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Everything posted by pedro23

  1. This is just inhuman. I have absolutely no words. Denazification? By who? By the new ruSSian SS brigade? @K Ghoul and you have the audacity to moan about ruSSophobia and western propaganda and mainstream while the army of war criminals slaughter tens of THOUSANDS of civilians? The irony is that the ruSSians who took pride in defeating Nazional Socialism, adopted their tactics. All hail the new SS Brigades!
  2. @K Ghoul Why don't you post about the Mariupol genocide? Or are you afraid we will see how "Русский Мир" looks?
  3. How do you know? It was first posted on Reddit and then picked up by a ruSSian journalist? It stinks of being staged....
  4. Most definitely staged. They wanted to be "asvabaditeli".
  5. I have observed a peculiar phenomenon on this forum: People possessing an "anti-west" shadow, either from a Stage Blue/Orange perspective (demonising Stage Green Values and paradigms such as feminism, gender fluidity, deconstruction of traditional gender norms, etc) or from a Stage Green perspective (demonising America as a global felon, oppressor the Global South thus "pardoning Russia of any moral responsibility", tend mostly unconditionally glorify Russian might, dismiss any western analysis that does not confirm their view as a "cope" or propaganda of the decadent western world. @itachi uchiha I have never met you so I am gonna criticise your Idea, not you. Having said that It's absolutely rubish. I can bet my left kidney and house with my dogs that you are not even close to eastern Europe, never mind post-soviet area (my bet was a correct one, I saw you are from India). Why am I asking this? You will soon find out. First things first. On paper yes.At the same time, on paper I am the biggest fuck boi around. The reality is that my jokes creep the fuck outta girls. Same with ruSSia. It has utterly enormous problems: I. Enormous. Gigantic. Beyond any comprehension level of corruption. My parents were born in the USSR. I live in a post soviet-country, and when it comes to corruption, it's our national sport (everywhere in the post USSR). Corruptions comes in different flavours: a. Financial corruption. When it comes to the ruSSian army, billions upon billions of USD are embezzled. The equipment is often of poorer quality than promised on paper. Very often. When it comes to reserve equipment like tanks, armored vehicles, etc the situation is incredibly bad. If 1 outta 8 of the vehicles in storage is functional (without stolen components) it will be an enormous achievement. Did you know that during the Chechen Wars, ruSSian generals used to sell entire tank regiments to foreign bidders? Imagine an American general selling american tanks for his own profit... at least for me it's unimaginable. Never mind helicopter squadrons, armored vehicles, and entire stocks of fire arms. b. Corrupt and Incompetent leadership. It's a pure soviet thang... You don't usually get promoted based on your merits. FFS no. It's based on who you know and how much would you pay. It's easy to realise the consequences of a corrupt chain of command. I am not saying that every ruSSian general is incompetent but, a very large chunk is. Shoygu is a very good example. Was never exceptional or very good at his job. Yet the reason heis the MoD is that he is the most convenient politically and for the time being docile. c. Incompetent officers. The ruSSian army is a very rigid structure that does not promote any personal initiative from lower-rank officers. As a result this creates a lot of mistrust and high-rank officers are obliged to lead from the front lines. A consequence of that, 7 ruSSian generals killed in less than one month. The USSR lost 5 in 10 years in Afghanistan, while the Americans lost 2. You can invest hundreds of billions in the army, but if your officers are shite, you get wrecked. That's the situation with the ruSSians in Ukraine. II. Small budget. At the first glance 60 billion USD is a very large sum. But, let's have a closer look. It's 60 billion for the Army, Navy and Air Force. Bearing in mind the fact that ruSSia hasn't abandoned its ambition to build a strong Navy, while also investing in the other branches, 60 billion is quite a small sum. Add up the corruption and the poor leadership and a fuck fest is guaranteed. In this post I analysed the structural problems of the ruSSian army. In the next one I am going to talk about the tactical problems.
  6. Sorry boss, but this sentence is the biggest load of horseshite I have read In a while. No offence to you, criticizing the idea, and the Idea only. I am proficient in Russian (been speaking it for 19 years) and Ukrainian gives me real headaches. Most of the times I can understand some words individually but I do not understand the meaning of the entire sentence. I am not Russian. I am not Ukrainian. Neutral.
