Olafur Thorsteinsson

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Everything posted by Olafur Thorsteinsson

  1. @tomasCZ Fuck you sen and fuck you Ludwig hahaha. He is not talking about this shit Ludwig even though it is a good stuff, and you sen don't know what the hell your talking about. The key is being congruent. Be with a good eye contact, good strong voice, and a relaxed bodylanguage. Girls love emotions. How can you give her a lot of emotions be being yourself? Say things that you find funny, things that you find interesting, tell her your opinion, tease her in your funny way, talk about sex in the way you want to talk about it, make funny jokes about youraelf and her. Here is a good video from Leo, on how to be funny, and what he thinks is important for attraction. I agree on all of it. This is how your friends do it. Also read the books: "The Superior Man" and "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" (these books are basically how to be more attractive human being). The sex part is also really important. You really do not need more stuff than this to start with. I also recomend that you watch videos from RSD on youtobe
  2. I have my own rules when it comes to dating. They are not hard, Have sex on the firsr or second date (I will never date a girl for a month with out having sex, it is just too fuckingboring for me). The more open she can be, the better. I love when a girl can be slutty in the bed with me. I hate girls that are pretending that they are not sluts in the bed just so I can notice how sweet they are. That is a form of nedeeness. Every man has his own roles when it comes to dating, and most of the time they are socially conditioned into them. To the girls: Never try to be someone you're not. If you're slutty in bed, you're slutty in bed. If you're not, you're not. If the guy does not like your sluttyness in the bed, than he is probably too boring for you even though you fucking love him. Never EVER do something to be liked, do it because you enjoy it. "It is a bad feeling when you get rejected for being yourself, but it is worse feeling to be liked for being someone your not"
  3. Here is a good idea to get rid of social anxiety Take paper and pen and start righting down all the things that you find hard to do in social situation. Now these became your goals to do in social situations. You are now going to rank eatch one of them from 1 to 10 of difficulty for you. Next you make a list that is like a stair. You right the easyest on the top of your page, next the secont most easyest, and you will right the most difficould on the bottom. And now it's preactice time. You start accomplishing the easiest and then the secont most easiest, until you have accomlish them all. Next you create a new list and accomplis that list until you have gotten rid of all of you social anxiety fears. - Óli
  4. @Pankaj Gehloach Your wlecome. Btw thanks for the books recomentation. I got most of mine handled, but I still got a good journey left to eliminate my anxiety's problems. I will keep on going until I die, and I hope you also got that attitude.
  5. Here I have a good plan to get over social anxiety. I have been useing it and it has been working great for me. Wright down all your limiting believes in social situation that you can find Wright down all the believes that the ideal human being/"you" has in social situations Make goals to to become that Ideal you Example from me personally: My limiting believes in social situation: What I have to say has to be perfect Every body needs to give me approval in order for me to feel happy For me it is really important to get approval (it feels like that) If some cool kid sees me talking to the weird kids than he will think that I am a weirdo I am not very funny I feel like I need to impress other people I am not that interesting because I do a lot of weird stuff that the other kids do not do. Things like meditation, yoga, learning personal development, pick up. The believes of my ideal self: I am funny I am interesting I am here to give my opinion, not to impress others Trying to hard to fit in with the cool kids is a low conscious behavior I can have fun with anyone I don't judge people as cool or weird I say thins that I find fun. I say thins that I find interesting I am attractive If they like me, good. if they don't like me, good. heads, I win. tails, I win. I am here to have fun and talk about things that I find funny and interesting I love socializing Goals to become my ideal self: watch the video on "how to be funny" from Leo and do the exercises. When I am socializing with people, I am always trying to find the funny things to say or do, and don't take yourself seriously. Important: "Find things that I find funny". (Trying to find funny things for other people to lough at is a form of people pleasing mentality) I only talk about things that I find interesting, even if I know that other people might think I am weird for doing it or will not except me. (I can do stair goals for this goal). I am going to be open and tell the truth to everyone. watch the video "How you lie" and read the book "radical openhandedness" and do the exercises. (I can do stair goals for this goal). This is a good exercise to gain reference experiences to "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Tell your friends that have social anxiety too from that they can improve socially. I f they do not want to improve themselves, then spent less time with them and find friends that are doing personal development. (you tend to be the average of the 5 people that you hangout the most with). Stop judging people of being cool or weird, and start talk to everyone and have fun with everyone. "You don't have to be on the cool table to have fun, you can be on what ever table that is there and have as much fun there as you would have with the cool kids" because you know you are funny interesting and cool. Whats the video "how to stop judging yourself" from Leo and do the exercises. Gaining reference experiences of "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Go to Club and do some weird shit there. (in general, people don't care what you do in club, because it is a fucking club and that's why it is the best place to practice this. Think about