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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. BioGeometry was founded by Egyptian Architect and Scientist Dr. Ibrahim Karim (D.Sc./Dipl.Arch.-ETH, Zurich) after more than 30 years of research. Dr. Karim’s breakthrough research identified a unique energy effect found in the energetic centers of all living systems. The natural function of this energy effect is to provide balance, or “centering,” to the different energy-qualities or effects within any living system. This one centering energy effect is detected through three specific energy-qualities that it manifests, and has been termed “BG3.” This BG3 energy - quality is responsible for maintaining the energy structures of all living systems, including the balance of the different energy-qualities involved. BioGeometry uses proprietary shapes, which interact with the peripheral energy fields of the body, to amplify the resonance of this highly beneficial BG3 energy - quality for general energy-quality balance, as well as to harmonize energy interactions with the environment. So I met a person who told me about BioGeometry. He came over and used his equipment to measure my Tesla Blu Shield. He said that it was producing BG3 and it did in fact have a 3 meter radius as claimed. It's designed to protect me from harmful EMF. Anyone have any experience with BioGeometry? I have purchased the book "Back to the Future for ManKind" to investigate further.
  2. @Annie The book was only $5. I'll post more about it once I've read it and perhaps experimented... There is a 6 day course you can do on it also.
  3. I realised that whilst many of my behaviors have changed from all the reading and video's I've consumed over the last few years, there's still many, many, many insights and practical recommendations provided that I've glossed over. "ah yeah that's good shit i'll get onto that later". I totally failed Leo's quiz. I identified the mistake's that i'd been making, but I didn't write a concrete plan of how I am correcting it. It's strange he published this vid because I'd actually come to to the conclusion only a week before that I was not putting in enough effort to change behaviors. For example, I have not been putting in the work feeling into my emotions and developing my EQ. And this is so critically important for me. I am identifying with Terror during my existential investigations and experiences. I'm going back to the old videos and books on EQ and doing the work. How about yourself?
  4. @Christian I've read a lot of books now and I came to a realization in the last month that I need to stop digesting more and more information for a while. In the moment it feels like it's helping and sticking, but as Leo so very accurately has point out, it mean's absolutely fuck all. Might as well have not even read half of those books and watched half of those videos. Sure i probably put a few % into action on each one. But no doubt I've missed a hell of a lot of juicy insights and calls to action. I already have more than enough theory. It's time to actually properly use what I've already been gifted.
  5. My life in the physical dimension is already over. That's me up front.
  6. @PetarKa I'm totally cool with being a black sheep. I almost always guide the conversations I have with others to a topic around self actualization otherwise I want to shoot myself. Often people are interested in what you've got to say anyway.
  7. @starsofclay yeah I didn't use anything (drugs or alcohol) whist hot tubbin, that's a fair call, I'll stay aware of the time it takes for my mind to want out. See how it compares to recommended tub soaks :-)
  8. Strong determination hot tub soaking As the minutes turned into 10, then 20, then 30, then god knows what, in the piping hot water of the hot tub, my mind went into a frenzy. "Time to get out!!". Who said that? I asked. I am aware of this heat, and I am aware of these distraught thoughts, and uncomfortable feelings, but it doesn't seem my awareness is too bothered at all. Who is suffering? Who is it that's aware of this suffering? The mind tried every trick in the book to get out of that hot water. "You'll pass out", "You might drown". I continued my strong determination bathing and self enquiry. The only way out of this tub is surrender. Surrender to the heat. Surrender to this suffering. See that it is not me who is suffering. I did not give in to mind, and it eventually cracked and gave up its assault. I was in that tub for 1.5 hours. A few days later, I tried this again with even hotter water. After maybe 45 minutes I gave in. Mind used the trick of Death. I had a very real feeling that my enquiry was leading to a spontaneous "5-meo" like experience and that I may drown in this tub if I lost control of my human being. I felt like I was holding onto the self in order to avoid literal physical death. "Ok ok you can let go of Self but don't forget you still need your body to experience yourself as God. Don't fucking drown!" I jumped out. I laid on the floor in shavasana. My hands were cramping up like crazy. I had the exact same cramping during the several times I tried Holotropic/Shamanic breath work. I crawled to the shower with my tail between my legs and let the cold water nourish my battered ego. Well played self, well played. Until next time. It was very interesting to see the same blocked energy in my hands during this experience and breath work. Evidentially there's the same resistance being applied. I used this experience to simulate if I could handle 5-meo "gone bad". Can I surrender when the going is so tough and there's no escape? It would seem that I am not ready.
  9. @ajasatya noted ... but Arent I challenging myself also in sitting and not obliging my unserving habits? When I get urges and don't give in to it. I have to challenge myself in a sense to stay aware instead of doing whatever my mind tells me. I did have an intent to stay in that water though. I don't know how we can not have it self imposed?
