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Everything posted by Wyatt

  1. @Pernani Last year I had an extremely uncomfortable LSD experience where I couldn’t understand why anybody did ANYTHING! All actions were completely meaningless! Now that I look back on it, I‘m glad I went through it. It helped me have an outside understanding of why people do things. It all comes down to the type of rewards the activity gives us. Based on the activity, it will give us a reward that quells our particular emotional discomfort. Some people are more prone to loneliness, so they enjoy spending time with friends and family, or enjoy playing videogames. Some people are more prone to boredom, so they enjoy doing activities that are high risk and gives a large adrenaline rush, or maybe to activites that are creative and stimulating. Some people are more prone to anxiety and stress, so they enjoy doing activites like eating and watching slow movies, which are relaxing and calming. Some people are prone to depression, so they’ll find activites and hobbies and jobs that cheer them up. Some people hate having an environment that’s disorganized, so they love doing activities and jobs that clean and shape the world into something easier to look at. Does this seem like a viable explanation?
  2. @ChimpBrain I definetly think reading is an incredible way to learn more about life, as well as be entertained. But most kids will read books and dogmatically believe them. Kids are geared towards consuming huge amounts of information, as it will shape their behavior and understanding of the way that they fit into the world. There are some great suggestions in this post, but potentially more important than the quality of the book is the ability to question it. What are the deeper meanings of the story? Are they true? How do we know? How could we find out? All of the information they read will be grounded and interpreted based on their experiences, so having more experiences will allow them to better wuestion and understand different books. I wish somebody had taught me how to question information like that at a young age, I’d be light-years ahead of where I am today. Hope you’ve been enjoying raising her! Can’t wait to be a father
  3. A large part of self-actualization is treating yourself like someone you deeply care about. If there are people or events in your life that are causing you suffering, and you can't find peace and love in your current level of development, you're never going to get to the highest levels of development. Create a well-designed plan for not only removing yourself from the situation, plan what the next 10 steps on your journey are. Sometimes you need to burn down a rotten forest before it can flourish.
  4. If you already have the map perfectly envisioned (which nobody does because life will throw crazy curveballs at you), you can start putting specific actions on the calendar to get tasks done. The first 1% of self-actualization is thought and planning, the next 99% is action. If you need motivation for your actions, consider not only the ramifications of your actions for yourself, but also for your family, friends, community, country and world. It's a beautiful thing when you bring your insights into reality!
  5. @TripleNipple I suggest starting your own small business first. This was the BEST decision I ever made. Take the thing that gets you excited in the morning and figure out how to make money doing it. It doesn't have to be perfect, just something that's relatively attainable in a year or 2. Find people who are also pursuing that path and learn from them. Ask deep questions of clients and potential customers of what they're looking for in a product/service. Get clear on your mission statement for what you're doing and why you do what you do (What impact does it have on the individual level, on the level of direct service to the customer, on the level of your community, on the level of your country/world). Read books on topics that interest you. You'll get so much experience in business and life, you'll have a much better understanding of what your path could/should be.
  6. You're all speaking to me him like he's going to magically become enlightened tomorrow and all his problems will be gone. I'm gonna bet that's not gonna happen. I think right now @Darthcolo you need a plan for understanding your own underlying drive and meaning. I'd suggest making a contemplation journal on what makes life worth living. What does a successful life look like to you? Get all your ideas out of your head on paper and then organize them to better understand what in life is worth your time. Anything from friends to your health to your purpose/career to learning. Then, you can start to plan your days and weeks accordingly to give you the most time in meaningful activities
  7. I just finished reading the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, and if you haven’t yet, it’s a must. He makes an incredible case for Being, Presence, and silencing thoughts unless they’re necessary. Very powerful meditation techniques. This past week I’ve been practicing his teachings and trying to be extremely present for a couple hours everyday, focusing all of my senses and my mind into the present moment while sitting. I’ve also been trying to incorporate presence into my work, which I can see will add tons of value for me and my clients. For the past 3 days, I’ve been EXTREMELY exhausted. I’m a personal trainer, take good care of my health, and am often described as someone with lots of energy. But, these few days have been awful. I don’t want to get out of bed, don’t want to work or hangout with friends, get frustrated at doing small tasks, and have very strong negative self talk. Can practicing presence really be the cause of this? I thought Being and Presence were supposed to be rejuvinating and bring peace? Did I just overdo it, like an inexperienced athlete lifting weights for hours everyday? Thanks!
