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Everything posted by Dino D
mdma, weed... meditation, wim hof method all the way, praying... ,,deep thinking" being honest-anti dogma... prove, logical prove, or first person experience, if you cant prove it and if you didnt experience it or if you didnt do it... then no need to talk or argument beaceuse its just a theory, assumption, dogma with more or less logic behind it...
Yes, but no... if youre an alien then you can do it... if youre God that is also an alien than you should also be able to do it... if youre me, and not God, then you cant do it... if you claim that youre God, GODMIND, and that you are it, then you should be able to do what it can do or what he is doing. So youre not GOD or GODMIND, and you never had an experience of IT doing all of this ...
Abstract assumptions from people trying to answer this... if you created the rules, if you are the rule, then you should be able to change it... you dont even know how this reality is working, you dont know one mechanism of it unless you taught by learning (magnetism, gravity, energy or whatever) and you claim you're it... This question debunks non dual dogma that beliefs that we are all one God or that youre it or that you grasped it... Its obvious that someone outside of you is doing and creating this reality, giving rules to them without your knowing or seeing of it, understanding or doing it... you should be able to prove it if it is true... give a 10 days old kid dmt, and it will never know about gravity or latin language, and it will never bend space... its the same with everyone here... I think this question is a ,,HARD PROVE" that we are not GOD or reality, and we are not creating it or being it... maybe part of it, maybe ultimately connected to it, but not it self, and we didnt create the universe and we cant change it (outside of our human abilities)... prove me wrong, debunk this topic... then I will neal before U, God... 4rth dimensions, serious limitations, human avatar, suposed to be... if youre the 4rth dimension, the limitation, the intention that suposed something, if youre that ulitimate one who is everything, you dont have limitation, and youre doing of all it and you should be able to do all to it... but you cant do nothing no matter how much 5meo dmt you tak... not one little thing, you just cant levitate or create 5 cents out of air... rationalize, assume and lie to your self how much you want non duality must not be wrong, ultimately we are consciousness, matter is maybe not real... but to say that we are all one and the same, that we are God and that we are all of it and that we with our GOD MIND create everything is dogma... There is my body, our consciousness, my mind... and there is your to... maybe we are connected (with a connection) but we are not one and the same, and we are not GOD or THE GOD MIND, but maybe we are connected... I think youre making assumptions and dogma from not understanding your experiences, and without prove and without actual experience of it, because you did never experience the making of atoms, giving life and energy to them, to me, my mind, and you never leviteted not did you heal someone cancer... youre deluding your self from overthinking about non dual theory and the overwhelming SUBJECTIVE experiences from trips... prove me wrong, experince levitating, create an elephant, heal cancer, get to know a thing that you never know (like find out about pink magnetism from plants and prove it, see the past or the future of MY LIFE and so on...) dont just talk talk talk
Empty assumtion... you have to whipe your ass, wash your teath, make your bad, put out the trash, recycle it and so on... such jobs are everpresent in every society, and this will be the case in a spiritual society also... you cant avoid garbage, watter suplie, road building, administrative tasks, judges-the colapse of two opposite freedoms or righst and so on... utopia of positive outcome will never come... so we have to handle our shixt... Spiritual people in this age tens to be hedonist and fun and plesure seaker, wealded with meaning and deep experiences...
This should be a practical question, ask for help... please dont go super deep into the nature of god, infinity, no self... only if you really have to... Dont be so serious is one of the best advices that i got here... it helped... i would like to implement it even more... So, like everyone i have problems, worries, people disappoint me and so on... when that happends i take it very often very serious, i take it to my heart, i get upset, serious, angry and so on... I notice that other people dont bother with those things... dont get me wrong, im ,,more advanced then most" im not worrying, i'm being present and so on... however some people are better in not giving a fuxk... they carear isnt great, my is very good, i have a very responsible job, an ,,important job" i have to work and be responsible, i have to put effort in it... that makes me serious and i also implement that attitude in other parts of life, where i shouldnt be serious at all... if Im not serious and commited, I fail, make mistakes... That makes me to worry or to be angry if it does not go well, to attack, to solve or fix it and so on... that makes me serious, life is serious, it has consequences So how to not be so serious? How not to worry? My worry often comes because i have a serious, responsible attitude, that wants to control and to have a righteous outcome of life...
