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Everything posted by Dino D
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That thinking is nice, but those are other questions and conclusions... Life is beautiful and fun, and if awarenes comes from the bran or if it comes from omniawarenes life from a human perspecrive is stil fun, magical ane beautiful, or shit... whatever ... But ONE omniawarenes or non dulity seams like a dogma/religion for now... and everyone fails to explain mi something else or to prove it or to report true omniaware experiences... -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Maybe there is energy that can send thoughts, maybe telephaty is possible, maybe brains can comunicate like talkie walkies, maybe its the same awarenesa field... and maybe NoT, coincidents are real... We dont know So saying its all one (omni) awareness is dogma -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
that would be a prove... so you had access to other peoples minds? are you sure that that were other people minds, and not your mind and imagination (for example in dreams i sometimes feel or see even what other dreamed persons could feel or think, while i'm mostly 99% still me, my dreamed me) so i doubt you can for sure acces memories of other people or what they think in real time... on psychedelics i witnessed that two people had the same idea, so that looked like syncronicity or the same mind, but it can also be reasoned that they had the same idea because both of them (both minds) were exposed to the sam outward imput that can normaly cause the same idea apper in two persons (lik when you see fire, you run, or if someone lets say falls on the ass, and then two people react with the same words in the same time, but thats not same awareness its logic and statistic, it has to happen sometimes) -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
for God's sake dont lie... I dont experience your experience and I'm not aware of it, you dont experience my experience (bod mind, sight, smell and so on) and youre not aware of it... you're aware of it only in theory, in the non dual theory that this forum preaches, not in your experience, awareness, knowing or seeing or whatever... so pure dogma and blind belief... -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You Cant prove that... and you did not experience it.. Without the experience of omniawarenes, so you have to be aware of two selfs or of infinite selfs, from time to time... if we are all the time ONLY aware of our limited selfs, everyone of us, and no one is omniaware or just ,,duble aware", then we are just dogma and theory... So its not aware of all delusion, because i only experience my delusion, ONLY, and i never experienced all, but if Im awareness and not my false self, i should be aware of other ,,stuff" then me Im not, Youre not, No one is... -
Dino D replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
A being is not aware, awarenes is aware so ot should be omniaware If a being is aware, then just a being is aware and not awareness as a being, and that means awarenes comea from beings (brains) or whatever... If awareness in one (and the same) then it should be omniaware especially ,,when you try" -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
do you think that duality is a illusion? do you think that absoulte infinity inclides also duality? do you think that absolute infinity, that includes duality, has a apperent finite illusion, a human living on earth? that human on earth is in fact absoulte ONE, while appearing at the same time as human? while being absoulte one, do you still eat and breath? if you say that you kind of breath, in whatever aspect of the absoulte one, than in that aspect and only in that one we can talk at all, and then, even if it is a illusion that is a part of the ONE, made of ONE of nothing, that the ,,dimension" where we talk that humans cant fly like superman... recap, we are all ONE, unborm nothing, infinity... humans dont trully exist they exist as illusion or infinite posibility in that limited apperance of the unlimited ONE, humans just cant flY! if you break that, and fly, then leos talk, and yours is right and practical, and has truth in the relative truth where things seam to exits by rules... when you bend thos rules youre superenlightened (like Jesus for example) you have superpowers, and Leo claims that... i claim that there are no supermans... -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
knowing much and high IQ is not the same, i know that.... basically you can shot down every human discussion with saying shut up, you dont exist, youre not here, we are all one, youre not evan born so what ever you say youre wrong... only then leo can say that he has superpowers, that he may fly like superman, and when i say, wait this cant be, prove it, its wrong and so on, and i will be debunked in your way... thats no talk, no argument, no logic, no nothing you can slice my arm in that etic because i dont have an arm, im not born, you can force.me to eat shit ot poison because im not there or born... trum is a rocket plane, and my father is hulk, you can teleport and this forum is what it is... i dont think we should talk at all if we do things this way... because no one can say anything here, he will be 4 ever wrong, whatever, and not one practical thing can be discussed and that gos so far that i have to trully and practicaly accpet that you and Leo can fly and teleport, while labeling christians or scientis as dogmatic, but when you say that humans can fly like superman youre right, when i say they cant im dogmatic, ego midn, false, assuming, living in false relativity, deluded and what not... strange forum -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
so if you dont know language, and if your IQ is like 2, and amount of knowing is 0, then a human can fly like superman? or if you are dead, or a baby in a belly, then humas can fly like superman? are you explaining to me.that humans can fly like superman, and am I wrong when I say that they cant? -
Dino D replied to Verdesbird's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
by black me means really black like in the image, not indians or araps... -
Dino D replied to Verdesbird's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
why? -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