  8. Owner of my personal training company, specializing in helping business leaders and entrepreneurs develop the foundational abilities that exercise offers (increased energy, increased focus and persistence, increased creativity, decreased stress, improved health, etc.). Extremely rewarding work! Here's my website if you wanna check me out: https://www.yourpersonal-trainer.com/
  9. @ExodiaGearCEO Pursuing financial success with your greatest passion is the single easiest way to make money. Talking about and marketing your business will be effortless and enjoyable because you truly believe in it, and others will respond to that. But your job doesn’t have to be your passion if you bring your passion to your job
  10. @kieranperez ever hear of this guy? He’s a loud-mouth, mean, stubborn, and annoying fighter who is constantly talking and yelling what’s on his mind. Some people LOVE him. Some people HATE him. Either way, he doesn’t care. He’s doing what comes naturally to him, and fans and foes respect him for that
  11. @Spence94 Being great at one specific thing is awesome, but it will make you a very boring individual. You won’t have the broad life experience to connect concepts and potentially gain mastery of a field to a deeper degree. Plus, it seems like you would enjoy your life more with spacing out your time on different disciplines. Learn as much as you can about a lot, and figure out how you’ll be unique and saught after with what you do. There are exceptional people who didn’t specialize, read about DaVinci
  12. 3 months ago I dropped 120 micrograms of LSD. This was my 4th time taking acid, but my first time for the purpose of growth and development. All of my trips previously had been amazing, showing me how great my life could be if I lived with a high-intensity and gratitude at all times. Life is a wild circus! I learned a lot from them without really even trying, and enjoyed my experiences. This trip was VERY different. Admittedly, I took them in the wrong setting. I was with a good friend at a somewhat crowded beach, and I was the only one dropping the tab, my friend wanted to but woke up that morning not feeling great so he decided not to. About 45 minutes after taking the tab I knew something wasn't right. My stomach had a terrible aching pain, I had a hard time focusing, my friend was talking and listening to music but I couldn't find any joy in it, holding onto coherent thoughts was impossible, and my sense of time was completely thrown out the window. I thought if we left for the beach, I would enjoy it enough to pull myself out of this very strange sensation. Long story short, DON'T DO PSYCHEDELICS AT THE BEACH unless it's really empty. Just the social pressure of having to control my actions and words, for the kids and grandparents, was terribly frustrating. I tripped for 14 hours. There was an idea that kept on recurring for hours in many visual, auditory, and sensational forms: everything is completely and utterly meaningless. Down to the very bare-bone of it. During the trip, this was an awful and horrible thing to see, and it brought me physical pain and emotional anguish. All those goals you're working on? As meaningless as a child building sandcastles. All of those high-consciousness beliefs of love and morality that you view as transcendent? Completely meaningless. All the satisfaction and suffering you feel in your lifetime? As meaningless as it gets. I've heard this said before in Leo's videos and on this forum that this life is truly meaningless, but I didn't really understand the extent to which it's really meant! My questions is: If this is really true, why did I feel so afraid and depressed viewing it? Is there really any benefit working towards accepting this? Where can my life go from here? Thanks in advance for your wisdom
  13. @Leo Gura had an orange and a multi-vitamin 2 hours before dropping the tab, I know an empty stomach is standard procedure. I can see how interesting my life would be if I didn't feel the need to chase other's carrots, but living a life without ANY meaning is hard for me to imagine. It seems like, the more deliberate and conscious I am of the meanings that I assign, the more control I'll have of where my donkey hooves take me
  14. When I meditate very intensely, I can completely turn "off" my thoughts and turn my attention to what is true in this present experience. Is the soul the thing that is aware of the present experience (thoughts, emotions, sensations), and maybe the thing that decides what to do with it?
  15. Following along with your nervousness and fear is uneeded, it allows negative thoughts to snowball, such as: “what if i fail? Then my future is over. Oh god! Everything I worked for! No one will love me because i’m a failure!” Reframe your position of nervousness. Instead, realize: “my brain and body is anxious for this exam because it’s a test of my character, and they want me to do well!” Your nervousness can be your greatest strength, because it will give you a steong motivation to study hard and try to do well. From here, working towards finding more positive motivators for studying will be critical to your well-being and success
  16. Why would anyone follow anyone? There are tons of reasons why, and each individual will probably give you a unique reason they follow their leader. Why do we listen to Leo? You believe in his vision. Manson had tons of energy and spoke in a way unlike anyone else. He explained his vision with high clarity, then instilled in them a call to action. When you’re living with people (like Manson did with his followers), it’s even more dramatic. In my opinion, all of them were just tired of society’s rules and decided they wanted to follow their own. But from a spiritual perspective, the ideas that society holds and instills in its citizens is JUST as crazy as Mansons
  17. Hi people! For the past few weeks I've been studying systems thinking and drawing out the systems I recognize. I recently installed Mindomo (a mind mapping program) that lets me create the systems digitally, allowing me to add even more details to each piece of the system and make the construction of it more efficient. Ever since watching Leo's last video (Comprehension Has Many Degrees), I've been wondering if creating the ultimate mind-map of the significance and interconnections between major concepts is a good idea? Has anyone created their own mind maps and knows how and where to start? Peace and love!