Dino D replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, and the relative existance as a individual human has its rules and needs... like talking, bruching teeth, and we should not denie that for the sake of total radical non duality... in fact non duality wants us to talk... talking is not talking it is what everything is, its nothing or pure counsciousness, that in the relative experince should be expressed -
Dino D replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I dont like those type of arguments... in that sense i can advise you not to brush your teath or whipe youre ass, youre all one and there is no other thing to brush or whipe... -
Dino D replied to Red-White-Light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Who would walk the path of enlightenment if not the ego? Reason, will, goals, are properties of a ego, only the ego has needs, and only the ego is doing anything at all (of course apparently) it's not fully wrong to have a motivated ego/character for reaching enlightenment... @Red-White-Light you have to use the path and knowledge in your social environment... You should not talk about this forum, spirituality, emptiness, consciousness in a place where it cant be received (Do not throw your pearls in front of pigs--they will only trample them underfoot) but you can talk on everyday topics, with everyday language and terms, with the clarity on knowledge and capability of observing the truth and being the truth and implementing all of that on a relative level and topic... Rupert Spira as example sometimes answers every day questions without the full non dual therms... you should be able to talk about sports, dogs, life, or your past experience even if youre spiritual, and you can use your understanding in everything, because all those high end insides often follow the same principles that can be used in everyday life on the most usual things... Another example, a nuclear physicist should be able to talk with me about dogs or anything, if there is an appropriate moment to talk about physic then he should be able to communicate it to me on my level of understanding... Also he should not direct every conversation to nuclear physics... you can do the same thing with spirituality -
Tyler Durden: ,,Man, I see in Fight Club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see it squandered. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables – slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off. " Fight club I'ts strange that life purpose equals =singer, athlete, rock star, artist, spiritual teacher, entrepreneur... and never nurse, waitress, Trash truck driver, judge, cashier, secretary, Like everyone should do what is funny and lovely to them... So we wont have workers or anymore, or people who just have to do the job that has to be done, those ,,shitty jobs" ... entrepreneur vs worker... This path and self-actualization would result in an interesting society of artists and preachers... Not personal to you, maybe you really should be a public speaker on spirituality, I'm just saying how this is almost always the result of people who chase they desire of for their life, maybe selfish life...
Jesus vs nonduality? What do you think?
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Osho and sadguru can never stand on the same page with Jesus... The first two are obvius jerks, may they be enlightened... if the Jusus story and power is true, than he was so in tune that he could heal, walk on water and what not, those two are also buisiness man who love attention and they smart appearance... they are expensive, very expensive, jesus is free and so on... Even if the Jesus story aint true, that false story can never be compered with the facts about osho and sadg. Thats not the same ,,level,, not even close... -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have a belief. I know, a wrong start. There is no I. Having vs being. Belief-doma, lie-not truth, but... If im nothingnes ak infinite consc. Im not limited and i dont need anything... from love i create the universe and egos and ,,mechanical rules"... I created a human and ego on my purpose, the ego should be there... Fighting what is and trieing to ,,die" is not what I (the true I wants)... we are here because its the will of God (the infinite c.) What should we do? We should do what we want and what he wants... if we merge those two thats it... so being who we are (only one example of my exact ego) and following Jesus and ,,a certain Gods way and will" makes us fullfiled, the ego soul, God and also merged with God... maybe not God but connected to him, only him... being only ,,nondual" is not what the ,,nondual" wants, and if you try that you fail and dont produce love or fruits or purpose... something like that... and thats why jesus or religion could be a better expresion of the nondual then the pure non dual teaching because its not complete for the relative, for the human, for what the non dual wants for us, not for the non dual even if we are all one, and so the human will ,,fail, sin and not be happy" the seeker also... but the Jusus follower, a true one, is blissed, like bobby and many others... or am expresing delusional thinkig peace -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
A lot of guessing here... yes, smart and logical, but from a critical view most of your guessing can be exposed... Like nothing is true Mybe thats true Non duality wins most of the argument,s not all I dont know, deep down i feel im guilty for my sins, i should make them right and i should be 100% true to who I am... nobody does that, also somehow i belive that Jesus is ,,special" and that the bible has acwkwardly to many hints about us, about this non dual perspective, even about veganism, about false prohpets that we can spot by the followers that dont make it... still maybe thata how deep indoctrinations feela like... like true... However im not relevant here to speak, im not ,,on your level" but i like it that this video lead to a conversation... bobby can we right or wrong, he is still one of the best youtubers in his ,,genre" -
https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/consciousness-is-quantum-can-be-modulated-with-specific-chemicals.29850/ Check it out, seriuous link If this is true, then consciousness arises from matter or from something, and not something or everything from consciousness?
