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Everything posted by Slifon

  1. Yes, the same I would say about my experiences, 1p lsd it hasn't extreme visual lower 200mcg than a wavy sensesion. But I can't say about lsd 25 because I haven't experience it.
  2. Context Story - I started experimenting with 1p Lsd on 16/01/2019, for spiritual and self-improvement purposes. The first time I ordered 1p Lsd I was working every day and because I wanted to have more time to introspect about the experiences I started experimenting with micro-dosing. The dosage from 5 to 10 mcg, every third day. Microdosing has helped me a lot to discipline myself with my daily routine and some habits I wanted to quit as well as some habits I wanted to start. Overall it made me very creative and I was able to link things together that made a better overall framework. This helped motivate me because it was as if I could imagine that something I am doing in the present it benefits me for the future. The overall theory by Leo and the 5 years I meditated of course played a role to start to feel like the field is becoming more clear. After a while, I had 2 days off together and I decided to increase the dosage slowly. From 50mcg initially with people watching over me and within a month I started to take it home alone because my friends could not when I could watch over me for 12 hours. Overall my experiences are positive. I noticed that I did not have many visions in my experiences below 150mg, I do not know if it differs from Lsd but I saw no bright lights or fractals, except a wavy sensation and vision at doses above 150mg, and some bright lights at the edge of the field of view. Doses from 100mcg to 200mcg made me realize the limiting beliefs I had about myself that thus limited the vision I could have for myself. People started to look like they were made out of ideas, I could see that everything is based on ideologies and that there is nothing beyond ideology, just as I began to see that ideologies limit people close to me, that they limited me in the past, and all this opened my eyes a lot. I noticed in dosages between 100 to 150 after the first 2 hours, that I was in a very good position to understand theoretical things much better than I could before, to think about something was just very easy and did not require effort from me, as I began to see clear ways of how learning, meditation, and philosophy play a very important role in human life and my life in general. My mind for at least 13 hours was just working, analyzing, and realizing things without effort. Things that Leo is talking about helped clear up some things in my mind and putting them in a broader general context because so many topics had started to come up that I was interested in and I didn't know where to start. So I started in these doses as my mind went into a state of constant thinking to watch Leo videos again, write them down, analyze them, and try to incorporate them into my life. I started to take the purpose of my life much more seriously and the goals I set to achieve that purpose, I could make very practical maps and to see what exactly it takes from me to accomplish some things. The dosage between 1500mcg to 300mcg, was quite different, for at least 6 hours I was not in a state of mental processing, but I could concentrate much better, the sensations in my body were just so intense, I felt so connected to myself, emotionally and I was so vulnerable, it did not affect me at all negatively because I was in the mood to accept everything, and it was like getting to know myself emotionally. I began in this dosages wondering who am I, and I was trying to find out who I am, my mind at that moment was mixed with all the other senses that it was clear to see that thought is another perception and not the one who perceives, there was nothing, it was empty, at that moment the perceiver was not my normal personality, and I began to see that personality is a construct and my style, my attitude, the way I speak, the way I move, and the way I interact with the world play a very big role in who I think I am. I could see why it is so difficult to get to a mystical experience since you need to leave things that you did not know is possible to leave. I also understood ways that you can be corrupted because I was reaching dangerous levels of freedom, wherein essence I could see that no one is superior to me, but neither am I superior to others. The third from the end of my experiences was 370mcg at the end of March 2020. In this experience, I could see that no one perceives, and what existed was just the senses and the void. I could see that this void that is being perceived right now is being perceived by all people and that I am all those who have ever lived in history, and I began to think all the horrible things about death, suffering, pain, and just the world seemed like a big misunderstanding to me. After a month I started experimenting again. This time I raised the