Dino D

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Everything posted by Dino D

  1. lens flare... there is a light liner under the flare and the airplane,,, when you move the camera it happened... Leo said nice... those videos make you look very bad, and if there are real videos they will be put in a box of such stupid videos like this... this really is bad...
  2. Jordan Peterson on consciousness, and lot of the topics here... He seems like he is getting closer to ,,us"
  3. He is asking good questions to himself in this video, he thinks on great levels around it, then somehow he does what you say to it, he fits the almost,, non-dual thinking" again in his old thinking pattern... Jesus said that you see false prophets on their fruits...so his thinking and rules fucked him up, hurt him, and you can see that he is still not happy, lets say it like that. BUT, he is a smart man thinking and its still nice to listen... This video is close to the topics here, very close so i put it there... in commented under it that he should do a podcast with rupert spira and read his books... it think does two could get each other
  4. Increases in consciousness--- if that's the cause, how to stop it? It is annoying, there is never true silence... do you have it?
  5. So if thats right someone should think of other limits and someone should be able to fly, shoot lasers... (At least kids or ,,budhas") No one does... Youre proven wrong
  6. If you would be Consciousness (as it is described here) then you would know it, you would know how and why, and you would know everything, and you could imagine everything into ,,this reality"... but you can't do one thing on that level... only human actions... But no, you aren't that omni Consciousness, we arent At best we are observers of what God/Consciousness does, or of what is happening, and we observe only a tiny part of it, but I don't seem to know or to do what is done by the infinite universe at all... No matter what I do or what drugs I take I cant see your mind, your room, or influence it in any way...
  7. but you can't ,, materialize" it You actually cant do not even one magical thing... (fly, heal, shoot lasers from your eyes, crate rabbits out of the air and so on...)
  8. Just 4 discussing If consciousness would come from the brain, or whatever... How could in theory a discontinued experience be possible prom POV of the first person... So Ruperts argument that for him there in no discontinuity in consciousness while being in operation, is no valid argument because by definition you cant experience that even when that is present... You cant experience from a first person POV consciously an unconscious experience... And that does not mean that there is no discontinuity, just that you cant experience it from your POV
  9. your logic, would in everyday world, when trying to be practical sound like: hey her is a computer, it has a hardware and a software... no, there is only software (a non dualist)... Then you take the pc or the phone in your hand and show it to the ,,software" guy and what then... how to have this kind of argument... logic and truth should work in every scale... in this relative world, on an everyday level youre just denying the obvious hardware... even if we go to the fullscale truth, we don't know what matter is, is is it even there, what the truth is, but you, the nondualist, are dogmatic about your experience and first person awareness, youre giving it alfa and omega totality attribution which it doesnt have, and then youre forcefully applying it to everything and trying to explain and fuse everything with it... like in the everyday world when someone in a practical manner would deny the hardware but acknowledge the existence of the software, so are you denying proves and facts about the world and separate existence, and you are only accepting and acknowledging the first person experience and awareness, after which youre getting dogmatic and defining everything with it... youre even fusing other fist person experiences and awareness into ONE, your own without any proof or even experience to back it up (you never experienced me, my room) such a hardcore dogma and delusion...
  10. A dream is produced in the brain (yes, a dream is all one, or in ONE, because a dream also has a multiplicity and diversity of objects that are made of ,, dreamy thoughts) )... Reality is replicated in production in the brain. Its like a camera-photo-world. The Camera makes a photo of the world. A dream is a photo without the world... but there is a camera, a photo, and a world... Non-dualty is a dogma made about the photo, and/or the camera's experience of the(her) photo... denying the camera and the world (dogmatic denying) The prove is, when you kill me the dream is gone, and my perception, brain production, awareness, and whatnot, but the reality stays... you're still alive, and all the things are there The dream analogy is an unjust equalization of different things (reality-dream). So the reality is a multiplicity and diversity of objects. Those objects must not be matter, but there are not one, as you and me, are not the same one, and there is separation, while (some kind of ) connections still can be present...
  11. Infinite freedom and absolute madness would kill you very fast, our kids even faster... No one would care or be cautious of anything... hard work, responsibilities, suffering, pushing through, doing what you don't like but what has to be done, growing up, following rules, eating, caring for kids to eat, looking for kids or for my self not to jump from a cliff...