  10. @Leo Gura hmm . despite the obvious drowning danger, its only hot water, is it really that different to letting your legs go completely dead in sitting? Danger wise? We would normally assume that's dangerous but the body seems cool with it. Ok I thought I'd stumbled onto something useful but the ubiquitous answer is negative. It's pretty powerful though. :-P
  11. I'll give you one suggestion from my personal experience. If you haven't already, invest the money in getting a full blood work done by a naturopath or functional medicine doctor. That way you're spending your money on supplements and plant medicines that actually will help you. For example, what my body needed most was not some exotic amazonian herb, but Magnesium, Copper, Zinc and B6, which restored my neurotransmitter function and allowed my GABA and Serotonin to start being produced normally again. This was a huge shift for my calmness and happiness. Considering there are so many different supplements and they are used for many different purposes, you'd need to be more clear on specifically what you're looking to achieve. Calmness? Happiness? Alertness? Reverse Diabetes? 3rd Eye awakening? Perhaps then some relevant advice can be provided to you
  12. @Natasha That's incredible you can remember the experience! Wow, thanks for sharing.
  13. My step-sister just gave birth a few weeks ago. I visited her in the hospital the day she was leaving. The baby was just 2 days old. I had this little thing in my arms and it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Just a few days prior she was still within the womb. Having little to no human senses. I suddenly thought man, it must be a trip being a new born. She's totally being God right now.
  14. 1 HR Skype session with Martin for $120 that's very fucking tempting. I'd love to see this documentary made. His books have been so helpful to me on this journey. PS: You just brought my attention to that fact that he released a new book, Fuck yeah! *bought*
  15. Hello my furry friends, I'm soon to be moving in a new direction with my life and leaving my old career behind to start a new journey in health / life coaching. I kept thinking to myself it's okay to get experience and build this new identity as a coach, because I can always move into the realm of spiritual coaching which would be rewarding to help raise people's consciousness. ...But this thought/feeling keeps visiting me. Am i just delaying the inevitable and fucking around? Playing into the illusion and avoiding the REAL work? Building a new self identity, new beliefs and new paradigm, and adding to, instead of dissolving self? It sure seems like the slow lane, or perhaps the sidewalk. I mean...there's no, "oh i'll just keep that little part of my self that I like, the coach part". I'll never stop this journey now, i'm balls deep, but my gut tells me if I REALLY, REALLY want the Truth, permanently, i'd should consider going ALL IN. It's only Fear that's stopping me after all... But then there are BILLS TO PAY, oh yes those oh so important bills. The message I'm getting is that life can't start until you dissolve self, so isn't the best tactical plan to make enlightenment the first priority, get that out of the way, no longer be a self, then see what is in store for me then? For those who have traveled this path for many years whilst building careers & life purpose, having families, being social and all that, do you feel like you are TRULY effectively dissolving your identity ? Will "life" pass me in the end without Liberation because I took the sidewalk instead of the fast lane? I FEEL SO CONFUSED. - General Nothingness <3
  16. Didn't even have that thought mate! That's a deal breaker right there for sure! Perhaps the awareness raising within that setting might offset the inability to use psychedelics? Yeah that's basically where I'm at, and hopefully that'll be enough to see the television screen; God, during the movie; Me. That sounds awesome man, do that for sure! @Christos Appreciate your comments Christos. There's no chance I can ever forget what I've experienced, it's too deep and too profound. It's a complete mind fuck. To be honest I think I've been on the autobahn and that's why my mind is so fucked up right now. There may be such a thing as too much too soon on this journey.
  17. @Space When I said ALL IN, for me I'm thinking i'd need to uproot myself from my current work, culture, friends, family, and either isolate myself or use the guidance of a Guru in another country or join a monastery. The main thing is practically I don't know how I can provide the essential human needs of feeding and sheltering myself, unless I could do the monk thing, which I suppose they provide some rice and water for sweeping the floors. I've been thinking about the monk thing for a while now but I don't know much about it, and whether it's something you can just turn up at the door and be like "yo wassup i'm ere for some enlightenment bra".
  18. I feel like my question of what to do with my life is becoming more and more clear
  19. @Leo Gura Haha that's why I feel like the intelligent general would know better and ditch any notion of walking sideways.
  20. @Leo Gura I feel like i have no choice but to go ALL IN. My plan really at the moment is to get my freedom from working for the man, do something that I love, then go ALL in, but it means waiting a few years, and hoping I don't get sucked into loving my new coach identity so much that I lose sight of the Truth.
  21. I had the same thing a few weeks ago after an enlightenment experience. I was really fucked up from it for a week at least. After 2 weeks I was able to integrate my experience / knowledge and felt grounded and happy again. Possibly self re-establishing itself which may not be a good thing but on the plus side, the world is a lot more beautiful now. I'd give you the same advice I was given and Just go and enjoy the beauty of existence for a few weeks whilst integrating. All will be sweet bud.
  22. @LaucherJunge i'll leave the dose research up to you, there's plenty of information on the web. I can't recall how much I used tbh.
  23. Fark my ego has been backlashing hard lately after going through some big shifts in world perception and awareness. I kept fucking what the fuck is going on because I am making progress yet i am back sliding at the same time.
  24. @LaucherJunge Pot's not a tryptamine so it isn't similar in any way. I smoked lots of weed growing up and it could not have prepared me for it. Ego death sounds good on paper but it's completely different when you are confronted with it. My only suggestion from personal experience is to smoke enough to break through on your first attempt because I found the low dose to be very challenging, being aware with my ego intact and thinking, whilst having no control. During the break through there was awareness without the self, and I could not generate any thoughts which prevented a freak out. I low dosed 5-meo and that felt like a mistake on some levels because now my ego is too scared to touch it again Sneaky tricky Ego trying to halt my exploration of the true self.