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About Wafflemuffins

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  • Birthday August 16

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  1. 1) How does having so many fans\followers\subscribers affect your personal growth. In terms of deeper aspects such as ego, not in terms of time-management. 2) Do you have any seniors\elders\mentors that you cross-reference new insights with? How do you gauge if new insights and ideas are true?
  2. Good job for trying. It must've been very hard. As for the actual question I agree with a lot of the points made here. The one that resonates most with me is: she most likely has no freaking clue why she rejected you, and even if she does, she's not gonna give you a straight answer cuz she doesn't want to feel like a bitch for hurting your feelings. So you'll gain so much more in terms of personal development, if you're able to take the rejection with stride and confidence and move on. If you can work on accepting yourself after someone else rejected you? That's difficult, and quite meaningful.
  3. Thanks, I'll check it out. How long have you been meditating for consistently?
  4. Sushi catering - I love sushi . And Airbnb rentals, I love traveling and meeting new people.
  5. Forgive my Newbness, what's a slack? Also, I don't remember where I saw this, but it's a fantastic idea I've used for many things in terms of accountability. Make a deal with yourself (or with someone else) that if you don't do the specific thing you want to do (meditate, journal, exercise, etc.) You'll give some money to a charity that you absolutely HATE. After one or 2 times of missing and having to give money to something you completely abhor, you'll quickly change the behavior. Worked for me
  6. How do you define narcissism for yourself? Recognizing your strengths and being happy with working hard for a happy, successful life, doesn't sound like narcissism to me.
  7. How would we hold each other accountable? Are there any consequences if any one of us don't adhere to our goal?
  8. Can we start a Master Thread for the different sensations we'll experience when meditating. I started a few months ago and I've felt some pretty weird stuff going on. Not sure what's normal. Some times I feel my body "contorting". Sometimes it feels like excessively erect. Sometimes I see weird lights and shapes behind my eyelids, sometimes everything goes dark. I just chill with it and observe like Leo said, but it would be nice to have the veterans weigh in and let us beginners know. Also, this is my first forum and post EVER. I tried searching to see if this was brought up, didn't find it. But that could be a total flub on my part. Don't lynch me!
  9. Yes please! I too wanna know what song that was. It made me wanna sleep/cry/be happy all in one.