dosages much faster because I wanted to take it to another level now that I have time and I can. So in my last experience at 500mcg it got a little weird. Psychedelic Experience - I took the dosage at 12 p.m. Because I knew that the dosage was big and that something might happen that I had never encountered before, I decided to meditate. What scared me like an idea and worried me was that I thought I might open my eyes and just not know where I was and start to freak out with my parents in the next room. As I felt so stressed I said to myself - Just stay still for the whole experience, you are safe, and I was trying to keep my back perfectly straight and my chest completely open, it made me feel so much better, and as time went on I felt stronger, but I was still anxious. After 45 minutes I started feeling very intense things, which made me realize that it will be a really strong experience. I was trying to concentrate but my mind could not stop, so I decide at that moment to put the Om mantra and concentrate, since usually when I have an external meditation sound I am more focused than just letting my mind going wild. As I listen to the sound, the image of an orthodox church comes to me, Om sounds like a priest singing, the bell ringing and the sound of incense, and at that moment I thought of a funeral, it just came to my mind, the sounds in my mind it was like a funeral and I just started to have so bad feelings, a pressure in my chest and a lot of fear, I just wanted to stop listening to it, the moment that I was going to take off the headphones I thought very spontaneously - Why I see it so negatively, and at that moment by itself, the sound for some reason transformed and started to sound so beautiful to me, I had started to feel like I was the sound and I felt so happy that I felt like laughing. At that moment I saw with my own eyes how the mind plays such a big role in my psychological health and the way I interpret things, and it seems to be such a pity that people do not know about it. After 30 minutes I decide to take off my headphones and continue meditating. I close my eyes and started to feel that it is so easy to go into nothingness, so I concentrated and suddenly I became one with my outside world, but not with my room because I had my eyes closed, but with the darkness, I felt like a gum that stuck and became one with something that had a strange feeling, suddenly from the darkness I started to see lines joining together that made squares and at that moment I felt so strange, there was just nothing and I just differentiated the mind so much with the consciousness and I don't know if it was in my imagination but I had the intuition that there is something in the consciousness that knows me and that it knows what I am trying to do. At that moment I opened my eyes and saw in bed the same lines and squares and I just felt that it was too much I wanted to calm down, to avoid the situation I just looked at the time and saw that 5 hours have passed so I said to myself that I will watch a video of Leo and that it was enough for today. I started watching the video of Sameness vs Differences, the first 10 minutes I was fine, Leo's face changed slightly but it was something I was used to seeing happening, suddenly his head started to swell, then it got much bigger, suddenly his head became like a baby it looked funny and I started laughing, and then it got normal, I saw one of his eyes falling, and I thought - this is my nervous system, and at that moment I saw the inside of his face coming out, and it became a face without eyes, mouth, lips, it just made me feel so weird because I had in my mind that his face is a reflection of mine, I left the self phone. At that moment I started to feel really weird, I had the feeling that something was going to happen, and suddenly I felt my nervous system moving, in my forehead, in my upper body, in my arms, in my legs, under my testicles, and I saw the room moving like a ball of jelly, it lengthened then shortened, widened, then narrowed, at the same time I felt the same happening to my body, it was annoying and disorienting, it happened for 5 minutes. However, my nervous system was moving for 3 hours and from time to time something similar happened again but not so strong, or I heard a sound in my ears as if something had exploded next to me, and I felt my nervous system swelling and holding me like it was ready to burst, all over the body but mostly on the legs and under the genitals. It was something I had not heard of happening, and I began to think that I had a neurological condition and that my nervous system would move for the rest of my life, I was trying to catch my body to see if it was really moving or I imagined it and I felt it moving, at that moment I decide to go online (very bad idea) and write nervous system moves after LSD, and I just read - the downsides of LSD - I was just terrified, I turned off my cell phone and I'm just in bed panicking without