your death. You know that you life is short and do you really want to be living your life this way? do I really want to be living my life in fear of what other people think of me when I got this short time to live? (what other people thought of me when I will be in my grave will not be important then because I will already be dead which means that what other people think of me now is not important) Now rank each goal on how important to you it is and wright it in the order of importance. watch the video on "how to be funny" from Leo and do the exercises. When I am socializing with people, I am always trying to find the funny things to say or do, and don't take yourself seriously. Important: "Find things that I find funny". (Trying to find funny things for other people to lough at is a form of people pleasing mentality) I am going to be open and tell the truth to everyone. watch the video "How you lie" and read the book "radical openhandedness" and do the exercises. (I can do stair goals for this goal). This is a good exercise to gain reference experiences to "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Gaining reference experiences of "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Go to Club and do some weird shit there. (in general, people don't care what you do in club, because it is a fucking club and that's why it is the best place to practice this. Tell your friends that have social anxiety too from that they can improve socially. I f they do not want to improve themselves, then spent less time with them and find friends that are doing personal development. (you tend to be the average of the 5 people that you hangout the most with). I only talk about things that I find interesting, even if I know that other people might think I am weird for doing it or will not except me. (I can do stair goals for this goal). Stop judging people of being cool or weird, and start talk to everyone and have fun with everyone. "You don't have to be on the cool table to have fun, you can be on what ever table that is there and have as much fun there as you would have with the cool kids" because you know you are funny interesting and cool. Whats the video "how to stop judging yourself" from Leo and do the exercises. Think about your death. You know that you life is short and do you really want to be living your life this way? do I really want to be living my life in fear of what other people think of me when I got this short time to live? (what other people thought of me when I will be in my grave will not be important then because I will already be dead which means that what other people think of me now is not important) The golden rule: Telling other people from things that you find interesting, other people tend to get interest into it also. Telling other people something you find funny, than other people tend to lough at it too. Tip 1: We are always looking outside into our environment on other people and specially on the most assertive and the most dominant people, what they think, what they do, what they believe, and we tend to think, do, and believe the same things. When someone finds something really interesting, then we tend to be interested into it too. When someone find something really funny, than we tend to find it funny too because we are always looking outside into the environment. This is way it is so important for you to handout with people that are doing personal development and not with you friends that have social fears and do not want to work on them. Tip 2: Knowing this now, you can impact others in more powerful way then before. "It is about how you say it, not what you say". When you are telling someone from something funny thing that you find funny, then explain it to him in a funny way, but some energy into it, but your voice into it, and your body, and lough like it is the funniest think ever. The same think when you are telling something from a thing that you find interesting, like meditation. You tell him from it in a interesting way and you are putting your voice into it, your body, and he will tend to find it meditation interesting thing. If he does not find meditation interesting, than he will become weird to you in a way, and now you know that you won't be spending much time with him, because he is not interesting to you. If you guys have some other technique to get over social anxiety, than please let me know
  6. Man, that is so fucking sad to hear. I have been depresst because a girl that I was dating on online became girlfriend with another guy. It was so fucking hard for me. I almost cryed and I didn't even see this girl with my own eyes, but in the end I was grown out of it and I had already forgot her. Then one day she came into my resturant, I saw a cut girl that I recogniced a littel in there with a big hot ass, but I could just not tell how she was. When I came home this day, she had alredy sended me a messege saying "did you noitice a girl in your restaurant that just could not keep her eyes of you". I sad no, I didn't. Than she had already brocked up with her boyfriend and we started talking sexualy on snapchat. Then one day when I was on my fb, I saw that she had a new boyfriend and her boyfriend look almost just like me. That mother fucker stole my pussy hahahaha. The reason why we could never meet up, was because she lives on the opposide site of my country and she just sopt at my restaurant for a lunch when she was traveling the country with her familly. Actually I find this story to be funny now hahaha. The key to make a girl fall in love with a man is to have sex with her as fast as possible. that means having sex with her on the first dait or the secont. Why is that? Well, when women have sex so fast with a guy, than they will outomaticlly think "I had sex with this guy so fast, it must be because I love him, it is just something about him", unless you suck at fucking pussy. And why the fuck be daiting a girl for two months? you are just dating which means she can go and meet other guys that she might like and end up having sex with them with out you knowing it. like I say, if you want a girlfriend, than you got to have amazing sex with her fast, both because she will love you for it and because that she probably won't go out to see other guys.
