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About Andres

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    Montreal, Qc, Canada
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  1. My favorite book: ‘I Am That’. Conversations with a truly enlightened being: Nisargadatta Maharaj. From the Foreword of the book: “… many regard it as the only book of spiritual teaching really worth studying.” I totally agree…
  2. 10/10 One of my two favorite books (I Am That by Nisargadatta is the other). The Power of Now doesn't speak to your mind, it speaks to your soul. Amazing!!! As long as you are sleeping, you most probably won't get it.
  3. Alfonso, I agree with Christian. I think, the meditation that you are doing is one of the best. Something that help me to stay in the present moment (in pure awareness) is to keep my attention in the fact that I am the witness, just the observer of all that is going on around me; and, that in my private universe, I am the only consciousness there is.
  4. What are your motives to become enlightenment? Are you ready for it? If your motives come from the ego. Like: you want to be the best or impress others. I think, you are still far from enlightenment. If you want to stop suffering, you may be closer (like Eckhart Tolle). I think there is a sign to know if you are ready for permanent enlightenment. Ripe enough to fall from the tree and never come back: If your main interest in life have been to answer existential questions like: What am I doing here? How did universe come into exsistance? Why we humans behave the way we do? In other words, if want to know the Truth for the sake of knowing the Truth and no other motive, you might be very close. In conclusion: It’s not a question of wanting to be enlightened. It’s a question of being eager to discover the game of life.
  5. This is really a great subject! I think it’s easy to get all mix up if we don’t define first our concepts. For me: Mind is the tool that deal with our perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, concepts… Consciousness is the whole content of the mind, and Awareness is the quality that allows the existence of consciousness. In my experience, I have my own consciousness, my own private universe; and so far, I have no access to anybody else’s (apparently, some individuals have developed the capacity to get into other people consciousness). For what you and others report, it seems that we all share the same awareness, the quality that allow us to have our own private universes. What is wonderful, is to get into the state of pure awareness (when the mind is in stillness). That’s the door to the divine dimension of enlightenment. Just expressing my thoughts… Is there anybody else out there?
  6. Enlightenment means realizing the Truth. Discovering who you really are. This is the only absolute thing, beyond all paradigms. The way to “get there” is by being fully present: No past, no future. Fully in the eternal Now.
  7. Yes Michael, this is incredible. I hope you are feeling what I feel: I feel completely along in my own universe. I see everybody else like figures in a dream (if you have the chance of having lucid dreams, you know what I’m talking about). For the ego it might be terrifying (to be along), but being along, there is nothing and nobody to fear. In this state of conscience, I feel the most fortunate being in the hole universe. Of course, I am the only one. As you say, it’s amazing!!!!! This is what I call Non-duality, Oneness. I am the whole of my one universe.
  8. @Neo In my opinion, the main purpose of self-inquiry is to slow down the monkey mind. In reality, there is not an intellectual answer to ‘who or what am I’. Maybe the closes we can say about the real you is ‘pure awarness’; but again, how to describe awareness? It is something that can be experienced but not explained. Once the mind is slow down, the real you might come to the surface, and at that moment you will know the answer…
  9. Going directly to the point: All that we need to do to awake and get in contact with our divinity, is to give our full attention to the fact that we are the observers, the witness of what is happening around us. Give no importance to what is happening. Realize that nothing would exist if you wouldn’t be there to witness it.