  7. Today (13th of March 2022) a Russian propaganda video of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, meeting with Chechen special forces near the front lines was released.. In this video Kadyrov is briefed on the effectiveness of the new tactic. He is told that they (special forces soldiers) did as they were instructed and captured an orphanage, but as they say, UNFORTUNATELY the children were taken by the Ukrainian Armed Forces hours prior so they coulnd't use them. Note: I am almost native in Russian so I can testify what I have written is true. Link: It compliments the tactic Russia implemented in Chechnya in 1994 - 1996 and Syria. The tactic being terror bombing cities and reducing them to rubble in order to punish the resisting population. Here you can see the consequences of a maternity bombardment: The civilian death toll in the city, according to the mayor of Mariupol exceeds 2000. More than that, the elected mayor of Melitopol was kidnapped (the locals confirm his disappearing) by the brave Russian army. But do not despair, the Brave Russian Army excels.... at looting... To be honest I am shocked. I had heard a lot stories from witnesses of mass rapping/looting perpetuated by russian during WWII and the Dniester War but seeing them perpetuated (relatively) near me, absolutely shocks me. After I saw that video where they talk about kidnapping children... I can't sleep...
  8. @K Ghoul Can You Please educate me, why the Russian war Symbol, looks so much like the Swastika? Thank You!
  9. @K Ghoul Ukraine is basically the 4th reich, yeah? In what country can you get 15 years of prison if you publicly condemn an invasion of a peaceful country? In what country will you get beaten and incarcerated if you protest against an invasion of a peaceful country? In what country will you get a visit from the (basically) secret police if you somehow voice your support of an ”enemy” country? In what country is the leader praised for solving an ”ethnical question”? In what country s terminally ill children are made to form a symbol of agression in support of an genocidal war? Guess what it's Russia....
  10. I am amazed by the level of perpetual brainwashing on the Russian side. The constant demonizing of Ukrainians as a nation full of Nazis is just astonishing to me. Are their Nazis in Ukraine? Yes. Are they a majority and is Ukraine the 4th Reich? Hell no. The majority of clips in this video are before the 2019 elections. How can such in such a Nazi country as Ukraine the far right party get less than 5% of the seats in the Ukrainian parliament. How can Ukraine be such a Nazi country, having a Jewish president? The fact that Russia wants to ”denazificate” Ukraine is in fact a test. A test for your number of chromosomes. The harder you believe it the bigger the chance that your lucky number is 47 is you know what I mean. In fact, Russia has a much bigger ultra-nationalist problem than Ukraine. Just watch ”Evening with Soloviov”, who on state TV regularly flirts with the idea of the ”MIGHTY RUSSIA” invading the Baltics/Ukraine/Poland and Nuking the shit out of the ”GAY WEST”. How can a country, whose official state propaganda posts this, even complain about nationalism in other countries? Excerpt from an article from RIA NOVOSTI titled ”The Making of Russia and the new world order”: ”Russia is restoring its unity - the tragedy of 1991, this terrible catastrophe in our history, its unnatural dislocation, has been overcome. Yes, at a great cost, yes, through the tragic events of a virtual civil war, because now brothers, separated by belonging to the Russian and Ukrainian armies, are still shooting at each other, but there will be no more Ukraine as anti-Russia. Russia is restoring its historical fullness, gathering the Russian world, the Russian people together - in its entirety of Great Russians, Belarusians and Little Russians. If we had abandoned this, if we had allowed the temporary division to take hold for centuries, then we would not only betray the memory of our ancestors, but would also be cursed by our descendants for allowing the disintegration of the Russian land.” Link: Blood and fucking soil. ”The Ukrainian question”.... This reminds me of an Austrian painter with a sexy mustache... So, FFS before parroting Russian propaganda and demonizing Ukrainians (a nation that Russia attacked head on without having a legitimate reason), do your research.
  11. I do not think so. His mere existence is based on Russian support. His dad came to power, because he betrayed the Chechens during the second Chechen war, and served the Russians. Chechnya has a higher standart of living than the vast majority of the Russian Federation thanks to the immense financial support Kadyrov gets from Kremlin.
  12. No pun intended but sometimes I am absolutely amazed by the Western Ignorance regarding Russia and post-soviet space. FFS, Checnya is a part of Russia. Not a rogue one. Not a warlord state. Russia is a FEDERATION. Besides ethnic Russians, it contains dozens of other ethnic groups.One of them being Chechens. The armed forces of Checnya are a part of the Russian National Guard and subsequently part of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Please, educate yourself beforemaking such bogus analogies.
  13. Chechen Republic, is a part of the Russian Federation. After two wars, it was quelled by the Russians. A loyal regime was installed, Akhmad Kadyrov being it's head. He was assassinated and his son Ramzan Kadyrov became the head of Chechnya. He is one of the most loyal henchmen of Putin. The Chechens that that fight on the Ukrainian side are the insurgents that fought against Russia during the 2 wars. The Chechens that fight on the Russian side, are Kadyrov's regiment loyal to Kadyrov family and Russia.