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
where is software created in a PC/hardware? Does the hardware come from the software, or does software originate from the hardware? If we could truly create an artificial intelligent conscious PC (software), wouldn't its consciousness and intelligence arise from the hardware? @Leo Gura the TV screen (as Rupert sais it 1000 times) is also something that i can see from a different point... the picture of the screen (our reality) arrises from the screen, not the TV screen from the showed picture... so there is only screen (hardware), and the picture comes from the hardware (software product/software)... we don't mistake the TV screen for reality, we mistake the TV picture for it, but the whole time the truth it the TV screen... in that analogy the tv is consciousness, not matter/hardware, but I can still ask, is the TV screen then truly consciousness, and the picture again a expression of consciousness, or is the screen in fact trully matter (or whatever) and the picture(consciousness) a product of matter (or whatever-quant, energy...) the prove would be if we could create and modulate consciousness with matter(atoms) and technology, change it or whatever... So that we could prove that we can produce consciousness, change it, and stop it... or somethnig like this the article open a door to such thinking... -
Dino D replied to Wisebaxter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Glad I could help... Also dont be to serious se what @Nahm wrote to me and the links he linked on this post::: (about not being serious) it was one of the strongest advices that I got, and it changed me deeply ... (Nahm thx again) Also this perspective that I wrote to you, about making decisions and accepting determinism, and the freedom that comes from understanding that it had to be like that, that this was the ONLY possibility and that it is not my responsibility, because I dont exist and because ,,the me" in a relative way had to choose exactly as I did choose because of 10000 other causes that determined my actions... so i can accept and forgive (if needed) my self and I can love the path that God determined for me... At the same time I take actions, get responsible 4 it, learn, and work ,,to be better" At the same time,1) I do what i like(hearth) (at least sometimes), what i must(brain+conciuos love without strong emotions), i follow my brain and my heart, and try to balance it to the best relative outcome from my perspective, and whenever I can i try to remember not to be serious about it!!!! -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
IF THATS TRUE, then youre legit, nice -
Is there any figure out there that totaly devoted his self for helping people? ,,Antiselfish" Like giving his life and all of his money 4 others... Like Jesus... In fact i only see ,,gurus" taking money... ok most of them share some free knowledge... but besides Jesus I dont know anyone who gave all that he got to others... Its often the oposite... Leo as example shares knowledge for free, he gives advices, he answered to me, he helped 4 free, moderators helped... but they gain back, from likes, shares and views, and then from buying the life purpose course... Leo is puting suler hard efford into actualizing Leo, and a side effect is the channel and this forum... (its not about leo, i super love him, he is loke songoku 4 me) even that makes them a lot better then me, but still, anybody like Jesus out there? Who would suffer and die just 4 me or 4 us... so that we get it And not just charge, charge and ask 4 money... Im not better, dont attack me, i would also take money and so on... just asking, is there any Jesus out there?
