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Everything posted by InfinitePotential

  1. The List I’ve yet to listen to most of these but this looks like an amazing collection of high consciousness podcasts.
  2. Wow, same! Letting Go (the book) was amazing.
  3. One technique that has worked extremely well for me, is to get about 6 hours of good deep sleep. Then, wake up and do something for a while, anywhere from like 5 to 90 minutes (yoga and/or meditation would be excellent choices). Then, go to bed with a strong intention to lucid dream and/or astral project (some say these are the same thing).
  4. Intent is key. You have to be steadfast in your decision to lucid dream. Like “tonight I’m going to have a lucid dream, no ifs ands or buts”. Thinking, reading, consuming material about lucid dreaming a lot helps. Frequent reality checks throughout walking life help too. Check if you’re dreaming frequently. Anything that makes dreams more vivid will help too (get sunlight during the day, limit blue light at night, dark room when sleeping, plenty of high quality sleep, healthy lifestyle). You could look up foods that help with vivid dreams too. Resistant starches are in particular helpful for me (green bananas, potato starch). They feed your gut bacteria and a lot of people report that they make their dreams more vivid. Skate liver oil is also useful, it’s said to help decalcify the pineal gland. A small amount of alcohol can help induce vivid dreams as well. None of these are necessary. A hack that is extremely helpful is to do something like the following: Go to bed with the intent to lucid dream, and a plan for what you’ll do during that dream. Set an alarm to wake up in about 6 hours. Maximize the quality of this 6 hours of sleep. Quiet, undisturbed, cool dark room, not too hungry or full, etc. Wake up in 6 hours and get out of bed and do something for anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour. Ideal would be to do some consciousness practice. Kriya yoga in the middle of the night is extremely powerful for me. Meditation is great too. Don’t expose yourself to bright light. Get back in bed and mentally review your plans for lucid dreaming. Have strong intention to lucid dream (or even to astral project). You will wake up every 60-120 minutes. Usually this goes unnoticed. Here is where you are in the perfect state to astral project / lucid dream. When you wake up, do any number of techniques to leave your body (most of these are to “move your body”, without moving your body. Just really feel your body lifting out of itself, or rolling out of itself, without moving any muscles. Reach down and touch the floor without moving your arms, etc. If that doesn’t work. Lie there peacefully and continue intending to lucid dream. Know that your next experience will be a dream. You will often automatically realize you are dreaming within your dream and be lucid. Row your boat gently down the stream. Carry through on your plans for the dream, but don’t resist anything else that might happen.
  5. If you wanna funnel calories into your body with healthy ingredients try some nut butters. You can get like 1000 calories in a minute with some almond butter. There are brands that have delicious flavors like cinnamon coconut honey etc. And probably best to leave yourself at least a few hours before bed to digest, for better sleep quality.
  6. Thoughts on the first round of democratic debates? Kamala Harris was the overall winner. She came across as extremely presidential, great speaker, and hit Biden hard. Bernie underperformed but he’ll have another chance to speak longer and with fewer people. And maybe the biggest winner of all is Bernie’s ideas. I wish he had talked about how his ideas, once laughed at, are now mainstream. Mayor Pete handled the police shooting controversy very well, and overall had a great performance, as usual. Elizabeth Warren did just fine, but not necessarily an inspiring performance. Biden’s main applause was from mentioning Obama. I thought Gillibrand, Booker, Bennet, and Castro did the most to break out from irrelevancy to getting some national attention, but neither have much of a chance. De Blasio was pretty fiery as well. And the rest have little to no chance of getting very far in the primaries. I was disappointed that Andrew Yang got only 3 minutes to speak, and was practically unable to address any topic other than UBI, and even then had about 5% as much time as he needed to make a strong argument for it. (Not that I’m #yanggang, I feel like political experience is an important criteria for... the president). Marianne Williamson was not taken seriously, which I understand. Beto’s popularity has plummeted. Still a long way to go. *cooks popcorn*
  7. Jon Hopkins - Luminous Beings Super chill and feel good
  8. Among my all time favorites. Delicious sounds. Some highlights: Burner Wind Loop Moments While You Doooo King Bathtub Bern Rhythm You’ve Changed
  9. Removing incentives to buy yachts!!
  10. What were these enlightenment experiences like?
  11. I would ask ~how do we pay for it then~ but when the top 3 wealthiest American families have as much combined wealth as the bottom 160 million Americans, not to mention the US spending more on military than like the next 20 or so nations combined, that question seems ridiculous.
