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Everything posted by mp22

  1. With the exception of his bank account. I promise you that he thinks it's very real. Don't believe me? go ask him for some cash :-)
  2. First, don't do it because in reality this is the only Life you got and you can make it work. You're not some useless creature. Second, for the actualized folks, what is the issue here? life is a dream, it is meaningless and it will go on forever. Death is not real and is not bad. You are God and cannot die etc. We are constantly told all this but when shit gets real everyone seems to behave as if this life IS important, it's NOT meaningless and maybe death is kinda bad.
  3. Fine, I will grant you that. Can you at least agree with me that it is possible for someone to hallucinate and believe they existed the dream via the use of mind-altering substances (and some prep work)?
  4. P Perhaps, although what I think I am saying is that you are also within the drean using a substance that is a also in the dream (and therefore by your logic cannot be true). Basically from within the dream you think you exited the dream but you have not. btw other people have taken 5MEO and reported back on this very site with different experiences from yours. So who's right?
  5. 5-MeO is something that is also in the dream. You question all other things because they're in the dream except for 5-MeO. Yes, but you decided that rather arbitrarily because of the amazing high you got. You dismiss many things precisely because they are part of the dream except this one thing (along with a couple of other psychedelics).
  6. " 5-MeO takes you out of the dream. You will not understand how it is possible, but it is." 5-MeO is something that is also in the dream.
  7. The question is why does Leo think the world of him and tell us that we are not advanced enough yet to truly understand him?
  8. I am honestly glad I got away from this ideology. This is just more darkness
  9. This guy was something. Very genuine and grounded. I may be the only one but I really have trouble with the new no-brains Leo.
  10. Well I think the change is for the worse and I say it proudly. Good thing there's a diversity of opinions even though I am talking to myself in the dream, right? And since we don't exist there really has been no change has there? I guess that's what you call guys call growth
  11. You're assuming a hell of a lot. Maybe I have tried psychedelics in the past, maybe I have looked into them quite a bit, maybe I have looked into all kinds of drugs including stuff you never heard of. Maybe I think psychedelics affect your brain rather than something else.
  12. Zen teachers have an excellent method of dealing with students who start comparing themselves to Buddha or God [after their early enlightenment experiences, says Ken Wilber]. “They take the stick and beat the crap out of you. And after five or ten years of that, you finally get over yourself” (John Horgan, Rational Mysticism: Dispatches from the Border Between Science and Spirituality, 2003).
  13. Good point. Love the quote btw :-)
  14. That's what I am doing as well. Going off on my own and tailoring it to myself.
  15. I accept the change but it's a change for the worse in my opinion. I think other people also feel this way but they're shy to speak up in front of the "advanced" people here.
  16. If by following you mean taking massive amount of psychedelics, yeah some of us got off the train.
  17. The good news is that brains don't exist according to Leo so there is no injury to aggravate :-)
  18. All the experiences talked about whether through drugs or meditation occur in the brain but because some cannot accept that this process is not a "mystical" one, they get rid of the brain. So we are in a dream and one of the ways to figure it out is to take psychedelics (substances which are also part of the dream btw).
  19. Until you die and the next go around? its infinite right?
  20. Awesome! I nominate you for post of the year ( even taking into account that time does not exist)
  21. To me things started to go South around the psychedelics period but there were signs like the "logic is bullshit" video (I'm paraphrasing here) and, yes, some of the enlightenment videos where things were already presented as the Truth. This place goes as Leo goes, if he reverses course it'll go away real quick.
  22. One telling sign of con job is that the Guru who has figured out that this is all a dream and he is God himself experiencing his own infinity etc....ends up quite focused on pussy and/or money.
  23. Thanks, this is where I ended up as well
  24. Hence the need the get rid of the brain! it can't stay because then enlightenment would not be enlightenment and we can't have that. I