  7. @Abhijeeth hahahahah What includes in Alpha Male He is congruent, always He keeps good eye contact with the girl He has a voice of confidence He keeps a good Body pousture He is funny He is independent whether he gets the girl or not When he approaches woman that he likes, he goes there and says what ever is on hes mind He is always positive. If the girl goes away from him or does not like him for what ever reason, he will think "I am to awsome for this chick anyways, she could never had handled me" He is always giving value, never taking He loves sex, and he know that girls also love sex It is easy for him to talk about sex with girls He assumes that he is the alpha male He assumes that girls like him He assumes that he is the real deal
  8. Stair goals means that you have a big goal like "I am only going to talk about things that I find interesting" What are the things that I find interesting that I think other people might find weird and I do not talk about to other people? Meditation Enlightenment Personal development Sex Pick up Yoga Now I rank them and put them in the order of most easiest to the most hardest. Personal development Yoga Meditation sex pick up Enlightenment Now I will start with the easiest which is talking to other people about personal development. When I have finished that goal, I will go talk about yoga to everybody, then meditation, and so on.
  9. @Jelly_Shades Yes, I am dealing with this too. I have seen big growth in my socializing the past 1 year when I went to Brazil as an Exchange student. It was a great experience and from there I got the biggest growth that I have gotten in my life. I can tell you one thing buddy, I was for years like this, trying to get conection from the cool kids and get them to approve of me so I could get the labble "cool kide" on myself. Now I am doing my best to not judg people, cool or weird, I will interact with everyone the same whay, be myself, be authentic, talk about things that I find interesting, and things that I find funny. That's how I get real connection is having the goal of being myself, tell people my opinions, my jokes, what I find funny, and I am not caring about impress nobody, or geting there approval. That's how Í find real conection with people that I really conect with, I don't try to connect with other people, or changes myself to conect with them. I simply am the way I am, and I am not afraid to expres myself the way I am, even though I find somethings interesting that most other people find weird, or if I say a joke that other people find dirty, and that means that they do not conect with me. When you are neurotic about geting the conection and holding it, that is the strategy of highest percent to fail. If you are cool about how you are, expresing yourself, and you are not trying to conect with other people, then you will feel other people so desperate to conect with you because you look so cool to them and they will probably adopt things that you find interesting and funny. I am still working on this, I am not perfect, but I am doing my best to feel happy about life and myself without alowing other people to come into my life and interrupting my happyness.
  10. @Leo Gura hahahahahaha I found this to be so funny
  11. I would go do pick up. Start meditate. Learn self-actualization like professional. Throw all my stupid shitty friends out the window and get new onec how are positive, push me and have similar goals that I have.
  12. @The Alchemist hahahahahah This is so funny shit man. This is like telling someone that Star Wars is real hahahaha
  13. Pick up is not wrong. There is nothing wrong or right in this world. Pick up is the best thing that I know of to over come social anxiety, to become more confident, more integrity, more attractive, more slef-esteem and become more social skilled. I experienced the fastest growth in pick up, Leo said it too. If you do pick up you will become the guy that the girls want, but you will have to do it responsibly. P.S. Leo still does pick up, but he does it in a responsible way.