  12. Universal basic income, yea or nay? (Specifically, Andrew Yang’s freedom dividend policy proposal, $1,000 a month for everyone). Also, resource based economy, yea or nay? (Is this how an enlightened society would operate? Will it someday be feasible for humanity?)
  13. Idk what it costs compared to pasta but you could try rice noodles
  14. Which is more true? If All That Is already, always exists, then it would seem we can simply choose to experience different aspects of It. But we couldn’t create anything new. But, wouldn’t it be more infinite to be constantly creating new, “never before” experienced... experiences? To be ever expanding? And in that way, we are creating reality perpetually? Or is it some combination of the two, or something else entirely?
  15. My thoughts exactly my whole life. It really seems like there should be this Nothing rather than something. But, how could it be inconceivable if there were nothing to conceive? How could it not exist if nothing existed. How could it be formless if there were no form? Lack substance if there were no substance to lack? What’s the difference between existing and not existing? Between something and nothing? Also, if this Nothing couldn’t be God, then wouldn’t that be a characteristic of this Nothing, thus making it something? Similarly if it couldn’t be an apple, or a person. Or a blank slate (deep sleep?)
  16. Maybe we are one of those newborn superhuman AIs... (relatively speaking)
  18. Some say too much cruciferous vegetables can inhibit thyroid function but if you feel fine then don’t worry about it, broccoli is awesome
  19. The particle absolutely does NOT have a position and velocity prior to measurement. There is no “particle” prior to measurement, merely a superposition of potentials (at least, according to QM). It doesn’t make sense to talk about it’s position and velocity, only probabilities of them given knowledge of the surrounding system. Our measurement literally creates the particle. And even then, it’s not really a particle. It’s just a collection of information about the size, shape, mass, and other qualities of the appearance of a particle. If the double slit experiment is not convincing enough that consciousness plays a fundamental role, check out the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment. Wherein the measurement is made after the supposed particle crosses the double slit barrier, but before it hits the detector. When doing this, the wave function is collapsed and nature loads a back-history of the particle as if it had always been one and traveled through one slit or the other (even though if we let it hit the detector it would yield an interference pattern). But, no physical measurements were made at the slits. And yet, the particle behaved as a normal particle at the barrier (seemingly). Nothing physical could have effected it whatsoever. Many physicists try hard to deny this but it is extremely strong evidence that it is the knowledge of information which collapses the wave function. Nothing physical.
  20. Is ASMR connected to kundalini? It manifests as a tingling sensation traveling up the spine and into the head, which sounds a lot like kundalini to me (which I've seen described as an electric current running up the spine). It seems the more I meditate, the more I experience ASMR. And when listening to an ASMR video (or listening to sounds throughout my day), the more I concentrate on the sound the more likely an ASMR experience is to occur. In fact, I don't remember ever getting ASMR until I started a formal meditation practice a few years back. Additionally, psychedelics seem to make ASMR more likely (especially during the "afterglow"). Idk, am I onto something here or are the two completely separate things? There is not much information online about this, but the two seem nearly identical to me, besides in degree and intensity. Kundalini experiences sound life changing, whereas ASMR is just pleasurable and relaxing.
  21. Rebounding is an excellent workout for your health, while being extremely low impact.
  22. Be patient. I would recommend cleaning your diet up for a while before fasting, unless you’re feeling really inspired to fast. The Whole30 challenge is amazing for this. Diet is crucial but be sure to live an otherwise healthy lifestyle as well. Good sleep is arguably the most important thing, get plenty of it and research how to make it high quality. Stay physically active. Humans are animals, we function best on being up and about for several hours a day. Try to get at least an hour of physical activity in a day. Walking, lifting weights, sprinting, etc. Get outside in nature some. Do things to experience positive emotions. Practice relaxation, etc. And a bit random but an amazing tool for “cleaning your body”... look into “rebounding” (jumping on a trampoline). The movement is amazing for digestion and elimination, getting lymph moving, and overall health and well being. Arguably the single best exercise out there, for health. If interested, be sure to invest in a high quality trampoline, there’s a huge difference between that and a low quality one. Just 10 minutes a day yields profound benefits.