are you serious that flying or shoting a kamehame ha for humans is normal and not a superpower... then please do it... make leo do it... youre not serious at all and your reasoning is false on all infinite levels... thats not how you apply the relative correctly into a real world scenario and argument... my superpower analogy is based on fact... a human cant fly, it has to mutate or to bend the laws of nature to fly, that would be a superpower, or to master energy in a special way that still would be a superpower in a way what it means for me, and you know whar i mean but ti act smart from a higj horae trying to.relativize all with the theory of relativity/non duality... of course everything is relative but in a apperent finate relative sYstem like our dimension there are rules and limitations to relative infinite posibility... thats why You cant flY, you just cant, if you do thats a superpower, and if its attained with the non dual pathy, with breaking reality and becoming god, and if you fly, then men, thats even more a superpower... so fly -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I took 5 meo dmt and i can manifest fire... prove it... you should take 5 meo dmt to see it... wait, you cant manifest fire and film it, you cant burn a thing, measure heat from your body, make other people look at it or touch it, so there is your superpower-fire only if somebody else takes 5 meo dmt, only then it exists and can be proven... OK... (ps. i can also spit fire, in a video game, i can prove it, come and play the game -the false reasoning conclusion is that i really can spit fire (have superpowers), beacause i cant, and thats a fact... and if i prove it in a video game i still didnt prove it, in fact a proved the opposite) -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
thats a method of understanding you, your claims... its not the method to see your superpowers, and if you have superpowers taking 5meo dmt for others should not be the only scientific method to see or prove your superpowers... you can prove many claims with a lot of methods, telepathy, superpower or a infinite unlimited being should be able to prove itself scientifically with infinite methods, or at least with a few... you could prove us telepathy or manifesting thing, or flying or whatever very easily, and the claim that it can only be proven when I take 5 meo DMT 100 times just proves that it is false... -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thats ok ... for me its like just reading what you type, I understand it, and its not at all like that for me... there is no difference in my experience at all 10 years ago and now... no matter if I read so much, listened to leo, mooji, rupert, to you... i meditated and took some drugs... i have had my ,,moments" i changed as a person, i grow and so on... but im not it that ,,state" i'm 100% in the same human state as when i was 15 or 20 or whatever, and im not experiencing and realizing what i did on meditation or trips, or some weaks after trips, right now, or what leo ,,saw" on 5 meo dmt... I have so much more knowledge and understanding about me, about everything, im more wise and stable and so on... i dont belive there is much to teach me about this with words, i really know and undrestand most of it, like many others do here also, BUT I'M not living and experiencing it, if youre are, then hello Budha (or whoever) my friend and sorry if my assumption were wrong and youre 100% honest and authentic with your claims... -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That goes for you and others also... discover for your self how i can fly... my current abilities that manifested 5 minutes ago allow me to fly about 2000 kilometers, just 3 minutes ago i flew above Germany, of course you cant watch, i cant show you, i wont film it or prove it, and you should see it 4 your self, if you know what I mean, and yes I'm the truth and I speak the truth... you sound like that to me (no offense) -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
you should be still able to make one thing to make us see your telepathy, or anything supernatural... you can't just say my superconscious ,,mind" or whatever isnt into that, i do high end telepathy or manifestation of supernatural powers, that you cant see, understand or that does not manifest its self at all, for others low end egos... thats like when i would say i dream that i can fly, in fact i can do everything because im infinite and ulimited, so i can fly and do everything , sorry if youre not that level, its not my level of interest to fly in this realm of being, because my enlightened being/mind has ,,higher plans" and i can fly but i can not prove it and im still right and youre wrong... from my perspective that is like = (dogma + delusion) x infinite -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No i'm 100% honest, and youre 100% theory and delusion... youre lying (not to offend you, but to show your ego belief)... lets be practical and real... Leo, you and me have had elightened experiences, awakenings... but right now we percive the world like every other human, we are not in that space, from our first person experience, just right now... you claim something else,, are you really right now int the god/mind enlightened state, or whatever, lets not fight with the meaning of my words... you know what I mean... I dont percive right now as i do on drugs or meditative states and leo is right now not in the enlightened state or counciousnes (whatever) like when he was when he was on 5meo dmt... in theory we are all one, enlightened, nothing all the time, I KNOW THAT, in theory... but i exist and live as a illusion, a me-ego, and for short i manage to break this and to see what i am, to be awake... whatever, but i get back again and again... youre lying that youre trully are awake all the time (even if that is true in theory) its not for your subjective experience and its not different as for any other human or for me, and its not like in deep meditation, awakenings or drug trips... or is it really like that 4 you? are you really awake and fully consciuus right now (just as when Leo talks about his moments, drug or no drug) ? are you budha level (or 5 meo dmt, or whatever) right now, trully and fully honestly? not in theory, in theory I'm also!!!! (i know the theory) but as an honest person i tell you how it really is with me, how i see and feel (not believe or think) and its not like that, and when you say its like that for you i assume youre lieing, without trying to offend you... its a delusion from a dogmatic approach to this forum, spirituality, drugs non duality and whatever... just say what is acutally true for you, what do you really and 100% honestly experience and ,,see" right now (TRUE SEEING AND BEING NOT BELIVING) right now... my friend -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