  14. MOLDOVAN PERSPECTIVE Follow Up Post With all being said I want to clarify the NATO-UKRAINE/pretext for invasion situation. Would Ukraine have been a threat in the eyes of Russia if it joined NATO? Possibly. But there are several nuances to this: 1. Would Ukraine actually have joined NATO? The answer is probably no. In this regard the ”threat” is based on the words of the Ukrainian president Zelensky that basically invited himself into NATO. The problem with this is that a good proportion of NATO members were against Ukraine joining. More than that, when a country has a chance of joining the alliance it is given a more or less concrete timeline of joining. Ukraine wasn't presented one. So it's more of a speculation than a concrete fact. Even more than that NATO does not accept new members with ongoing conflicts. 2. It's a strange loop. Ukraine wanted to join NATO because it was realistically threatened by Russia who annexed part of it and orchestrated a civil war in it's Eastern part. So Russia feels threatened because Ukraine wanted to join NATO because it felt threatened by Russia. Now, the world saw Russia's true colours. Russia committed a direct act of aggression towards Ukraine. The actions were disproportionate and more barbaric as the war goes on. Right now there is fear in Moldova as we might be the next who receive the "Russian Peace". So far I am going to volunteer in refugee camps - currently in Moldova found asylum more than 20 000 refugees with as many waiting at the border for perspective the 4th biggest city in my country has 27 000 people). But as of now I am very seriously contemplating volunteering for the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces. In other words take the arms and go fight, because if Ukraine falls, hello new Soviet Union. But thank God we have some nuanced members who from the comfort of their homes can provide us with much needed balanced and nuanced perspective justifying the invasion. Thank you, your bravery will never be forgotten. @Husseinisdoingfine P.S I promised some information sources. 1. Very detailed coverage by ordinary people. You can witness videos of Russian Armed Forces bombing civilian areas, hospitals, kindergartens, shouting civilians etc. It is in Russian and Ukrainian. You will need to Google translate. 2. The Twitter of the Ukrainian Army with regular uptades 3. Euromaidan Press 4. Conflict News. You can also see that the Russians target civilians, for example this account uptaded that the Greek Prime Minister reports that 10 Greek civilians killed by Russian strikes near Mariupol. 5. Moshe Schwartz. Journalist. 6. Casus Belli. Military uptades and infographics.
  15. MOLDOVAN PERSPECTIVE I am writing these words as I am less than 90 miles from the frontline (Odessa) hearing shelling shots, and seeing the sheer pain of tens of thousands of refugees in my country as well as seeing the sheer scale of atrocities committed by the Russian Armed Forces including striking civilian buildings - apartment buildings, kindergartens, hospitals as well as Russian tanks rolling over civilian cars WITH PEOPLE INSIDE, seeing dead children and women, and other consequences of the “Russian Peace”. I want to KINDLY tell all those saying ”Putin was justified to act” ”Evil West/NATO is to blame” or "Go get those NAZIS in Kyev” open your eyes! I want to dedicate this post to the most courageous people I have ever seen. To quote them ”Русский корабль, иди нах@й!" Before I proceed I want to offer my condolences to my Ukrainian brothers @hello1234 for everything they had to endure and say that you are not alone, we love you and we are making everything possible for your Ukrainians compatriots to feel at home here in Moldova. Слава україні! There are several reasons I am writing this post: To provide a perspective of ex soviet/es socialist Eastern European People, particularly Romanian (including Republic of Moldova) regarding their history with Russia, and why we want to get close to NATO and the West and as far as possible from Russia. To provide non-mainstream media, straight from the heat of action media sources and coverage. I am doing this after I watched Abby Martin’s stream discussing the Russian-Ukrainian war. To be honest I have never seen so much tanky-ass crap in one video. Disclosure - I am a leftist and I do not hate Russia. Besides being ethnically Romanian, my heritage includes Russian, Greek and Hungarian roots. Point Number 1. Russian Imperialism. Eastern Europe and Russia. I will skip the 1812 annexation of Basarabia (now Moldova. by the Russian Empire) and will get straight to the year 1940. The territory of Basarabia was annexed by The USSR. What followed was 3 Waves of Deportations. 