  18. When I contemplate, for every question that I'm able to answer, I usually am able to come up with 2 more questions. One of the main motivations of contemplating is to not only understand the field you're investigating, but to make connections between that topic and other topics. You'll probably need intellect to answer your questions, as well as tons of other tools. There's no shame in doing research on a topic before you start to contemplate it. And your last question goes into the field of epistemology. Here's a great question for you to contemplate: How can you know anything for certain? Can we really find a definitive answer for anything, or are our answers simply best-guesses?
  19. @aclokayIf you're able to face this and overcome it, you'll grow immensely in other aspects of your life. Here's my diagnosis and action plan: Improving your concentration abilities will make your focus improve and you'll be able to stick with problems longer. Meditating and focusing on the breath or your fingers for 20+ minutes a day everyday should do the trick The schooling system's whole job is to tech you things, but they never really teach their students how to learn. if you're trying to learn the material, but are doing it in an inefficient way, of course it's going to be extremely frustrating and you'll want to quit. There's an incredible book called "A Mind For Numbers" which explains how to effectively and efficiently learn math and science. If math isn't enjoyable for you, just don't take math classes. There are plenty of more interesting fields that need problem solvers
  20. While meditating and not particularly focusing on anything, or while just doing mundane tasks, I seem to almost always have some type of background music or noise going on in my head. Some days it's louder and more distracting than others. Is this normal? Or is it a sign of monkey mind and something I should work on getting rid of?
  21. Depends how hard you want to work. Setting up some form of financial success so that your basic survival needs are covered is more important than pursuing awakening (at least in my mind, some people might disagree). You can do both at the same time in incremental steps if you're good at following your own schedule. Set time to meditate for an hour everyday and contemplate an hour a day, and that'll still leave you a ton of hours everyday to work on your business and hobbies and relationships and health
  22. @abgespaced Not only speaking in person to venues and businesses but also online. Don't need to pick just one. If you have enough insights and people who respect your advice, you could create a one-on-one program where you help people individually get your theory into their practice. People would pay LOTS of money for that if you're good.
  23. @Revolutionary Think You got a point there mate! Here's a list I recently made of subjects they could teach in school that would actually be USEFUL and interesting. Would love to hear if you can think of any more: Meta-Learning: How to learn Concentration: How to develop focus Life-purpose/ How to help others Contemplation: How to question the world Finances and money Nutrition and exercise Cultural dynamics Relationships Skepticism Epistemology Understanding and balancing Theory vs practice How to plan a schedule and manage time Understanding emotions
  24. @the_wandererI'm 20 years old and started my business last year, it's been the best decision I've ever made. I've met amazing people that I wouldn't have otherwise, people that've taught me things and that I've learned from. I've been able to take my ideas and test them in the real world, which has given me a better understanding of what the markets are looking for. But the deepest insight that I've had having my own business is that learning and knowledge are ESSENTIAL to making anything successful. It's given me a whole new appreciation for gaining understanding and applying that knowledge. I used to hate school and not try at all because I didn't see the value in it, but having to grow something from scratch changes that pretty quickly. So my advice for you is: - Learn as much as you can from talking with others, reading, and thinking for yourself - Try out a ton of your ideas by putting them in the real world and see what fails and what succeeds - Show love for those that help you and support you along the way
  25. Making money is all about giving value to others. What do you think is valuable in this world? Can you give that or something like it to others? What do others perceive the value to be? What can you do/say to add to the value of the service/product? Seth Goldman, the founder of Honest Tea, is a prime example of a person who understands how to make money. His company sells bottled tea, which is really overpriced and unnecessary because you can buy tea in little bags for super cheap. Honest Tea is worth almost $200 million because he REALLY believed in his product and was willing to tell everyone about it. That's all sales really is.