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  1. Serious Question About Mindfulness Breathing Meditation
    Serious Question About Mindfulness Breathing Meditation
    @SQAAD There is a funny thing about yoga which you will read and probably experience yourself. The book mentions that sometimes your inner guru will guide you through the practices. And believe me the inner guru comes! On your best days you might sit, do the excercise and feel that some kind of intuition is guiding you through the excercise, showing you how to do it, and also don't ressist this let the guru do its thing. It will control your body, change the technique in the best way for you. Kinda feels like God is taking control of your body and showing you how to do yoga, the inner guru knows whats best for you.
    I had this experience, my wife also had some inner guru lessons, and I saw it in action on my wife, once I saw her doing something unordinary I was like "please just let it guide you and don't ressist it" when she was done I asked "were you in control?" She answered "YES wtf was that" and I instantly aknowledged that she had been in the zone where this inner guru takes power.
    Its kinda ridiculious to hear this, once I read it I was like ok kinda get the idea that I do how I wanna do it, but once it happens you just know that this is the time to let go and let it guide you.
    But the guru doesnt come everyday. Once in a while, but the first time that can come up quickly to let you know that it is with you. Its a proccess of trial and error, I still keep perfecting my forms everyday. Keep at it and you will learn on your own.