  12. so there are two, there are even imaginations... there are limits, there is two, there is me and external (i didn't say its matter)
  13. I quoted a random post. Have you ever been aware of me? of my room? my fingers? Why not? Can you change the color of my table? why not? why cant you control your dream, make things by will or change them? (if we are all one infinite reality consciousness, and if you know and have experienced it)
  14. No one can observe an external world, only their direct experience which they can make stories about as much as they like. ( I dont observe your room, it's there for you, not for me, so there are two direct experiences... your experience is external from mine and i cant access it, so our consciousness is not the same, if it would be the same then I would be omniconscious or omni aware) that you use to convince yourself that they are not fabrications of your own mind ( you use your own mind and experience to deny other peoples experience and things that we call facts and that we can prove and explain, you forcefully annihilate everything with your first person experience, and you put your experience as an absolute, as God as DOGMA, but it isnt, because when youre dead everything else happens, and we can take videos of it, and what not, and you can not make one thing without our rules, or can you become a plane and fly me to asia? only in your dreams and never in your God reality whitch you cant change one thing (without work, doing or human activities) and where you dont control anything) You aren't actually listening to anyone- youre also not, youre giving answers with no seanse or logic, and that can easily be disputed... maybe youre even right, but your arguments are false... han feeling the need to respond impulsively so that you can feel that you're right, which is all people like you care about doing-same for you, and what if im right, then I should contemplate until I agree with you, only then i can be right or what... this is not personal men... You aren't comfortable with entertaining anything other than what you know,- I am, I said non dulaity can be true, I didnt experience 5 meo, so I'm opet 4 everything, but you cant explain it to me right now, and the fact that I dont get it, and that sam hariss or anyone else relevant doesn't get it (and those people are so much smatter then you and me) applies that your explanations and arguments are bad or wrong)... arguments that any person off the street would come up with if they hear anything which goes against their rationalist dogmas they learnt at school- why are yours arguments (not you, this whole forum) so bad and easily overthrown with logic and examples... it just doesnt make sense what you talk, look at it with a truly open mind... i observe the room, yes my brain renders it, then i see what i see, telling the room isnt there because i see the rendered version, and to claim the only truth is my rendered version or experience is wrong... because you see your room, you have your experience, THAT I DONT HAVE, so there is something other or external, being it matter, or just other experiences or other consciousness... your anallogy makes no seanse... its like if a camera would speak and it would say there are no world (cars, threes) there are only photos in camera memory.. for the dogmatic ony first person beliving camera this is her truth... but i know for shure that her first person digital photo of the world is the illusion and the world is outside, there is something outside of the cameras digital experience, there is not just the photo of the car (that is actually fake) there is the car that is real (or hologram or whatever, but there are two camera, digital photo in camera memory, car, its not just the cameras memory witch non dualist put as dogma, the camera memory is here your memory or aware experience, youre dogmatic)... non duality is like a DOGMATIC camera if you get me... and I'm open for being something else, but you should be able to explain it without a doubt, to prove it and so on... non duality is the only one that says, i can't prove it, i dont have any mechanisms, take 5 meo dmt, i cant fly, everything is a dream bla bla bla, and on questions on sleep, death, other person experiences, who controls and creats all of this, how, with wich will, HOW DO YOU DO THAT, and so on... you can't answer
  15. Insted of going to your experience go to... Logic, facts, thinking, science, observarion, to other people...
  16. In this world, the onlY relevance is not me. So if I didnt experience something IT DOES NOT MEAN IT DOES NOT EXIST. So i didnt experience you, or your room, but its there, youre there and it will be there if i die now... You will see it, live it, not me... Non duality derives conclusions from the first person experience like there is only that or like this is only relevant, and when someone says how does other stuff still happen then you answer jibberish... For me there is only my room, non dual conclusion would be: there is only my room,, the planet and univers does not exist, its all just my tought... Bla bla... This is so obviously wrong that debating it hurs me, and if it still is true, then ,,you people" obviously dont have the right tools to explain it or prove it to ,,normal" people, not evan close...
  17. I have to say, as someone who ,,read and listened" a lot about non-duality, and who had some small awakenings Sam sounds right... His arguments are mine also, I put them here on this forum many times, and nobody ever could explain it or disprove me... Now do i think non duality or leo is wrong... Not really, but i can say one thing for sure... youre not able to explain it to people like me and to convince me of the ,,non dual" claims or ,,truths" In fact, Sams arguments (or my personal objections) seem logically to disprove things or to split them (like a dead or person in coma, loses his conscioiusness, perception and everything but the outside world and processes still continue, separate from any kind of the deads person experience or consciousness)... Again to a materialist, or to a ,,normal common" human everybody fails to explain non duality (even Rupert when he gets pushed, and if I trully stay critical, and he is my favorite)... So not saying youre wrong, you just cant argue non duality with logic and appear right on this level, and i think Rupert failed (look at the comment under the youtube video)... So the best that you got, is the thing that first I have to experience it (on 5 meo or whatever) and that only then I and people could understand it... but still should it be still possible to explain it to every ,,normal" human so that the truth stays without a doubt and logical objections...
  18. Or Omniscience? Why am I only aware of my body-mind and not of everything, at once? Why am I not omni aware? If you say you are but you dont know, or its a mind perspecrive thing and and ao on, then we get dogmatic and deluded or?
  19. No, you were not there before you were born, and you will not be there or aware when you die... But things other from you, were there and will be there beside of you... like a stone, or other humans, we are one and the same only in concept, in the practical truth the stone is there apart from you, besides of you, and independent of you... it exists without being in your awareness or in your consciousness, and when your consciousness goes, the sone remains existing and being without it... Saying we are all one is a concept... one apple, 10 apples, 10 apples together are not one apple, yes they are one bunch of apples but not one and the same apple... ocean is a concept, a particle/molecule of water is what it is... the ocean is just a lot of H20, but its not the same H20, like apples.. i know apples is also a concept it can be viewed as atoms, electrons and so on... but I just use examples to pin to my point...
  20. In my county many people healed corona with it... Even hard cases... Its not official but the wors got spread and people use it on his own and heal, get rid of the respirator, big story here
  21. When Leo dies, when all of us die, will this world and all of the stones and cars stop existing? Or will those things still be there in a sense of being without awareness or consciousnes... Does matter exist without Leo and awareness? If all beings on that planet would go to sleep at the same time? Would the planet stop existing and being or would still everything egsist, work and function(bloodflow, gravity, spining of the world) just without anybody being aware or conscious of it?
  22. When Leo was apsolute infinity GOD, why didt he experience me and my room? So he wastn in the ,,apsolute infinty ,,state" My question remains why isnt there omniawarenes or even just one double awareness...?
  23. I asked this before... what if I'm crazy and experience a pink elephant that fuck my ear... is this truth, red is red, elephant is elephant...? we dont even know what we experience, the experience of nothing or of enlightenment is maybe not at all what it is, and the (non) attributes that is has in our understanding of that experience/inside/seeing are maybe still just a brains/chemical play