  14. Here I am shareing my emotions, my thoughts, my mindsets, where in my body I feel these feelings, why I am feeling this way. The purpose of this journal is to gain more self-awareness over my emotions and to share with otheres how are working on there self-awarenss. I will be open as I can. My goal is to journal about my feeling here 3 to 5 times per day for at least 3 months to start with. My emotions? I am felling a little bit of anxiety and lazy Where am I feeling these emotions? I feel anxiety knot in my stomach. I feel calm in my chest and lazyness in my head. Usually I get the strongest and most negative emotions in my stomach and it tends to rule over even though I feel better emotions in my chest and my head. when I start focusing more on my chest and my head and changing my body language, then the tension in my stomach tends to disappear. My toughts? I don't know if anyone will read this, if they think it is boring or that I am some kind of crazy dude (I have a lot of social anxiety and I am working on it). and I am thinking like this "it's sunday to day. You have been doing so much this week so you diserve to be lazy". How does the voice in my head sound like? It sounds a littel bit shy and reactive Is my emotion pusing me in to some thing or dragging me away? It is trying to drag me away from the real work which is meditation (I have not been doing meditation for 3 weeks now. I need to start again if I realy want to see a real growth in my life), learing , eating healty (my mom has a birthday today so I eat too mutch cakes). and it is pushing me in to "do nothing mode". Shat do I think that this emotions is trying to tell me? I think the anxiety feeling is telling me that other people will not like this (which is bullshit) which probably meas that I am making this to much about me. I think that lazyness feeling is telling me to get ready for the next week.
  15. @Sattu Hi Sattu. Great that it helps you. I also think that is a great point. I recognised myself be doing to much and I became frustrated and stressful. So now I am cutting my "to do" list down to the things that are the most important to me.
  16. Stair goals means that you have a big goal like "I am only going to talk about things that I find interesting" What are the things that I find interesting that I think other people might find weird and I do not talk about to other people? Meditation Enlightenment Personal development Sex Pick up Yoga Now I rank them and put them in the order of most easiest to the most hardest. Personal development Yoga Meditation sex pick up Enlightenment Now I will start with the easiest which is talking to other people about personal development. When I have finished that goal, I will go talk about yoga to everybody, then meditation, and so on.
  17. Another cool exercise to release social anxiety and to become more social skilled. Wright down all your limiting believes in social situation that you can find Wright down all the believes that the ideal human being/"you" has in social situations Make goals to to become that Ideal you Example from me personally: My limiting believes in social situation: What I have to say has to be perfect Every body needs to give me approval in order for me to feel happy For me it is really important to get approval (it feels like that) If some cool kid sees me talking to the weird kids than he will think that I am a weirdo I am not very funny I feel like I need to impress other people I am not that interesting because I do a lot of weird stuff that the other kids do not do. Things like meditation, yoga, learning personal development, pick up. The believes of my ideal self: I am funny I am interesting I am here to give my opinion, not to impress others Trying to hard to fit in with the cool kids is a low conscious behavior I can have fun with anyone I don't judge people as cool or weird I say thins that I find fun. I say thins that I find interesting I am attractive If they like me, good. if they don't like me, good. heads, I win. tails, I win. I am here to have fun and talk about things that I find funny and interesting I love socializing Goals to become my ideal self: watch the video on "how to be funny" from Leo and do the exercises. When I am socializing with people, I am always trying to find the funny things to say or do, and don't take yourself seriously. Important: "Find things that I find funny". (Trying to find funny things for other people to lough at is a form of people pleasing mentality) I only talk about things that I find interesting, even if I know that other people might think I am weird for doing it or will not except me. (I can do stair goals for this goal). I am going to be open and tell the truth to everyone. watch the video "How you lie" and read the book "radical openhandedness" and do the exercises. (I can do stair goals for this goal). This is a good exercise to gain reference experiences to "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Tell your friends that have social anxiety too from that they can improve socially. I f they do not want to improve themselves, then spent less time with them and find friends that are doing personal development. (you tend to be the average of the 5 people that you hangout the most with). Stop judging people of being cool or weird, and start talk to everyone and have fun with everyone. "You don't have to be on the cool table to have fun, you can be on what ever table that is there and have as much fun there as you would have with the cool kids" because you know you are funny interesting and cool. Whats the video "how to stop judging yourself" from Leo and do the exercises. Gaining reference experiences of "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Go to Club and do some weird shit there. (in general, people don't care what you do in club, because it is a fucking club and that's why it is the best place