range of movement in your body that you have lost over the years. If you have any further questions let me know! If you would like me to make a YouTube video on this let me know! (I am planning on it anyway, but I am being lazy or too fearful i don't know! :D)
  21. @Kazman Haha yeah I've done a lot of trial and error over the years. My pleasure, I wrote it to help others that was its entire purpose! :-D
  22. I was looking for a chart of emotions to help with my EQ and found this. If you haven't already seen it, check it out because it's really funky! Where can I find the most comprehensive EQ chart / list possible? What do you use?
  23. @Loreena I've got on my wall in my office. I forget to look at it! You know what'd be great, one of those big pads on your desk that usually have a calendar on, but have this instead. So you can just use one a day and circle all the emotions and then rip off the old page that's got coffee and food stains on it and scribbles whilst you were on the phone because you were bored and not really listening to the other person, then start again each day. I'm totally making one of those for myself now lol. Let's go work printer! What a creative genius i am!