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Everything posted by Wyatt

  1. For the benefit of the skeptics, let's say that all of the science supporting global warming and climate change is wrong or unreliable, and burning fossil fuels/coal has no effect on the climate. As far as we know, fossil fuels are a finite material so we will run out of them at some point. I don't see what's wrong with wanting to construct and employ energy converting technology that utilize almost infinite energy sources (solar, thermal, wind, water, etc.). Can someone explain this shit?
  2. @Leo Gura I can't seem to employ motivations for pursuing Truth that aren't inherently selfish (more truth = more knowledge = more power/control = greater success = pleasurable emotions and self-worth). What motivates you to pursue truth?
  3. I've been contemplating, meditating, and doing self-inquiry for a few hours a week for 2 months, and my mind has developed all kinds of concepts, labels, symbols, and images for the way reality works and the best ways to approach it. How can I tell the difference between an idea being a Truly deep insight that deserves attention vs. mental masturbation, or even worse, monkey mind? Is it based on my initial feelings towards it? The emotions I get out of it? My intuition?
  4. @HelloThere totally agree, just "knowing" seems to be a paradox, as contemplation and questioning is dependent on the fact that you don't know. Putting it into reality to test its validity seems really practical for most concepts, but what about ideas that aren't testable at the moment, or are not a part of this reality (as far as I've experienced)? Are they somehow less "important?" I find it hard to discern whether putting these concepts into action have a truly positive outcome, can only seem to base them off of first-hand and vicarious emotions @SOUL You have a point, trying to disidentify with ideologies seems virtuous
  5. The reason you think that suffering is not "alright," and why pain is a bad thing, is that you presume these are inherently wrong or bad. Physical/emotional suffering only exists as negative if you believe that suffering is negative. Suffering is a MAJOR part of human reality throughout known history
  6. There are 3 Main Classifications of Meditation: 1. Focused Attention 2. Open Monitoring 3. Effortless Presence Here's a long list of the types of meditation and a short bio of their characteristics: Open Monitoring Meditation: All perceptions, whether they be internal (thoughts, feelings, memory, etc.) or external (sound, smell, touch, etc.) are recognized and seen as only perceptions Focused Attention Meditation: Focusing your attention on a single object during the whole meditation session. Effortless Presence Meditation: The attention is not focused on anything in particular, but reposes on itself Zen Meditation: Keep back upright while seated. 2 different objectives: 1. Focus on breath, counting backwards from 10 constantly. (Focused Attention Meditation) 2. Shikantaza: Remain as much as possible in the present moment, aware and observing what passes through their minds and around them without dwelling on anything in particular. (Effortless Presence Meditation) Vipassana Meditation: Means "insight" or "clear seeing." Focus very intently on all aspects of the breath. You will notice that other bodily sensations begin to appear, but keep them as background noise. When other thoughts beyond the breath arise, note them as: -thinking -memory -Any of the 5 sensations -desiring Note specific sensations (knee pain, motorcycle engine noise, etc) only in those 4 categories. 3 Marks of existence: -Impermanence -Insatisfactoriness -Emptiness of Self Mindfulness Meditation: Paying close attention to the current moment and paying attention to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions that arise. There's a big difference between being inside a thought/sensation, and simply being aware of its presence. Must also be practiced in real-life: while walking, talking, eating, thinking, etc. Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta Meditation): Sit down and mentally express a sense of loving-kindness towards: Oneself, friends, strangers, enemies, other life, and non-living objects. Wishing happiness and well-being for all. Benefits: increased empathy, increased compassion, increased self-acceptance, increased feeling of purpose in life. Can treat problems with anger. Mantra meditation: While sitting, repeat a mantra throughout the meditation. This creates a mental vibration that helps release our minds from the ego's thoughts. May be easier to focus on the mantra than breathing. Practice repeating the mantra during non-meditative times Third Eye Meditation: Focus on the spot between the eyebrows, and keep the attention focused there. Increases control over thoughts Chakra Meditation: Focus on specific parts of the body while practicing mantra meditation Gazing Meditation: Watching an object intently for a long period of time, then closing your eyes and imagining the image. Kundalini Meditation: Complex, requires more reading Kriya Yoga: Following the teachings of Paramahamsa Yogananda. More on the spiritual side of enlightenment. Sound Meditation: Focus specifically on external and internal sounds. Advanced levels get to the "Ultimate Sound," which usually manifests an "OM" Tantra: Vijnanabhairava Tantra- 108 meditative techniques. More advanced techniques. Pranayama: 4in-4hold-4out-4hold technique with the breathe. Used for focus. Self-Inquiry/ "I Am" Meditation: Finding out who the true "I" is, yhou need to ask yourself "who am I?" Soon, you will realize that all the labels you put on yourself are only beliefs, and the real you is pure presence. This is pure existence with awareness. Intermeidate technique, use Mooji's guided meditation. Emptiness Meditation: Allow all sensations and thoughts to arise without reacting to them or following them. Neiguan: Visualizing inside one's body and mind, includingh the organs and thought processes. Good book or teacher is required. Qigong: A body-mind exercise for health, meditation and martial arts. Thousands of different exercises. Inlcudes Tai Chi, gets the body involved. "Sitting with God": A silent meditation in which the focus of the mind, heart and soul are on the presence of god Guided Meditation: -Imagery -Relaxation -Affirmations -Binaural Beats
  7. Long story short, I've had issues with connecting with others for a large portion of my existence. Starting and maintaining meaningful relationships is difficult for everyone! One key piece of advice that has helped me was to look at all my notions, presumptions, and opinions about pieces of reality I'm interested in (science, sports, nature, movies, history, etc.) and to write them down. It will not only give you interesting things to talk about, but then the other person or people you talk to will hopefully be inspired to share their views and feelings on the subject. The key is, you have to listen carefully and be genuinely interested in their views without needing to defend your own. This is a great technique for understanding others, connecting with them, and expanding your own understanding of the world through communication. Hope this helps