to practice this. Think about your death. You know that you life is short and do you really want to be living your life this way? do I really want to be living my life in fear of what other people think of me when I got this short time to live? (what other people thought of me when I will be in my grave will not be important then because I will already be dead which means that what other people think of me now is not important) Now rank each goal on how important to you it is and wright it in the order of importance. watch the video on "how to be funny" from Leo and do the exercises. When I am socializing with people, I am always trying to find the funny things to say or do, and don't take yourself seriously. Important: "Find things that I find funny". (Trying to find funny things for other people to lough at is a form of people pleasing mentality) I am going to be open and tell the truth to everyone. watch the video "How you lie" and read the book "radical openhandedness" and do the exercises. (I can do stair goals for this goal). This is a good exercise to gain reference experiences to "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Gaining reference experiences of "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Go to Club and do some weird shit there. (in general, people don't care what you do in club, because it is a fucking club and that's why it is the best place to practice this. Tell your friends that have social anxiety too from that they can improve socially. I f they do not want to improve themselves, then spent less time with them and find friends that are doing personal development. (you tend to be the average of the 5 people that you hangout the most with). I only talk about things that I find interesting, even if I know that other people might think I am weird for doing it or will not except me. (I can do stair goals for this goal). Stop judging people of being cool or weird, and start talk to everyone and have fun with everyone. "You don't have to be on the cool table to have fun, you can be on what ever table that is there and have as much fun there as you would have with the cool kids" because you know you are funny interesting and cool. Whats the video "how to stop judging yourself" from Leo and do the exercises. Think about your death. You know that you life is short and do you really want to be living your life this way? do I really want to be living my life in fear of what other people think of me when I got this short time to live? (what other people thought of me when I will be in my grave will not be important then because I will already be dead which means that what other people think of me now is not important) The golden rule: Telling other people from things that you find interesting, other people tend to get interest into it also. Telling other people something you find funny, than other people tend to lough at it too. Tip 1: We are always looking outside into our environment on other people and specially on the most assertive and the most dominant people, what they think, what they do, what they believe, and we tend to think, do, and believe the same things. When someone finds something really interesting, then we tend to be interested into it too. When someone find something really funny, than we tend to find it funny too because we are always looking outside into the environment. This is way it is so important for you to handout with people that are doing personal development and not with you friends that have social fears and do not want to work on them. Tip 2: Knowing this now, you can impact others in more powerful way then before. "It is about how you say it, not what you say". When you are telling someone from something funny thing that you find funny, then explain it to him in a funny way, but some energy into it, but your voice into it, and your body, and lough like it is the funniest think ever. The same think when you are telling something from a thing that you find interesting, like meditation. You tell him from it in a interesting way and you are putting your voice into it, your body, and he will tend to find it meditation interesting thing. If he does not find meditation interesting, than he will become weird to you in a way, and now you know that you won't be spending much time with him, because he is not interesting to you.
  18. Another cool exercise to release social anxiety and to become more social skilled. Wright down all your limiting believes in social situation that you can find Wright down all the believes that the ideal human being/"you" has in social situations Make goals to to become that Ideal you Example from me personally: My limiting believes in social situation: What I have to say has to be perfect Every body needs to give me approval in order for me to feel happy For me it is really important to get approval (it feels like that) If some cool kid sees me talking to the weird kids than he will think that I am a weirdo I am not very funny I feel like I need to impress other people I am not that interesting because I do a lot of weird stuff that the other kids do not do. Things like meditation, yoga, learning personal development, pick up. The believes of my ideal self: I am funny I am interesting I am here to give my opinion, not to impress others Trying to hard to fit in with the cool kids is a low conscious behavior I can have fun with anyone I don't judge people as cool or weird I say thins that I find fun. I say thins that I find interesting I am attractive If they like me, good. if they don't like me, good. heads, I win. tails, I win. I am here to have fun and talk about things that I find funny and interesting I love socializing Goals to become my ideal self: watch the video on "how to be funny" from Leo and do the exercises. When I am socializing with people, I am always trying to find the funny things to say or do, and don't take