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About kyleplarson

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  • Birthday December 11
  1. I understand where you're coming from. only if immediate attention is absolutely necessary though in my opinion. Like as in a life or death situation. the thing with medication is that its literally a magic pill solution and will NEVER work long term. when you take a medication you're brain isn't doing something it wouldn't be able to do by itself, its just a forced version of how you should be biohacking and shaping your own brain already. that can make you very emotionally lethargic because it allows you to postpone the real problem as long as you have a script. just my opinion though.
  2. hello there! i understand your question. i don't think enlightenment is exactly the realization that there is no self. i believe that is just one of the biggest insights enlightenment has to offer. there are many other things people think are real that aren't like money just to name one. i would also throw out that you can eat meat and it won't help or hinder you in your spiritual journey. one of my favorite enlightened masters said it is not what goes in you that defiles you, rather it is what comes out of you. guilt is a big big stumbling block when trying to realize your true nature. hope this helped!
  3. Hello there brother! while i think this is a strange thought, i can say that i have had similar thoughts in the past. my input would be that death would not be an alternative means or a short cut to "enlightenment." life is an integral part of enlightenment. My friend! You are it! YOU ARE ENLIGHTENMENT. This is what jesus meant by being a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. we often try to hide this truth from ourselves and it is always this we "wake up" to. hope this helped somehow! good luck.
  4. Just go to youtube and check him out! You will see for yourself. Everyone has something to sell! Even Leo!