knowing what to do, and I am just thinking - I will stay that way for the rest of my life, I thought - how I will explain to my parents that the reason I took psychedelics was serious at least for me and not something stupid. I decide to go to the Actualized forum and write my problem, I was lucky enough for a person to answer me very quickly and told me that it is normal and that everything is fine, I just need to surrender, I dropped the phone and tried to I let go and see the annoying feeling like something else, but again I had fear in my mind, and I just waited for the time to pass to see if it would stop. Finally, it stopped after 3 hours and for at least 5 hours it did something like spasms, but without further problems, after the experience although provocative I did not consider it negative, just that for some reason I felt very nice. After this experience I decided to relax a bit, and to research more about psychedelics to be better prepared, I decided after the holidays to start taking small doses of 100 and over and to record the experience, before and after, and my feelings, I started reading a book on psychedelics from Leo's list to get a better picture. We reach my last experience 2 days ago when I took 100mg and I was just sitting, the strange thing with this experience is that it felt stronger than it would normally feel at 100mcg. Then an idea came to me, to lie down and listen to different sounds because I felt that I may have some extracorporeal experience. I closed my eyes, put on headphones and started to feel my body having goosebumps and other sensations pierced my body and I felt them as energy, I felt so beautiful and at that moment my nervous system started moving again, however it did not bother me at all, I was expecting it for some reason, I was trying to see the senses as if they were not dependent on my body, and that they are alone, I was trying to see that my body does not exist, I did it, but it left me, I noticed that the more I concentrated on the senses my nervous system was moving more intensely, and I had the idea that my body was changing. I started thinking about who I am, I was saying who I am again, I was trying to see who I am, but nothing was happening, I was asking again and again, and suddenly I saw the thought of who I am mixed with all the other sensations, and I just saw my mind chasing his tale, like another experience, but it was not the subject, but the subject did not exist, I was trying to concentrate, but when I observed it, it just left me, the more I tried the more I was away and so nothing more happened, just my nervous system was moving for the rest of the experience which did not bother me. Main Concern - I have generally searched the internet for LSD and some psychedelics and what to expect, the strange thing is that I have not heard anywhere about a nervous system that moves, and what concerns me is the movement under my genitals, which I literally feel my testicles are moving or that are about to burst, continuing towards my thighs and lower legs. I'm looking but I do not find anything about a problem that Lsd can cause in the testicles, now I do not know if 1p LSD is a different story. I want to ask if anyone knows anything about this. If anyone has any ideas please share. Thanks.
  3. Hello guys, I just have taken 500mg of 1p lsd, and I literally feel my nervous system moving. Is it normal?
  4. In the context of that normality not, in some conventional way.
  5. Thanks for the support mate, I appreciate it. ??
  6. I mean literally, it's somatic I feel, is it normal.
  7. Hello guys, I just got 1P-LSD via airmail and the tabs have a yellow collor, and in previous orders was not like that. Does anybody know anything about that? Thanks.
  8. The paper has spiellied yellowish collor.
  9. I was thinking what Leo said about his encounter of maha samadhi and his point of view, that everyone is already awake in a sense, and if he had gone there he was going to merge with everything and take everything with him at list in his perseption and that one part of him wanted to go there, and I experienced some sad emotions, because if in a point of view of an awakend this is the case, why try to help in the development of the world? I was thinking an awakened society, redusing stress, redusing pain, doing conscious work collectivly. If everyone got to this point, how do we know that not everyone would want to merge forever? And I was thinking that if enlightenment has room for society after all, and I dont know if I am attached to this idea in some sence but it seem kind of limited to me not to have room for society, I dont know I am confused. I am thinking that ok the first step help raise consiousness in a lot of domains, then help awake the world maybe it will happen maybe not, who knows but lets say after that, then what, if everyone is just ok of doing nothing how this will be helpfull in the society, I just try to see the bigger picture of this and I cant.