yourself seriously. Important: "Find things that I find funny". (Trying to find funny things for other people to lough at is a form of people pleasing mentality) I only talk about things that I find interesting, even if I know that other people might think I am weird for doing it or will not except me. (I can do stair goals for this goal). I am going to be open and tell the truth to everyone. watch the video "How you lie" and read the book "radical openhandedness" and do the exercises. (I can do stair goals for this goal). This is a good exercise to gain reference experiences to "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Tell your friends that have social anxiety too from that they can improve socially. I f they do not want to improve themselves, then spent less time with them and find friends that are doing personal development. (you tend to be the average of the 5 people that you hangout the most with). Stop judging people of being cool or weird, and start talk to everyone and have fun with everyone. "You don't have to be on the cool table to have fun, you can be on what ever table that is there and have as much fun there as you would have with the cool kids" because you know you are funny interesting and cool. Whats the video "how to stop judging yourself" from Leo and do the exercises. Gaining reference experiences of "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Go to Club and do some weird shit there. (in general, people don't care what you do in club, because it is a fucking club and that's why it is the best place to practice this. Think about your death. You know that you life is short and do you really want to be living your life this way? do I really want to be living my life in fear of what other people think of me when I got this short time to live? (what other people thought of me when I will be in my grave will not be important then because I will already be dead which means that what other people think of me now is not important) Now rank each goal on how important to you it is and wright it in the order of importance. watch the video on "how to be funny" from Leo and do the exercises. When I am socializing with people, I am always trying to find the funny things to say or do, and don't take yourself seriously. Important: "Find things that I find funny". (Trying to find funny things for other people to lough at is a form of people pleasing mentality) I am going to be open and tell the truth to everyone. watch the video "How you lie" and read the book "radical openhandedness" and do the exercises. (I can do stair goals for this goal). This is a good exercise to gain reference experiences to "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Gaining reference experiences of "it doesn't matter what other people think of me". Go to Club and do some weird shit there. (in general, people don't care what you do in club, because it is a fucking club and that's why it is the best place to practice this. Tell your friends that have social anxiety too from that they can improve socially. I f they do not want to improve themselves, then spent less time with them and find friends that are doing personal development. (you tend to be the average of the 5 people that you hangout the most with). I only talk about things that I find interesting, even if I know that other people might think I am weird for doing it or will not except me. (I can do stair goals for this goal). Stop judging people of being cool or weird, and start talk to everyone and have fun with everyone. "You don't have to be on the cool table to have fun, you can be on what ever table that is there and have as much fun there as you would have with the cool kids" because you know you are funny interesting and cool. Whats the video "how to stop judging yourself" from Leo and do the exercises. Think about your death. You know that you life is short and do you really want to be living your life this way? do I really want to be living my life in fear of what other people think of me when I got this short time to live? (what other people thought of me when I will be in my grave will not be important then because I will already be dead which means that what other people think of me now is not important) The golden rule: Telling other people from things that you find interesting, other people tend to get interest into it also. Telling other people something you find funny, than other people tend to lough at it too. Tip 1: We are always looking outside into our environment on other people and specially on the most assertive and the most dominant people, what they think, what they do, what they believe, and we tend to think, do, and believe the same things. When someone finds something really interesting, then we tend to be interested into it too. When someone find something really funny, than we tend to find it funny too because we are always looking outside into the environment. This is way it is so important for you to handout with people that are doing personal development and not with you friends that have social fears and do not want to work on them. Tip 2: Knowing this now, you can impact others in more powerful way then before. "It is about how you say it, not what you say". When you are telling someone from something funny thing that you find funny, then explain it to him in a funny way, but some energy into it, but your voice into it, and your body, and lough like it is the funniest think ever. The same think when you are telling something from a thing that you find interesting, like meditation. You tell him from it in a interesting way and you are putting your voice into it, your body, and he will tend to find it meditation interesting thing. If he does not find meditation interesting, than he will become weird to you in a way, and now you know that you won't be spending much time with him, because he is not interesting to you.