thata your theory not your reality, youre lying to your self... youre not experiencing reality like that at all... -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Meta-Man why cant you be right now in a realized being, in the truth, why cant you see it, why do you have to meditate hard, take drugs etc, even if you saw the truth a lot of times before... why cant you be fully consciuouss of it by will... -
Dino D replied to Virtually's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When i wrote on this forum years ago that enlightenment is a state, which was my inside made with just logic and thinking... it was worthless and not recognized, thas how dogmatic you all are It was simple reasoning... if being awake/enlightened is a realization if it is always there you should be always able to see it or to get it... the experienced guys here experienced it over 100 times, some over 1000 times, and youre still in ,,a problem state" where you just can not be englightened... so it's a state, its a state achieved by twitching your mind, meditating, drugs, or by accident, but its a state... its there then its gone... now Leo says it, and its deep and truth, and a super 5meo dmt deep inside, super advanced, beyond ralston, but when a normal guy says the obvious he gets debunked (like me from leo and you guys years ago), its hard to link to post, it was years ago when i reasoned like that many times here... -
Dino D replied to TripleFly's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
But what is the dream, the teacher, the students, the dreamer... ItsNo self, GOD, one self- but it is firstly infinite love... If you are the dreamer and the teacher, then the teacher who is the dreamer or literary infinite one love, has to act grounded in that love, embodying that love... so the half awakened teacher acts from a ego motive, he is grounded in that... when you trully wake up, teaching should be even easier and even more selfless, not harder and pointless, or that you have to act a loving teacher because you should be love it self or ,,like it"... the unawakened teacher is grounded and conditioned by the dream, story, life, ego motivation what not... the awakened teacher is motivated from the truth, the truth shines trough him, so its easy for him to be at the same time the teacher, the student the dreamer because all of that is him and is love its him, and that love has to manifest its self in a loving selfless manner (lets say Jesus style or Jesus like)... ,,Then later you learn to lucid dream, and you start dreaming the same dream again. Being lucid, would you feel the same away again about teaching your students? It wouldn't be that easy anymore. You would now to have "play" along with it, but now conscious of the truth. The trick would be up." That one is the ego one (low vibration I guess), the one who lost his motivations, his conditioned structure, its not easy for the ego to teach when the ego is dead or empty (almost), when his desires, feeling and dreams are crushed, the ego - its kind of depressed because all is pointless and not true, meaningless, all is a dream all is mind... this is true, but it is in the same time, it is wrong because all is not that, all is love, al is meaning that love, all is what it is, and you're it, and when you embody it (feel it, and so on) you just cant be something else than love (gods light/love that shines through you) and you have to be even a better teacher, more authentic, more loving and so on (just look at the guys in history, Jesus, ramana, Rumi, budha, maybe Rupert Spira, Mooji... So an awakened teacher should be better, more loving, more easygoing with everything, you dont have to play infinite love, you have to be it, that means to be what you actually are, and then you ,,play" or i like to say embody it in infinite forms (for example a teacher of love) or the light of God shines in infinite colors and spectums ( for example a teacher of love )... An ,,awakened crushed ego" that still lives in the corpse of that dead ego has a hard time to push further, to teach in a (for him) meaningless ego, life existence, Leo talks a bit like that and he justifies and motivates that just from the mental masturbation, pleasure or intellectual fun of doing that, from the perspective of the dead ego corpse who still struggles to find motivation for continuing to motivate and continue his existence and living as ego (teacher, human whatever)... just my thoughts... Leo is still not on the other side (He is not like Jesus, Rumi or Mooji, even if he has maybe more knowledge and understanding of some aspects), and the night is the darkest before the down... back to my first replay, don't be sorry for not loving more (don't start even to love less), and we should look to not come to a place where we will be sorry for hitting him with stones to hard, and we should give him love now, maybe he still needs it more than ever, and I'm not sure internet or this forum is the best medium for giving Leo love, so I hope the ,,right people will happen to Leo in real life very soon" even if it were to be some Christians heh ... @Leo Gura -
Dino D replied to TripleFly's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Leo, why not to kill your self? Option 2... Are you able to do something else then walking this path? ok maybe not family, but traveling, sports, working, doing what you like, meating people whatever... leaving drugs, internet, this forum and ,,deep thinking" 24/7 (take a break) but maybe you cant do what would benefit or entartain the human (huma illusion) that you still are (yes you need to eat, whipe your ass, so does your soul or your soul-personality have needs or dreams)... are you able to be Leo... and do what he wants... Ane I belive its still Leo who does all of this, forum, youtube, drugs and so on... side note... in your last video you said you are sorry for not loving more, i think we should also be a little bit sorry for being a bit hard on you, crticizing every little thing that looks like a failure... sorry, would be nice to meet you and thank you, to go for a walk, play sports and enbody the the truth, not to discus it deep and endlessly... -
Dino D replied to dalink's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Check your neck and spine, your ear, your iron and ferritin level, your salt and coffee, maybe zinc do you eat meat, are you undernourished (low calorie)... It was a combination of low iron and sitting on laptop for me... just do some exercise for the neck and spine, yoga can work, but do the hard stuff and stretch till the start of pain lifting also helps... after that, you can look into spiritual reasons for tinnitus... -
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