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Everything posted by Posho

  1. If you had a one year vacation with zero obligations, enough money to buy handful of books and enough space and freedom, what would you do? (Or atleast what would you recommend to a person like that?)
  2. Awareness is an interesting topic and something I’ve been working on for a while. Its hard to put it in words though. My answer will be mostly in context to addictions and why and how awareness helps deal with addictions better. Awareness brings to light that which was hidden, that which you could not see before not because it was gone but because you unconsciously chose to NOT see it. With addictions, any and every addiction pretty much is an escape and helps you NOT see the accumulated pain and hurt since duh, discomfort (which is against the human nature. We are inherently biologically driven towards pleasure and away from pain) This accumulated hurt and discomfort Is from: Your childhood and life experiences where you were toxically shamed Feeling of unworthiness From boredom and void of life From the fact that you are clueless and so is everyone else. From the fact that effort and emotional labour is the pre requisite for life (which you want to escape) Addiction of any kind (Netflix, porn, drugs, work, relationships, books, being depressed, working out) removes that awareness of the above mentioned discomfort/pain. So quite natural don’t you think that bringing that awareness helps you deal with your addiction better? I mean Netflix is not the problem. Netflix is only filling the gap, any good substitute would do. Awareness removes Netflix out of the scene itself and brings to focus that which really is the problem: that you’re not at peace with the pointers mentioned So to answer your question (in context to addictions), awareness makes it easier to deal with the thing (addiction) cause the thing itself was never the problem. It throws the thing itself out of the scene. This might seem like coming out of a baby’s mouth but I speak from experience.
  3. How abou cooking an alien dish you're excited to try with some jazz in teh background supported with cold wine followed by making out?
  4. Leo, this has always bugged me. The world we see is pretty fucked up as you mentioned but then why does spirituality says that the world is perfect the way it is? Is the tangible world out there with wars and VRs simply an illusion so to speak? And if yes, how?
  5. I can't figure out what the lady exactly wants to communicate here. What are your thoughts?
  6. How is that applicable to this woman?
  7. Practice and hardwork, going against the society and against yourself. Have the guts? I don't but I know I can build it up. You?
  8. Detachment isn't as easy as people make out it to be. But man, once you're really detached when you just don't fucking care, man it's the best feeling in the world. Especially detachment from low conscious stuff
  9. So you've introduced concepts and theories beliefs and mindsets to us which are undoubtedly life changing but for a newbie, a completely new person in personal development, how and where do he start? Start with writing goals? Making a meditation habit? With fitness? With keeping a journal? Eliminating poor habits? Like where do you start? Writing a vision? Finding life purpose? And then how do you move forward cleverly? Making a plan? A strategy? Learning about what subjects? Or all of this depends on us? How we want?
  10. my longest without fapping has been a month (32 days approximately) the trick is to not fantasise much and also when you indulge in things more meaningful you'll not feel like fapping... and this is A FUCKING LIE!! Meaningful things bring pain and you fap so that you can avoid that pain. You fap so that you can temporarily avoid the shit you otherwise do not want to face. Yes we're all fucked up. The thing that works for me is to fantasise less, and not entertain lesbian thoughts
  11. You get on the stage, and you do your part, despite the fear. You will have to go through it to overcome it For once n for all get involved with it completely. Try contemplating, why do I have this fear? What is the bottom line? What is this fear serving? Etc. But contemplate deep.
  12. Hm, depends on who the person is.
  13. So apparently we have elections goin here and small businesses and politicians have come up with some sleathy business tactics to not just prompt people to go out and cast their vote but also in a sense that that would support the working of these small businesses. Like you can literally get free desserts now in a high profile restaurant. This is a good enough reason of course to prompt people to cast their vote even if they don't care. Now that's the prob. They'll go out and vote any random person they wish without giving a second thought to what they're doing. My mother literally said that she'll vote this party because their party symbol is quite "appealing" like what the hell?!? people believe deeply in this idea that everyone should go out and vote for apparently there have been people in the past who have fought hard to get us our right. Especially in the place I live, the common ideology which the minorities hold is that "our" people have fought hard and we'll cast our vote no matter what! ..even if that means casting your vote blindly. Even Socrates hated domacracy for the exact same reason. Putting down the link. So what is your stand and why? this is today's newspaper clip
  14. -you'll meet assholes all the fucking time, the trick is to not give a fuck -reality doesn't give a shit about you, if at all you care, you will have to change yourself
  15. travelling and reading all the books on my book list (as concrete goals) (for now) abstract ones, less stupidity and more awareness
  16. 4 things- shitty beliefs opinions status quo falling off track
  17. reminded me of the time when I was talking to this really hot girl on omegle and then the notification made me realise that I had only like 1 percent in my system, and I became chachi 420. If you know what I mean @Vaishnavi
  18. I've been looking for some sane channels but it's a bit difficult to find since most of the channels even the ones which claim to move towards 'productivity' end up doing a stupid viral challenge. You get the point. So if you know any other channel mainly related to productivity and someone who provides some real solid advice then put down the list. I at this point follow actualised.org and school of life along with teal swan. I've tried google but I couldn't find something more tangible and Real. You get the point. So if you know, let me know. P.S. No tai Lopez please
  19. That's external fix, a temporary fix to a situation. Sure It works but I need to cultivate more of intrinsic motivation you're right that I lack motivation but something external is again what I like to classify as fake growth. I'm looking for something from the inside thanks for your time by the way
  20. what makes a man sexy? Well a smart mouth. Applies to women as well
  21. Nah. Just the other way around
  22. You can download PDFs available for free.. Provided that you have Internet and a device. Like one of the books mentioned, mastery by Leonard yea you can get the pdf.
  23. The right girl won't fall in your lap. You need to put in work, loads of work. There is no right time or right girl. You work on yourself, you go out meet girls label the one you think is 'right' and get her. The End.
  24. @pluto just in case I you find them lemme know @Falk I was asking for channels so that I can, along with introspection and meditation work, gain perspectives and insights from other sources. You sure cannot mediate and introspect all day long. Also I like variety