  19. I was acting extra in the series Fortitude yesterday and two days ago, so I have not had time to be on the forum. It was my first time and it was a good experience to finally be acting extra, but it was boring as hell. When I was younger I was dreaming about becoming an actor, but after this experience my answer is "Hell No". I had to push some kind of box full of things front and back, front and back until I stated dreaming about killing that director. Dame it was one of the most boring thing that i have done in my life. It is more boring than meditation. Yes I think that it would be fun to be the leading actor, but to be an extra is hell, unless you have a great people that make you lough when you are waiting between shots. It was a good to experience this, and special that being an actor is a thing that I do not what to do. Unless if I could get more people into personal development and doing meditation be acting hahahaha
  20. hahahaha I know that it is a littel bit of embarrassed the first time you do it. The point with excercises like these is to prove to yourself that it doesn't matter what other people think of you as long as you can be yourself. just think about it for a moment. You are nerwous about being yourself, so you fake it and you trying to make people like you with saying or doing things that you think they like. If you exacly can be okay with doing weird stuff in crowded palces, if you do stuff that makes you more nerwous to do than being yourself, than in the end it will not be a problem for you to be yourself. it's like jumping into the wild ocean and trying to learn to swim there while people are pushing you around, than after learning to swim in the ocean, it will be easy for him to jump in the swiming pool. He will feel like he is pleying around in the kids pool. Maybe you know it logically that it is not important what other people are thinking about you, but still it some how matters to you, until you have gaind the reference experience of that it is not improtant what those apes think of you. When you reach the point where it does not matter to you what other people are thinking about you. Only then you can do what you want to do, and say what you want to say, without thinking "what do they think of me if I do this, or if I say this, maybe they will like it more if I say it this way". It is awsome experience to be able to be youself with out other people affecting you, even if you get a negative criticism. This is high self-esteem. I still am on my journey of reaching higher self-esstem
  21. I have not been meditating for almost a month now. I know that meditating is one of the best habbits that I can put into my practice, but still I am failing at it. I am comited to do one month of meditations (strong sitting + do nothing) 20 minits eatch day, and starting tomorrow in the morning when I come home from the gym.
  22. My emotions? I feel confident, and ready Where do I feel these feelings in my body? I feel confidence in my head, my chest is calme with a littel bit of confident feeling to it, my stomach is notmal What are my thoghts? To day I whent training rescuing people on helecopter and it felt great, I loved it, I was in the moment and I am still in the moment and after that I have been thinking thoughts of my ideal confident self. I was socialysing with every one there, was out side my head and whas having fun and great time. I am so in the mood wright now. is my emotion pushing me into something or dragging me away? It is phusing me into being congruent and authentic. It is draging me away from my lover-self What is the signal from my emotions? When I am authentic and congruent, when I am myself, then I feel the most happyness
  23. Thanks for yor idea This remembered me on a consept that I heard 1 and half year ago. 1. Wright down all your limiting believes, especially in those area of your life where you are struggeling. (you tend to have limiting believes in those areas of life where you are struggeling a lot). 2. Wright down all the believes, and mindset that your-ideal self would have in those areas, and over all. Wright how your ideal-self would think, feel, and the behaviors. What would your ideal-self do diffrently. Your ideal-self would value high-conscious values. 3. Make goals and discieplen yourself to work on becoming your ideal self. This is a great tequniqe. Why the fuck did I forget it. I will do it next morning or evening when I have time and wright my resoults here on this page. Thenks again ;D
  24. I wake up, go strait and get my self a cup of water (I always feel more awake after drinking a little bit of water). Go to the bathroom, put on my clothes, make my bed, let the dogs out, give the food to the dogs, and then eat. Always that same routine day, after day, after day. I stopped meditation 1 month ago, There have been so many things happening right now and I have been procrastinating a lot these days. I am not proud of it, but I am now getting on track again and going to start 20 min meditation tomorrow.
  25. The thing is that all of the guys how start in pick up are after sex, the pussy, because we think it will make us happy. "only if I can fuck that hot girl, that I will be happy", or "only if I can make my girlfriend for the rest of my life, I will be happy". No dame it, you fucking won't be happy no matter how many girls you will fuck in you life. Too many guys are like "only if I have a lot of sex, than I will be happy". and that is illusion of your mind. You want to train yourself to be happy in the moment, being yourself, not be faking how you really are to be liked. So when you go out, make your goal about having fun, and giving value to other. Give value means: Telling people a story that you like. Giving your opinion about something. Say or do something that you find funny. Say something that you find interesting. Go dance if you want to dance. Taking value means: telling people a story that you thing that they like. Giving a opinion that you think that the other person would like to hear. Say or do something because you thing the girl finds it funny. Saying something because you think that other people find it interesting. Go dance because you don't want to be the weird guy. Girls are attracted to guys how are there to give there opinions and are not there to impress anyone. You are not there after approval, you are not there to impress anyone. you are there to be yourself, to have fun, to be happy, and then girls will come as a buy product of that. The foundation here is to be detached from outcome and positive mindselt. P.S. I also do pick up, and I love it every time ;D