  10. Hello people, I am trying to quit some toxic habits that I have, the most important for me right now is smoking. I am doing daily maditation for 4 years now and I was able to cut of some other bad habits that I had, but some aspects of myself are still cut up with some things that I can clearly see that are toxic for myself, so I am not sure enough of what is the best approach for this because I don't want to create shadows of myself and backlashing in the future as it has happened in the past. If anyone has some any advice on this matter I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  11. I was sleeping in my home seeing a dream, I was in a road and I was standing there, then my grandpa showed up (my grandpa has died from an accident back in 2006 in the same road) I looked at him and I said grandpa am here, he looked very happy to see me and then I hugged him, in that moment he went back trying to avoid me, his face was like ''this was a mistake''. He said to me I have to leave now and then I wake up, I was feeling a little bit strange I looked the time and it was 4:14. As was going to sleep again I looked at the door and I was seeing a shadow looking at me it was short with a big head, in that point it was the first time that I have been scared so mush, like too much, the only thing I did was to lie down with the blunket covering every inch of my body, I started to feel something like vibration and I was trying to move it was like something was holding me down, pushing my chest, I was feeling like I was going to die so with all my streangth I rised ready to face what ever that was, and then nothing, everything back to normal and the time 4:18. I do not know whether it was true or not, and I thought I could have surrender to see what was going to happen, and I think that I would be able seen it as anything other than something terrifying if I was more ready, I don't know. If anyone have something to say I would appreciated.
  12. I have full understanding of ''enlightenment" but for some reason my ego doesn't drop, why?
  13. I can see that there is no self who experiencing, what I call myself I can see it now that is just an experience like everything else, but identification is still there.
  14. The guy from the store told me that I had to take two hits from the pipe, the first hit was going to open the receivers so the brain can accept the salvia. I went to the bathroom because I was in a hotel that didn't allow smoking. I put the first hit in the pipe, but because I did not understand exactly what he told me I thought I would not need another hit. So I went into the shower and my friend Thomas was outside the shower to watch me. I took the first hit and hold it for 10 seconds, I did not understand something I got up because I was sitting and went outside, I was a feeling dizzy but I did not feel the effects of salvia and so I decided to take the second hit. I went into the bathroom again and I went back to the shower with the pipe in my hands, this time outside the shower was sitting Thomas and my friend Saida, sitting on their knees and watching me. I took the second hit, I tried to hold it for a little bit but I started coughing, so I probably did not accept all the dose. I walked out of the shower and saw Saida with Thomas looking at me, they were still seated, I gave the pipe to Saida and because I had not understood yet if salvia had kicked in I spoke and told them something that I dont remember to break the ice, they looked strange at me and I started to feel as if the skin from my face is melting and as if the bathroom is getting smaller because the bathroom was small enough, I opened the door and I went outside when I got out of the bathroom I forgot where am I but I did not freak out I also forgot that I did Salvia. I started walking in the room but I could not walk normally as if the floor was moving, I felt something bothering me but I did not know what bothered me, I was pulling my shirt and at the same time I did not realize I was doing it so I thought something was pulling my shirt. I thought I had something in my face and I was trying to get it out but I did not have something. I started making moves without having control, and I thought that I was going to do things without doing it and that the time was going to pass with me just as a viewer, I was afraid that I will do something bad because I didn't have the control, and I thought something would hurt me, I generally believed and felt that something bad had been done but I did not know what it was. The time started to pass very strangely. I thought it was a dream, and that I must die to wake, but I remembered that this was reality and then I was scared more, I fell on my knees because I knew I could not control my movements and started touching my head with both hands but it was not me the one controling my hands, Saida who was lying beside me asked me if I was okay but because I did not want to scare her I said I was okay, they told me that I said that with an angry face and that I looked as if I expected something to attack me, I felt that something was going to attack me and did not know what, I just wanted all of this to end and that moment it ended, it lasted about 4 minutes, but still I was not quite normal wet. After about 10 minutes I was totally normal. I think that it was a good experience, even though I was scared. I decided that the next time I will be more prepared, and I will try to surrender more. If anyone has any advise to give or generally something to say please share. Thanks.