Dino D replied to Rilles's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
hmm... I dont get it, but i now see how this could be true, and its enough for me to humble down and to accept that it is possible and that i cant get it on this linear level... why dont you get tired explaining this again and again, to a lot of people on this forum... also i don't see much personality/ego in your answers, just answers I often put a lot of me, sometimes a lot of ego/anger when debates start to go hard or super critic... you just answer without a you* (I think I'm seeing that difference in your answers ,,now and before") great work and effort Leo, thx -
Dino D replied to Rilles's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My direct experience is not like that, i dont expeirence my foot and my head in the same location... there are distant, seperate... my foot even feel further away from ,,me"... i also can not place my foot into my head and in the same space... I can cut of my foot and then i went somewere where im not anymore, and will not be located where it is now, it will be gone, someware else... Your theory is theroy and dogma 4 me... i 100% experience two locations and different ,,places" for different body parts... it could be delusion but it it the only experience or deluded experience that i'm experiencing... If I would experience something else, like no place/one place, how could I know that this wouldnt be a deluded experience... and so on -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes... youre right... Maybe i elaborated too much... to keep it simple for others I just ask are there anybody today that is like Jesus? (Giving everything to others and enlightened) -
Dino D replied to Dylan Page's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So there arw degrees of conciousness? Its not just all one infinite that is as it is? You are allready enlightened? Everybody is? But I know what you mean... its like that because it just is, and it just is because its infinite so it has to have all of those posibilities and all of those different births lotteries and not just one, while (paradox) at the same time it is exactly one and the same birth lottery 4 everyone and its just one (infinite) conciousness -
Dino D replied to Wisebaxter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I didnt read anything, i will just answer on the thread... Forget about that part when making decision... Make them as you did before... do it from the heart and from the brain (dont be to stupid and emotional and dont decide to often without thinking and dont choose what could be obviously wrong/stupid)... your emotions and beliefs stay, but logic stays more constant so think... still think also with your hearth... No free will, everything is determineted helps only after something happend or after you decided... knowing determinism you dont need to resist, to blame you/free will and to get stuck, it helps you to accept everything as it is because it was ment and determinated to be exactly like that and there is no you/free will who is guilty/responsible 4 it... so you can say yes to everything that happend and that is happening and that will happen and its easier to let it go if needed... peace -
Dino D replied to Rilles's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
you want never get an answer on this question on this forum that can be generally accepted, understood, and that is logical for most of the people... People mistake the non dual experience for the complete life and universum system... NON DUALIST falsly contiribute and project properties of the non dual experience or state of awareness to everything else, and then make conclusions-dogmas, we are all one, all is one and the same counciousness and just and only it exists, and everything is it, youre it and so on... all dogma and not direct experience and thats why you can see my thoughts, because we are not one and the same counciousness... there is not a seperate autonomus self, a free will, and we falsly believe we are a person, we are not, everything is determinated, we are mechanical just like gravity, or our organs or whatever... when the mind and attention starts observing it self it can see this it can see that there is NO you that you falsly belived your whole life to be, the mind realizes that attention or pure awareness is made out of nothing and that it has no properties... you can sink awareness into it's self in a way... it is a specific activity from the brain achived with lot of meditation, drugs or just by acident, and then comes dogma and the religion of non duality that puts all of those beliefs together... why am i only aware of the impulses that come from my body, what will happen after death and what was before it, will i start to become aware of everything (NO) why am I now not aware of atoms, blod flow, hair growth, deep sleep, koma, radiation (and all of that is there and happening), how do I create all of those (as non duality planed) apearences, when did I designed this world and 7.000.000 poeple and countless atomes and rulls, how do i keep them runing that consinstent, how do i make 7.000.000 people deluded and so on, I'm God being critic is false, because criticism and logic and science and direct experience are all relative and false, everything is false only the non dual speach is not-DOGMA The non dual experience is possible, it is true, but what it trully is and what it means for this world we dont know, and what non duality teaches is not right, and it is dogma... there are a set of questions, like yours that they never ever answer... or they say pharses like, let go of this one... still, this non dual lie has many practical and good insides, and many are still true and in the end it is usefull for personal development...