40 000 women, children and men were deported to Siberia and all their belongings taken from them. Majority died in cattle train wagons or in the Siberian Gulag. Then followed forced conscription and deportation to mining camps - another 80 000 people. Then organized famine - between 150 000 and 200 000 dead. All this during 5 years, 15% of the population died. More than that when Moldova got its independence in 1992, Russia generated ethnical tensions and engineered a civil war in the eastern part of the country… hmm sounds familiar? What for? To prevent a possible Union with Romania and lose influence in this crucial region. Now, the territory of Moldova is occupied by Russian Tanks of the 14th Army, stationed in Transnistria. In other words we have enemy armor less than 40 miles from our capital. God I I am glad we hadn’t joined this evil, capitalistic, blood drinking American-pig cabbal called NATO as we enjoy a lot being occupied by Russian troops and fearing an invasion everytime we get farther and farther away from Russia in terms of political alignment.Kinda hard to maintain friendly relations with a country that produced such atrocities. The reason why I am writing this is because I want my ”very nuanced” friends (so nuanced in fact that they are so anti U.S Imperialism that they are pro Russian Imperialism) to understand that everywhere from the Danube to the Finnish Bay the consequences of Russian Imperialism were very similar to what happened in Basarabia: 1956 -The Massacre of Budapest, conducted by Soviet Troops; 1968 - Soviet Intervention in Czechoslovakia; 1994 - The Abkhazian War; 2008 - The Ossetian War. Everywhere from Romania to Finland there is a collective trauma, there is distrust and disregard towards Russia. That’s why NATO expanded after 1992. It expanded because the concerns fueled by the psychological wounds were still fresh. The countries that joined the alliance after 1992,did so voluntarily with overwhelming public support without being forcibly pulled by the “American Empire” and I wholeheartedly wish that my country did so. Now, having said this, I want to clarify - this is not a NATO eulogy. Yes NATO is a tool to expand the U.S sphere of influence. Yes, NATO forces were involved in hawkish actions against Libya and Syria. But, to say that NATO is only a force for U.S imperialism and should be abolished is a perspective driven by a stage Green perspective in reaction to it’s shadow. Those who adopt this perspective are ignorant to what this organization brings - security for small nations like Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary and Romania, nations that won’t be able to match up the might of a giant like Russia. I will use this allegory: Yes U.S is a bully. And NATO is an organization that is run by a bully. But so is Russia - an even brutish bully that historically only values force. So in order to contain the brutish bully you ask the less brutish one for protection. I will continue in my next post.
  16. Hi guys I just want to tell you that If you are from Europe, especially from eastern Europe and you want to try 5MeO or Al-Lad in my country they are legal. I am from Moldova. The goverment published a list of prohibited psychadelic substances, back in 2006 but didn't bother to uptade it... That's why I love my country)) Also here you can grow any plant that contains 5MEo, N-N DMt, MEscaline and even shrooms. Hope this info helps you!
  17. Good day! I haven't had any Enlightenment experiences, but I can surely recommend you Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. It a truly magnificent book, that was written in the 8-9th century and is a core book of Kashmir Shaivism. If you haven't heard about it, give it a try. It contains 112 Tantras or practices to get one with Shiva, the absolute. Hope I helped ya
  18. Good day. I've been thinking about becoming a monk, and I realized that this is what I truly want. I don't want a cushy life, I just want to realize the true nature of reality, and at the same time, I don't want to be distracted by worldly pleasures. But... there is a problem, my parents, I am almost sure won't like it, I mean I tried to talk to my mom about psychedelics, and she told me that if I tried them she would kill herself... So, how do I tell them that I want to become a monk? or, at least that I don't want to waste my time with the damn university? Thanks in advance!
  19. @unknownworld It's tricky about shrooms Psylocybine is prohibited but cultivating shrooms is not. Look at chapter II Substante psihotropice. The last chapter is about the plants prohibited in Moldova. If you need some translation, i am here to help. Plus 2CE is legal.
  20. After 1 month of a minimum 2 hours a day of S.D.S , I think i'm going crazy. Sometimes I happen to have huge amount of resistance, even in casual situations, I have convulsions, that are so strong that I think I am possessed, more than that my ego is going crazy, popping up and saying "Me"! "Me"! "Can't you see it's meeeee! Meeeeee!" And so on. I also cry a lot and then laugh and then cry again. Can anyone help please and tell me what's happening? Every advice is welcomed, thanks a lot!
  21. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj Thank you, beautiful metaphor! annnd @John Flores yes, I have some unpleasant feeling in the chest, I can even feel that negative energy.
  22. @Martin123 Thanks, that video really helped me, Matt is very charismatic))
  23. @Leo Gura Thanks, I will try some holotropic breathing techniques, but now I start to develop that taste for purification Shinzen Young was talking about. Thanks for your answer!